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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. Nah this is MWB. Everyone complains. It wouldn't be the same without complaints. Actually I hope the complaints which are valid are addressed. Give us a stand, make better ankles. tampo print more details etc are things that these toy companies can easily do if they think about it. Remember there is only going to be one release of a new toy each year. That extra time means they can hear our complaints and get better review scores. Oh yeah and if you got yours with a cracked wing, complain like hell so it doesn't have to happen to the rest of us. lol A lot of people can't afford this and are not buying new toys unless prices come down. I know one guy who is horrified by the mark up and thinks it is way too expensive. But he collects transformers too. I was wise to not try to get everything. If you just save your money up, don't try to get everything, you can still afford this stuff easily imo. If you are a unemployed guy on the street looking for food in a the trash bins, maybe you could raise money by holding a raffle, the money is earned from ticket sales, then whatever you make from the raffle can go to valks. Put up a YF-19 for the raffle, and when the time comes when the winner complains his prize has a cracked wing, you can apologise to them and give them a refund. But you will still have enough left over from the ticketsales from those who didn't win to be able to afford a valk. Use you brains. I think Mommar should do this with his busted YF-19. Arcadia will reissue the YF-19 soon I bet. Probably in new paintschemes. Now is the time to do this to raise money for more toys. How are you guys going to survive when the new tv series comes out and you got to get those?
  2. It is so easy of you to say that because you LIKED macross 7. It's like telling people who hated Macross Plus because of the pointy noses that they shouldn't exclude fans of Macross Plus. If you don't tell them what you liked more, how are the people who make the shows ever going to decide what is appealing to most people? Macross 7 went on for way too long. It had virtually no story to tell apart from singing your heart in live performance is the key to beating the ghost/demon aliens from their depression and sickness which caused them to (like a drug addict who is not productive) leech energy off the people. It's a shame that the original macross tv series only got 36 eps but that got over 50 eps. I'm sorry but mac 7 sucked compared to SDFM. We all know it. All SDFM macross needed was better animations. With today's CG they could easily recreate smoother and more accurate scenes. "But but but I already saw that I want something new and different" then why not rewatch macross frontier? Having more of the same (frontier) is no different from wanting remade stuff from the past. You thought it was fresh and different. You liked it because it was different. You thought it didn't get a chance to prove itself. We heard it all. But was it better than SDFM? No it wasn't. Never will be. (from a story perspective - it was not as serious as SDFM which had REALISTIC drama. ie Hikaru having to write letters to parents that their son was dead, accepting more responsibility as leader of a squad after Roy's death etc) In SDFM there was no such thing as super aces or unkillable god-like pilots that makes the enemy pointless to be in the story. Max was the only exception because the whole twist was to make a weak looking guy with glasses who is not confident and cocky like Roy.... into a badass. (it was "fresh" at the time) But if you do the same thing twice it stops being interesting just like telling the same joke over and over again. "But then why would you want a remake" Because to young people it would seem fresh to them much like someone who watches a lot of hollywood super hero movies and they get to see the origin story of characters. I can watch old classics in live action so why not in animation but with improvements? But yeah I don't expect the next series to be retelling of space war I. They have to sell more new toys and music cd. I think an OVA would be best to retell stuff. I guess they would have to update the look of some characters like they did for Mac Zero but what you'd get is a more serious story. The thing that is interesting about SDFM is you don't have to accept any of the other shows as canon. It can sit by iteself as a closed story with nothing afterwards. Humanity spread to the star to avoid extinction and saved the giants from brainwashing. The End. They all lived happily ever after. (the problem of war was never truly solved however since humans fight over things all the time including over having the love from the girl/boy and no better than the aliens on the small scale. That means we are hypocrites and will never disarm our weapons in defence which is how the real world is)
  3. Revisit space war I from the perspective of an old man who was there and his grand kid finds minmay's panties in his bedroom which he bought at an auction. (that was like having the "original sextape in your hands" of its time) Aim it at older fans of the original and make fun of them through this old man as a way of saying get over it that one is over. We want to hear the story of a cannon fodder and what it was like to survive as someone with brown paint. I think that would be far better. You saw how nice those pachinko animations were. Were the cannon fodder really as bad as they say? How many hits can a brownie take before it blows up? What would happen if you eject the seat in battroid mode while the battroid is lying on the ground? Do you go "splat" into a concrete wall as it launches you headfirst into danger or just have to let the robot blow up with you inside it as the machine prevents you from ejecting as a safety measure? The brownies who survives the first war are important history.
