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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. Me. But....I'm going to wait for others to review this thing. So expensive! But I've got my money ready for when I decide to get it. So is beagle doing all the characters or just stick? Glad toynami decided to release the beta. The end of the world must be coming very soon for them to do that. Too bad the alpha are crap though. If only the CMs had the connection thing done properly. Oh well I am still happy with the CMs I own.
  2. This is a good point it kind of reminds me sometimes of when game reviews come out early and all the reviewers who got the opportunity to rate the game earlier than the other magazines seems to have higher scores and less harsh criticism than the reviewers who got the chance to review the game later. This is a conflict of interest between the supplier of the titles to the press, (who can refuse to give the game reviewers they don't like the game for review in time for the release of the game) and the readers of the magazine who want 100% unbiased view of the game. It's well known that companies negotiate the score before the reviewer has even given his judgement and if the website or mag relies on adsfrom that company to keep the site up, the company can pull the ads from the site and leverage the critics whose sole job is to give the reader their unbiased opinion, yet who can't refuse an order from high up in the chain to be nice because the boss needs that $ to keep the site going. One of the more well known examples is the gamespot Kane And Lynch Review where Jeff Gerstmann (the reviewer of the game) was fired for not being nice enough in the review. A lot readers to GS were very angry about that because it indicates the people who run the site no longer have their priority in order and this has prety much turned off people from trusting many websites like that in giving completely honest reviews. http://vgmwatch.com/?p=1125 Not to say that graham isn't unbiased or anything (I trust his reviews ) but we should always be aware that there is a conflict of interest there where the company can refuse to make the samples available if they think it will be too harshly judged. If we ever see graham review yamato toys negatively I'm willing to bet that yamato will go all mean again and stop talking to him. (but that's business I suppose your goal as the seller is to sell and public image is everything - if that includes choosing who gets to review the item first based on how positive the review you think your product will be getting, then so be it) Having said that the difference is graham isn't being paid to provide reviews and its a fan site.
  3. I know for a fact that I personally would have bought the Zero toys more confidently if I was guaranteed close to 100%. (SV-51 I was satisfied with, so they are the exception there being a part of the macross zero line) When I bought my nintendo DS Lite for example, one thing that really disapointed me was how the shoulder button had problems working and this affected my ability to play games properly. When I sent it in for repair due to defect, and got it back and the problem still came back, it destroyed my confidence in buying any more of that product ever again. What went through my mind was: what chance do I have of having this problem return again if I were to buy another one? I don't care that 100000000000000000000 other people in the world are quite happy to pay a high price for it like a Furby during christmas when parents are desperate to find that thing their little kid can't get, (which means demand is high so prices should be higher for the thing) .....nope, all I give a poo about is me and being able to play my games properly. Demand for a new one is now lowered from my perspective simply because my confidence in the quality offered is lessened due to my personal experience. Sure the world can pay whatever nintendo can get away with it, but it's because those people have made a decision that it's ok with them getting away with it and nintendo greed imo not necessarily because my mind is screwed up and I have to adjust my expectation just because others have low standards and expect something to cease functioning so easily because they are used to it happening. (due to the competition also releasing defective products. But two wrongs don't make a right)
  4. Demand for something isn't just solely affected based on supply though. The quality of the work falls depending on the level of talent of the workers you hire. As people notice a difference in the product being offerred, demand is lowered but its due less because of "over-supply", and more due to a change in how that product is created. A poorly-done job is as much an excuse to expect to pay less for it, as it would be of having the market flooded with too much of a given thing resulting in demand for it being lessened. The quality of a nintendo wiis graphics is inferior to the quality of the graphics you get from other consoles of its generation. So people can say the technology is overpriced compared to the competition, yet it sells despite that. It's not high priced because demand for them is based on quality. It's high priced because demand is based people being used to paying that much for it but not knowing any better and the company being more "greedy" relative to the competition because it can "get away with it", so they made a decision to exploit that. Just like a worker might be performing well and doing a quality job compared to another worker performing poorly but who is still paid the same just because the boss is ignorant that he could find better workers. Good example is when a series of games is created by a different development team (the call of duty games for example) and fans of the game notice the crappier team behind the odd-numbered sequels offers less quality than the one that does the even-numbered sequels. Those who can't stand the odd-numbered sequels feel they are getting less for