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Everything posted by Shukenzero

  1. I found the shop. It's a video game store in Sino Centre. I don't buy much from them but they have been around for a very long time. They also sell a number of figures and usually do the Banpresto prize draws. They are legit. Hopefully all members who ordered from them will rest assured that they aren't some shady company. Probably making more money from overseas as local business has been hit by a bad year. They don't offer any of the figures in the actual store, but yeah they are a decent bet.
  2. Hey man I looked for them the other day but the numbering is a bit off. I'll head back to see if I can find their physical address as it should be the exact location they ask people to send back faulty items.
  3. Did he order more than one? Also did he say how long after POs opened that he managed to preorder? Might shed some light on who might be a potential victim.
  4. I have been lurking every now and again but it's great seeing the old band back along with new faces. Hope none of you new members are scalpers, or else it's civil war!
  5. There are so many scalpers competing with real collectors. This hobby has become a war zone!
  6. The HLJ site took forever to finally load. Still believe anyone who managed to get their POs in within the first 10-15 minutes will be the receivers of their Valks, but dodgy for anyone else. Not trying to crap on people's parades here but it doesn't seem normal that they would have an endless supply of stock.
  7. Has this happened often with HLJ? I don't order a lot from them. I remember something similar being mentioned before
  8. 4. One spare to gaze at affectionately when the PO window comes for the next valk
  9. Thanks a lot. I just got the email. frakk it's been a hell of a ride.
  10. How long before HLJ confirmation email?
  11. HLJ is done...now for confirmation email...
  12. Anybody grabbing the MB Astray Blue Frame?
  13. This is interesting. Maybe it's a sign we shouldn't order No I'm not trying to thin out the competition haha
  14. Just saw that too. NY has been hacked.
  15. They do it to prolong interest and also to ensure that they don't cannibalise their own sales. God knows how many toys we all collect and if they did release a valk a month like clockwork, most of us would have trouble keeping up.
  16. For some reason I feel I'm not as excited for it. It's actually gonna be a complex valk too and a nice colour scheme to boot. Not to mention the amount of gimmicks and improvements they've added, such as underwing hard points. Maybe cos I can't get into the show. Having said all that, preordered anyway! Want Mirage's and the CF, which is going to be the best CF in years.
  17. Found the physical address for loopaza. I'm going to try and head down there later today to see how legit they are.
  18. Thanks dude
  19. How much are these things worth at the moment? I have one of each but kinda vaguely remember they didn't cost a lot when I bought them years ago.
  20. I watched the first three episodes and kind of lost interest. The super parts are gonna draw me back in cos it's always gonna be the toys! Mirage's valk looks sweet with the supers on. If they are already that jam packed, wonder what the armoured look will be. As mentioned before, we are gonna be broke
  21. Delta 01 and 02 look great. The dark turquoise is nicely done.
  22. I really wanted the other colours too. Nothing is stopping them from doing the other colours, perhaps a web exclusive to fill in the gap before they drop the 31s?
  23. WANT WANT WANT! The A looks delicious!
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