  4. the destroids should get a spin off series just like what gundam 8th ms team was to the tv gundam toon. Don't tell me you did not have respect for the gouf custom after you saw that bit where the old zeon veteran took on those young kids single-handedly using cover and taking hostage to buy time for the rocket to launch safely? Destroid pilots are probably just like that in macross only with superior lock-on weapons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h4vObEQUAA best mecha fight with ordinary people ever. I think destroids would be able to defend minmay better than hikaru any day.
  5. I'd buy it but only if it wasn't as expensive as the initial release. Just get rid of the extra missiles and I think they could reduce the price. Also improve the instructions. Arcadia: get an official youtube channel with transformation videos and put the link in the printed instruction manual. (just in case the printed one is not up to date) I still have my old 1/72 game edition Macross Plus valk toy btw. It's one heavy SOB.
  6. If they do old game edition yf-19 maybe it is time for arcadia to redo konig monster using the bandai as the base?
  7. OT: I recently played EDF 2025 (a shooter that looks like starship troopers meets godzilla movies) and i think that is the same guy who did the dub for guld. lol He is everywhere. Good to see he has moved on since robotech. He also did the dub for ninja scroll as the bad guy. EDF is really addictive BTW.
  8. I think I would rather a reboot of macross. No more futuristic stories. It gone too far into the future. Honestly the valks are becoming too powerful like super saiyens. Call it mac X (mac cross ) and release it internationally to piss off harmony gold. X shaped island is where many mysterious paranormal activity happens, and the government finds a alien ship during world war 3. Unlike the original it did not crash but was there hidden under the sea and it surfaced at a point in time when people were close to becoming extinct. Perhaps lesson to others of what can happen if you become too technologically advanced and too powerful. The giants also appear in fighting a space war as the humans are having thier world war and this becomes their first encounter with humans. The old Macross universe is finished. Mac X is the new macross. Screw the kiddies. They have to grow up eventually. At least gundam has gundam unicorn. It's time to reboot imo. The original had the best characters by far. They could retell how the love triangle ends. Misa finds a boyfriend who is alien clone, joins the aliens and minmay screws her cousin and gets pregnant and hikaru is left with nothing. This causes him to want to kill aliens more (they stole his woman and killed his sempai) and he dies in the war because he is obsessed with fighting even more than the zentradi and this wins the first space war. Hikaru is more like the guy in Mospeada who walks off without any friends but obsessed with his job/duty. The world is all about fighting. Nobody knows why. That is the curse of being human. Love can cause as much pain as battle wounds. Make hikaru a bitter drunk like his older bro Roy. Maybe he starts getting depressed and the songs are slower and more sad. Instead of valks being shiny knights in armor fighting for peace they are jacked by the aliens, used against mankind and turned upon us (just like nukes) and the valk is more gritty and dirty. If you kill the pilot, the valk is free of the demons possessing it. If macross 7 is the left wing show with space hippies trying to save the whales from extinction this would be the right wing version where the hippy gets killed and is too drugged up to see what's happening around him to make any sense. Hikaru is angry and bitter person who listens to metal music while shooting down giants. Not a weak pathetic kid who is laughed at.