their money because the quality of the work isn't up to the standard of the even-numbered sequels done by the more talented team. Just as people who buy a nintendo wii may regret owning it because they realise it is little more than a slightly-better gamecube in graphics performance despite the system selling well to those who are ignorant of the graphics due to lack of care about wanting high quality of this within games. Demand for yamato toys would similarly drop when enough people who experience poor quality decide to simply *avoid buying. But the demand would have nothing to do with how many of the item is available and more due to how the product was created. Was a lot of effort wasted in one thing that nobody cares much about for example? The "homer simpson mobile" may just be an expensive piece of crap due to waste of resources, so demand is low because of what it is. Not because there were too many homer simpson mobiles flooding the market which then drives demand down, but just because it was a crap idea so demand was never there to begin with. *Let's say for the sake of argument yamato never addressed any of the problem of the critics and ignored the complaints. Would you still buy their stuff? I know I'm insulated only because I like to read what other reviewers have said before dipping in, so I only buy when quality is maintained to satisfactory level before handing over the money. But I can assure you that demand for the toys wouldn't be there at all if the problems of cracking shoulders persisted, no matter how many or how little supply existed. Until a change had occurred in how the product was made it's not going to solve the problem of just being an expensive piece of crap, (like the homer simpson mobile) no matter how much yamato spent developing it. So telling us how much was spent in development of an item isn't what we the customer want to hear: just that the problem can be solved and the final result. Just as the boss that you might work for might not care about your problems paying bills or feeding a new child which is just coming into the world, but in whether you deliver in performance. (ie the final result you output - yamato QC guy who didn't do as good a job as the replacement one could be thought of as someone who just isn't giving the same service for instance)
  5. I got an image of space invaders and galaga in my head when I read that.
  6. In the guidebook it's mentioned that in many towns you wait 3 days and they forget your face and you can go into them without them being angry/attacking. Some towns they stay permanently in one state though.
  7. Oh but it backs up my point that just because you don't have the evidence right there in front of you, doesn't mean it must automatically not be true. (in the sense that it is a "new discovery". There could be more new discoveries in future.) What I mean is if we do find something that challenges the scientific establishment when we actually get to explore other planets, people have got to look at that new information and be prepared to change their thinking. Let's for the sake of argument say we find human bones in some ancient alien tomb, on a distant planet. Then that must mean we may have been more advanced in technology in ancient times than we might have known originally, lost some of the knowledge, and then possibly that knowledge was kept and brought to earth. Problem is we shouldn't automatically assume we know everything. There could be more stuff we don't know. My post was pointing out that what we DO know might only be a portion of what is out there in total. By the time we find some new information.. the previous generations would not have been able to take that new info into account because of the limit of things they discovered during their lifetime. Meaning the future generation has to be prepared to look at the old in a new way when they do happen to make new discoveries. Think out the box. Not be afraid to have an open mind. For example saying that "oh, aliens most certainly don't exist" (when we haven't even had a chance to see what's around us with our primitive technology - space is vast) is assuming you have ALL KNOWLEDGE and there is nothing new for you to discover. It's not important whether I think they exist or the guy next to you thinks they do, but on whether people have an open mind to the possibility that they don't know absolutely everything. ie "because there is no evidence, it must be BS. I'm 100% certain it's not true!" There are plausible reasons for knowledge to be kept secret or hidden from the public just like you wouldn't give away information about yourself freely if it endangered your life. This is why I find it odd that people would automatically assume that if aliens were around, they'd try to announce themselves, when most normal people are frightened of the thought of other-worldy beings coming from space. (War of The Worlds radio play is a demonstration of the panic something like that can cause) Instead it makes perfect logical sense that if you were an alien not from that land that you are spying on, you would be sneaky and hide to avoid detection. Common sense would say it's a natural survival instinct. I know that if I were to explore a planet I would be scared that other things are on it and not want anything seeing me.
  8. Anyway a good example of how knowledge "grows" is the recent discovery of 'hobbit' humans. Sometimes history must be rewritten if new information comes to light in future generations who find interesting stuff previous generations didn't have access to. Let's say in the future we explore further into space and find remains of humanoidal skeletons on other planets: people have got to be prepared to put their pre-existing ideas aside for a second and look at the evidence objectively. You can't think just of what you read in old books, but prepared to accept new information as it comes to light that others may not have had the opportunity to see before. Otherwise we wouldn't learn or discover anything new.
