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Everything posted by Shukenzero

  1. So I tried transforming it and failed. The front, silver part below the cockpit broke off.
  2. Woo! Mirage then CF then I'm pretty much set. Chuck or Arad's I'm not too bothered about, though if they will be easy to PO then I'll grab em.
  3. I think you need triples man. Looks a little bare
  4. The problem with the clear canopy is the lack of any sort of metal frame. Canopies need that detail to look like they belong and not just some unfinished model.
  5. Nice pics spanner! I have yet to transform it so any headers on what to look out for?
  6. Picked up mine earlier today. Very nice unit and tampo printing is spot on. Hope that the bad figs are in the minority. Haven't had time to transform but a very nice compliment to the 'newer' shaped hero valks we've had of late.
  7. In stock in Hong Kong already! Saw boxes of em being loaded. Shop selling them for $1680, another for $1750.
  8. Nothing from HLJ yet, but I suspect tomorrow.
  9. My shop said they'd be able to keep one for me come launch even though I didn't ask to reserve one, so I think stock will be more stable. Nice you got a hold of one. Personally not a Gundam I've watched but the redesign is cool.
  10. Looks fantastic but as above, scary. The little pieces seem to hold the unit together around the upper thighs in gerwalk, and they look like they will be the first to snap. Won't be sure how well those tiny pieces are all gonna hold up after a transformation. The VF-31 was solid at least, minus the floppy connection along the spine near the canopy. I'm hoping Bandai didn't do a VF-171 and overdesign it. Having said that, great super parts and where the hell is my Mirage?!
  11. SO CLOSE!!!!!!!!
  12. Yeah man thanks for the pic. Feel for you about the shipping costs
  13. Dang...preordered two full Kai red frames already...if I'd have known I would have just ordered the option parts. Either way, this release looks sweet, although I prefer the simplicity of the vanilla unit with gerbera straight. Wonder how many more option parts they got for this? Maybe just the helmet thing?
  14. It's just unit allocation to different places. They are officially released in parts of Asia, and so have their own preorders instead of being imports from Japan. There's a sticker showing the local area distributor address, which is not on the Japanese releases. Most shops ask if you want the local or Japan versions, with the Japanese version slightly more expensive but they are always the same thing from the same factories, yet people still think there's a difference.
  15. Metal Builds are in greater supply than Macross valks. The reason being Bandai produce them for different regions other than Japan. Hong Kong always gets Tanashii Web Exclusives outside of Macross, and there's also an Asia region version of the upcoming Seven Sword if I'm not mistaken. I saw a preorder sheet which said HK version, JP version and the third being AS, which I assume is for the wider Asia area, or maybe it's the US release?
  16. Just a head's up. Can't remember if the picture had the info, but Metal Build Red Frame Kai is a Tamashii web exclusive, scheduled for a September release. Preorders went up at local retailers this afternoon. Shouldn't be as hot as the 7 Sword, but this includes the base red frame, so depends on how many people missed it on the original release.
  17. Amen to a Turn A Metal Build. Would be fantastic. Bandai need to get out of their comfort zone once in a decade and produce something different. The F91 is a good step in that direction.
  18. No confirmation yet and not showing up on my open orders
  19. Thanks F360. I got the confirmation at 3:04, so hopefully it was still within the tight time limit. Grateful for the link as well everyone. Wouldn't even have had a chance to click if it wasn't for you guys!
  20. It's random how long it takes to receive confirmation. When did the preorder go up? Right on 4pm or a little after?
  21. THANK YOU!!! Let's hope the confirmation comes through
  22. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-028334&page=top link up
  23. Dipped at Loopaza for one. I'll try n secure another 2 from local retailers and/or online. Need an extra for a friend. Update: Loopaza is sold out.
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