  9. Guys quick question: I have a ps3. It's an australian ps3. This is bluray disc that is region free right? Will I get it working or not? I want to support eng subs in macross for future by voting with my wallet so to speak but I am unsure if this will work on my region ps3. I'm a bit late to the discussion here but I thought I would chime in: I think the tv series should also be released with eng subs too. Really guys who freaking hard could it be?? Fansubbers are doing this for free for crying out loud. lol The japanese need to release the tv show online, provide subs for those outside japan. We the people from different countries then pay for it as a disc with the subs on it. Tell me why this can't happen? Anime has always had the stigma but you guys are missing the point of the western fans and comic book nerds who like sci fi: movies like akira were not received well in japan right? But they did well here. Macross Plus wasn't popular in japan right? But fans of top gun liked it. It used cg like akira and kind of set standards for its time. Yes we get it. It is a sub culture, but that is no excuse to be behind the times. Times are changing. Look at the japanese game industry for one example! Some of the talent from games like castlevaia and megaman are going INDIE. That's huge. They are rejecting the limits of the way japan does things and breaking from traditions. It used to be the japanese dominated the game industry. Today it is sad to see them fall behind the west. I grew up playing japanese made games and think they are holding themselves back to be honest. Just do what we say and put the eng subs in the tv series, release it, we will buy it. We are small but dedicated. Just like we paid import for early access to hardcore titles like monster hunter which are not as popular in the west as in japan. Have faith for once in your lives. lol There are lots of nerds outside who want to see releases of things they can't find in their local territories. It is much the same way that Japanese RPG games like final fantasy or dragon quest used to be a NICHE in the western console videogame market (in the early 90s) until about the time of final fantasy 7 on playstation 1, when it went mainstream and ever since then final fantasy became a household name for JRPG and now it is a well known brand. Not a niche for a tiny group of nerds only. Maybe the people who hold on to old traditions are scared of change? What people who live outside are saying to these companies is you are not up to date with kids of today who do not see barriers. Most people are just going to get it free through non-legit means if they have to. So putting in effort to add eng subs will only compete with the pirate copy and give the fanbase outside japan a way to pay you. How hard is this to understand? No excuses. Here in australia you can easily walk into a JB HiFi store and buy anime dvds and blu rays and pick up gundam shows with dubs and subs. I think it should be as easy as possible to be able to at least get imported macross from the internet. You are missing out on money and wasting time. Want to convert all those Robotech fans to pure macross? Get cracking on releases of macross shows with the eng subtitles. You will rake in the needed dough to continue to grow the fanbase over time much like JRPG genre in the console games biz. (JRPGs were a niche back in the 16 bit days when it was thought americans would not like turn based role playing titles and only buy action games)
  10. Ah my bad. I thought this was going to be using the same mold as the old toys and just re-releases with a few adjustments. Probably won't be able to get every valk in the zero line if the prices are going to be really high.
  11. It could be cheap. Remember the VF-0 is just the same toy as before. Not really much new work needs to be done. If they make it expensive it will only be to see how far they can take the wallet rape before people stop buying. (ie they testing us to see what the market is like - ie how desperate people are, and not due to it being a more high cost toy to produce compared to say vf-19 and yf-19 which are whole new toys that they never did before) The only thing is it wasn't as popular as a show/miniseries so maybe that will cause them to make such limited number that it requires they go the wallet rape route?
  12. It's simpler in transformation. Just a giant 1/60 VF-1. (VF-0 is about the size of 1/48 vf-1) Hardly any new work to do aside from the wings being different. lol And less complex than VF-1 since its hands don't retract into the forearms. I hope they make this cheap.