  9. And oh I don't believe in the global warming message in the day after tomorrow BTW. Personally I think that's a conspiracy in and of itself to destroy industrialised living. It's just a power grab for those who believe the world is overpopulated and need a way to limit what the unwashed masses can do. (ie just another form of control - the real green movement is being hijacked by those with a depopulation agenda. youtube search for "Alternative 3" conspiracy theory for some interesting documentaries or click here. .
  10. Yeah but I'm not a racist though: I don't care how smart someone thinks they are. I just think nobody knows absolutely everything. Sometimes knowledge is destroyed to benefit those who want to have exclusive right to it. Sort of like a guy who kills another guy who knows the location of a treasure and wants to keep all the treasure for himself. Less for others, more for him. If I say a giant man visited me in a ship took me to his leader, I then recieved instructions on forming my own tribe on planet earth and then was show the giants' planet's technology level to prove it existed to me, and then I was brought back to earth, yet nobody was there to witness it or document it, doesn't mean it never happened right? Doesn't mean I'm dumb. Just that I can't prove it for other scientists and historians. Of course this never happened but I'm just saying what if? What's so scary about having alternate explanations for things? Some stuff is kept secret from people. How do you know aliens are not out there right now hovering around in space using the latest in stealth technology watching us like ants while eating popcorn. You don't. You've never gone to space to verify this first hand have you? You've read about it in books, watched documentaries about it, maybe even heard rumours of conspiracies going on with government to cover up what's up there from tin foil crowd. But is it possible we are all being lied to? Nobody who has never been allowed to go to space will be certain either way. Just like nobody who was ever involved in building an atomic bomb would ever know such a weapon existed until it was used for everyone to witness back during the second world war. (it might have just been a scare tactic) I'm not trying to convince you either way, just saying that people who have alternate interpretations and explanations of things may not be as crazy as they seem. They just might not have the ability to prove something due to plausible excuse like: the evidence was destroyed, the camera footage was confiscated, the scientists that stumbled upon the hard evidence mysteriously died or kept in a prison away from the public etc etc etc.. You got to have an open mind to understand that real conspiracies do exist, regardless of how many false theories of conspiracies are out there. If we did encounter an alien visitation in ancient times, I can already see some good reasons they'd not want to expose themselves to humans: 1. they might be scared of us. 2. we might be scared of them, causing panics. 3. the technology is too dangerous, only the elite or people we deem responsible should be allowed to have this information which could be misused - kind of like nukes in the hands of a madman. 4. It might get stolen and copied and then used against us. 5. from the aliens POV: "we are hostile beings so what advantage is there letting our enemy know we have arrived, any more than a enemy spy would want to announce his arrival?" etc etc...many other reasons to hide. Maybe if there was a hostile race of beings in ancient times, the planet just wasn't habitable so the ships are just containers to keep the beings alive, kinda like how iron man relies on his suit to keep his heart going? So because of that, the aliens must live elsewhere ruling from a base a long distance? (with human representatives on earth fulfilling their plan of world domination?) Far fetched? maybe. But "what if?" Why is it that people assume it is not possible at ALL with 100% certainty when they haven't even explored space themselves or seen anything beyond what is directly in front of them? Can it not be possible that say a murder or a crime goes unsolved with no witnesses to witness it? The killer able to get away and the crime remain an unsolved mystery simply because of lack of evidence or trail leading to the person involved? You can't say you know absolutely everything and there's nothing left for future generations. Knowledge grows as new information is added and people discover new things. Anyway if the end really does come in 2012, the prophets of doom won't be able to say: "I told you so" and the skeptics will be able to say "haha you are so full of poo!" so either way those who doubt have nothing to lose.
