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Everything posted by Shukenzero

  1. http://tamashii.jp/special/tamashii_nation/item05.html
  2. Want at least one green one. And the white one from the end. It's such a special design.
  3. Should we start worrying about Mirage's super parts? Maybe the event will have the new valks on show, so they are holding off any announcements until then. Fingers crossed for the VF-31A prototype.
  4. Bandai's new 'method' is probably gonna be venue sales first, then shove it online onto p-Bandai, as chyll2 mentioned. The exact same stunt they did for the Destiny. I hope that's the case or otherwise it'll be a slog to try and get a hold of. Not digging the scheme too much but kinda want it cos it was Hayate's final valk. If all else fails there's always yahoo Japan auction.
  5. Bandai have yet to show Arad and Chuck's, outside of reveals of early prototypes. Maybe it's a little hiatus before new announcements, ala the VF-25G and RVF-25? They pretty much went full pelt with four DX releases, so I hope it's that and not bad sales.
  6. Saburo great pics as always! Awesome to see the gerwalk mode getting some serious love. When I tried it was a bit of a mess. To me the VF-25 gerwalk was the easiest to pull off and looked the best due to the valk's simplicity- even the fantastic 31 doesn't have that same feel cos of all the back kibble.
  7. You won't be disappointed. I'm just rubbing my hands waiting for the super parts preorder. What's the hold up Bandai?
  8. By then you'll probably be flying in your own Valkyrie through wormholes. Will be swooshing on a whole new level. Oh and we'll probably resemble the humans from Wall E
  9. Got my unit from HLJ his morning. Waiting on a second from my local guy. Packaging really pops. Haven't had a chance to swoosh it yet; will do later tonight. HLJ were very fast with their shipping and the boxes always arrive in great condition.
  10. The colour scheme reminds me of Brera's VF-27, especially with that awesome head unit.
  11. I'd say Bandai would release it in more of a grey instead of a blue tinge, like it is in the show. Maybe it's the lighting? I have that model of the 31A and it definitely doesn't have the same blue colour. edit: my hlj order has also been shipped!
  12. Glad to see Bandai has the numbers so those without a PO will be able to get their hands on one. I guess we can expect the super parts PO to be incoming too.
  13. A week and a bit away from release and still nothing on the horizon? Probably retailers being cautious. Wonder when the next valk is going up for preorder, as there haven't been many reveals as of late.
  14. The arm set isn't all that heavy but looks weird to me if you only have one red frame displayed. My friend has a cabinet setup with the different parts so it looks a lot nicer.
  15. I have all the red frame option parts so far. Will be getting the Kai and another set of option parts come September. I didn't bother putting on the arms but helped a friend to put it on his, so had a fiddle with the new parts. It's decent enough but too finicky to do much with apart from leaving it in a display shelf. Lots of parts though, and there are small details like opening ports(?) on the shoulder armours, which are a nice touch.
  16. Amiami wasn't loading about 10 mins beforehand already.
  17. Good luck guys! Hope we all bag one of these today!
  18. The new quant has a light up LED chest, removable parts etc hence the extra. Doesn't exactly justify such a price hike but hey, more power to those who like the design. Loopaza amazingly shipped my package today, and I managed to pick up another Seven Sword locally. They have a steep price but so far my first order has been swiftly dispatched. Now waiting on HLJ for their payment request.
  19. Good places to hit are Richmond Shopping Arcade's 2nd floor and after that In's Point for Macross stuff. Go around 4pm otherwise everything's gonna be shut. Not a great deal of stuff for Arcadia/Yamato though.
  20. Shukenzero

    Hi-Metal R

    So I caved and preordered one VF-2SS. Guess it will be a rare item since not a lot of people know or care about the valk, even within the Mac fandom. Bring on November!
  21. Shukenzero

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm on the fence about ordering the VF-2SS. I really liked the design when I first saw it years ago, and right now it's up for PO in local stores, but with the price tag and smaller scale, it's a difficult decision. Bandai won't make a 1/60 of it, and it looks like it won't be a huge seller, so stock should be available when it hits. Usually, regardless of popularity, I'm there with the 'take my money' mentality but maybe this time I should adopt a wait and see strategy. Thoughts?
  22. Shukenzero

    Macross figures

    Picked up Mikumo yesterday. Looks good but haven't opened yet.
  23. Those two look great man. The F works even without super parts, probably cos it's darker.
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