  13. For those who can't afford arcadia stuff, have you thought about selling your old stuff, saving up a little bit of money over a whole year (1 dollar a day) and just stop 'collecting everything' and instead just buying one of each thing? (no multiples - to me that's excessive - I only did it for vf-19S which i consider a gold standard for future macross toys) That's what I do and I do not consider myself a rich guy. I'm not saying I like the high prices but given that yamato is no more and there are always going to be desperate people willingly forking out hundreds for these things I don't hold much hope that prices go down. They probably figured out that if they just release limited number they can survive. So they deliberately set price high to wallet rape us in exchange for releasing newer and improved toys that we express interest for in polls. The masses will probably only buy one toy and then only if its a hero valk that is highly recognisable and safe for them to do. If it is canon fodder like vf-11 or vf-171 the masses probably won't care and these only become valuable to collectors later on when they go out of print/production. (but cheap during the time they were easily available)
  14. But does the valk need you? According to bandai the valks play hard to get by not wanting to be sold to people easily. (uh hurry up with ozma re-release please. thank you)
  15. I agree with this. Especially in the way the head turret hangs low on the GERWALK to be able to attack targets toward the ground while the GERWALK is in a crouching position compared to the Battroid mode. If smaller targets are posing a threat having the laser on the bottom might be useful. You are probably harder to hit than in Battroid mode and faster and you have your weapons closer to ground level. The other valks like YF-21 have too much hanging off the back while vf-1 folds up the backpack and looks neater. Maybe because the vf-1 is more compact as a plane and is smaller overall though. (actually fit though narrow areas and hide better in cover using the buildings)
  16. Whoa kind of dramatic. I missed it. What happened?
  17. So when is it coming out again? And how easy will it be to obtain this? I hope as easy as the Luca VF-25. I don't have time to hunt for this stuff and then if I am too slow, pay scalpers premium price. After looking at GERWALK mode I think the extra kibble is no worse than a Valk with FAST Pack or VF-17 with its elbow guns sticking up. Fighter mode looks the best still. I think it would have been cooler if the missiles were something attached to the arms. It does bring back memories of the regult. And yeah it does remind me of legios. Maybe this will dock with a space booster haha.
  18. Yes but it's magic to us human scientists who can't 100% explain how it works though. That's why in the tv series the crew wasn't aware of all the secrets of the protoculture ship's abilities. EG the ship being programmed to just fire automatically by itself as a trap for the pursing enemy. The priestess use magic to communicate to one another. I distinctly remember mental telepathy being used in the show. Macross is still science fiction but magic or paranormal abilities or unexplained/otherworldy science is in it too. Some people don't like that stuff. IE flying around on rocks using levitation etc even though they can accept it in things like star wars (yoda using the force to lift ship) or gundam. (the psychics being considered the evolved superior race and using the psychic intuition to win fights) But you never hear them complain in that instance. Remember people the SDF-1 is not a human ship. It is reversed engineered from an ancient advanced race who probably were too smart for their own good. The magick makes sense because it is explained as alien tech by races much older wiser than the humans. So yes flying on rocks might seem weird but not out of place considered the giant floating spaceship with artificial gravity in the freakin show lol. If the islanders were descendants of these beings with the secret task of guarding the land's secrets from the white man from getting the knowledge for themselves to use for thier own warlike purposes, then it makes sense they would have magick ability or some mind-power to get the living machines to act o their behalf (using various sensors to detect psychic waves coming from the priestesses who handed the knowledge from generation to generation) . Just as we can talk to vending machines to give us a cola or take a picture and the robot servant serves us but just a more advanced version of it with doomsday weapons in them. (ie it possibly identifies you by your bloodlines and then only obeys the priestess to ensure warlike cultures can't wipe out the PC and steal the kowledge) I'm not against 'magick' or whatever you wish to call it. But what I mean about 'mystery' is that the PC are like an alantiean legend from the distant past that normal scientists by humans can think of as just a legend from their perspective since it was long ago and forgotten with no one to tell the tale. (extinction event!) The zentradi themselves were not aware of thier origins accept for the big bald guy who told the listeners not to leak information about the mysterious origins of the zentradi to outsiders. In other words we are not supposed to understand in great detail who they (PC the inventors of genetically modified giants) exactly were. It's a forgotten time. They could have been so far advanced that they were like actual wizards who could do anything they felt like for all we know. And so just because the show doesn't explain how the tech works does not mean there is no explanation to a much more advanced race who CAN (through more advanced brains than ours) understand it. To us they would be like Gods. In the same way animals might be less advanced than humans, humans would be like animals to the ancient PC when they were in their prime. So if they did stuff that looked like magick (antigravity engines iside the SDF-01) but wasn't, it would be described by us as magick with no explanation to how it worked since we are not smart enough to figure it out. Exactly why in SDFM the engines to lift the ship tore through the hull of the machine. It's mysterious to US,(primitive monkeys) but not the PC. (the inventors/wizards) Wizards = wise men. After all the knowledge was lost from the extinction of the PC, the humans/PC had to go through an age where we devolve a bit and lose sciences much like the people in Mad Max movies where there are no guns or bombs or mass produced items in common place anymore ad everyone becomes savages to survive. So the lost knowledge due to wars, makes everyone dumb again. The legends and myths about a better time where we fell out of paradise are over time forgotten and thought of by cynical adults in later generations as bullshit stories to tell children as entertainment, but were in fact based in truth. However the government has kept it secret to control the flow of information to the public and instead uses that knowledge to further its own agenda. (ie make sophisticated weapons by weaponising the alien sciences and hiding it from others) Knowledge is power. The humans and aliens are both warlike. There is no good or bad side as we learn in the end since humans fought world war 3 before the ship hit earth in crash landing. It's just powers competing for control. The only reason world war 3 stopped was so the governments could combine thier resources and devote their time to understanding the alien ship. Not because we love each other so much. As for song energy, this isn't in the original tv series. It was just the aliens remembering that they had in their memory some idea about what culture was before they were brainwashed into being fulltime soldiers with no sex, no time off from work, or time to do creative things that are original and new ( like invent, create their own original music, paintings or other forms of expression to identify themselves with) instead of destroying stuff. Creating and producing something of value to society is better than killing and nothing else. Hearing music basically unlocked* a dormant memory in thier brains much like smelling something that you haven't smelled in a while reminds you of something from your childhood that you thought you had forgotten. It didn't have song energy in old shows. The sequels kind of went into more fantasy than sci-fi. *my guess is that the zentradi were mindcontrolled or brainwashed into fearing music or sex in the same way the clone soldiers in prequel trilogy star wars were fed the lie by the sith lord that the jedi are must be assassinated to save the republic. Similarly Zentradi are told/taught it (the songs, sex, not fighting) can harm you. So that's why when minmay sings they are distracted and afraid. It is their mind controlled reaction by the protoculture to fear it in order to keep them focused ONLY on being a soldier not a person with emotions, feelings, love, compassion etc. The irony was that it could be used to make them lose concentration on fighting not the other way around as it was intended to do by the brainwashers. It's not really "sound energy". That was added later for kids. In SDFM the zentradi were just as interested or disgusted by recordings as they were live music. Like if you showed them porno it would have the same effect as them being touched by a female.
  19. ok will add it. edit: added.
  20. Imagine how expensive it would be though? The rise in price plus the fact this is not seen in series.
  21. I really think they needed a stand for this like the sv-51.
  22. Ok adding them now. Surprised the channel exists after the company's death heh. edit: added the yamato toys vids.
  23. Yeah but i never liked that idea of leaning forward anyway. Maybe it has antigravity capability but it is kept secret from the ordinary joe on the streets. Or just obscenely heavy legs? Remember there is gunpod hidden there and the nose of vf-17 is short.
  24. If you can get those youtube vids of Mr K transforming yamato toys LMK. I will add these too. I remember watching them ages ago but I lost the links.
  25. Thanks. I will add them to the link post or index post or whatever people want to call it. edit: done. If you see any errors LMK.
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