  11. You can argue all you like but side parts should have been included imo for the vf-1 1/60 as standard. No excuses. Also I think the 1/60 destroid is like the qrau and a bit overpriced compared to the valks since it is not as complex a toy. But I'll get one to show my support for non-variable macross mecha. When toynami makes overpriced stuff it's "bad bad bad", but when yamato does suddenly it's "we shouldn't even talk about it?" Come on, I'm a fan of yamato toys like the next guy and been buying their stuff without much complaints but when something is expensive (like the qrau) but doesn't actually feel like it's really worth the asking price, it's greed. Just like how here in australia we get really shitty prices for games and this has caused people to import (when the AUD was strong) because they could get it cheaper. Most people know the high price is because that's what people are used to paying for. Greed DOES play a part in it and that's just business. Not saying it's right or wrong because I'm a believer that so long as the two parties agreed to pay a high price and are both happy with the item/price nothing else matters. ...But we shouldn't stop having these threads just because it makes one group feel uncomfortable to have to explain things to us. If you are tired of it, why not just link to the old thread where you discussed it instead of retyping it up here and complaining that's it's beating a dead horse? Sometimes companies DO want to keep a price high (just because they can) because they are the only game in town for a given thing they produce. As a console games example: look at the nintendo Wii vs the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 game consoles. You can't honestly sit there and tell me you are getting great value for money buying a nintendo wii compared to a ps3 or xbox360. It's like trying to argue that the Commodore 64 was only cheap because it was crap compared to other 8-bit computers. Nope, the C64 was great performance but at a cheap price. That's what this thread is for: what do you think about yamato compared to others? The consumer doesn't really care about the business they are buying from, just themselves. Any more than a business might not care whether they underpay a worker to get a good deal without caring about the worker only just barely being able to pay his bills or feed his family - it's business. No matter what side you are coming from: the minute you can find a better deal you go for it. In the case of the v2 1/60, I think it is silly that they concentrated on the removable head thing instead of side parts. I'd rather they spent the effort on the side pieces. And for the Qrau: it just wasn't as good quality as the 1/48 VF-1 in terms of attention to detail. The micromissiles were not seperate pieces. As a non transforming mecha they could have spent some time to make them removable just like the micromissiles on the fast packs of the 1/48. People do notice these little things. edit: and no I'm not just picking on yamato, I thought the CMs Legioss Tread was expensive for what you got. But like I say if you are a desperate fan willing to pay high price and are happy (grateful because no one else is attempting to release something like it) then that is all that matters. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't talk about how you felt it doesn't feel worth the price, just because the urge to overpay is stronger than trying to find value. Bandai are also guilty of it through the chunky mac 7 toys which I also felt were overpriced.
  12. The golden rules is that Books will always be superior to movie adaptations.
  13. Alien giants built the pyramids. They were bored and had nothing to do.
  14. The ancient giants of all the old myths = heroes of greek myth. The bad guys who taught man all the methods of fighting and were trouble makers. After the biblical flood the survivors of the giant race who managed to live through it had to be hunted down by the good guys because they were a threat to the non-genitcally modded version of humans. If man on earth is the fallen nature of humans after adam and eve got kicked out of eden, (we lost our ability to live 1000 years) then the nephilim would be he angels that fell from their position who came down with us. I actually had a post about that here on macrossworld a looooong time ago hehe. I was trying to tie the ancient giant legends with the macross story of alien giants who were warlike. At the end of macross the date reads 2012 so perhaps the world will get destroyed by a laser bombardment and then the survivors will have to start anew? The sdf-1 could be thought of as the macross equivalent of the Ark but without all the different kinds of animals brought with it for preservation. The zentradi don't have six toes and six finger though..
  15. Yamato needed to include sideparts with v2 1/60 valks. I think it's standard part of a valk not an accessory. Listen to the fans, and they should be ok in my books. We were there for you in the early days, when the masses forgot all about macross. In a way it's like when a metal band goes softcore and changes themselves to cater to a different crowd: they may abandon the original people who liked them and sell out to gain the respect from others at the expense of the original people that liked them and quality/care is lessened per customer/fan because they can afford to piss people off now that they have lots of money to ignore us. Yamato listen to our song.
  16. I had this exact problem with another quest where I was just exploring and stumbled upon a npc that was obviously part of another quest which I had not began yet, and dialogue trees popped up assuming my player characters already knew stuff that he shouldn't have. I guess this is the great weakness of an open world game where the person has too much freedom to do stuff out of order or see things before they should be allowed to. I was a big fan of the elder scrolls (started in 96 when daggerfall came out - didn't play arena though) but even as a fan of the series I could see all it faults, yet I still loved what it was trying to achieve and would rather a flawed ambitous attempt at freedom in crpg gaming, than a highly-successful, polished, linear and heavily-directed game. The linear rpg game stuff is tried and tested (just like with other forms of entertainment where you only want to show what the person gets to see not what is around those things) because most games are like that. But the open world games need to solve all these new problems still. I hope in future bethesda find ways around this because this problem forced me to buy the *guidebook for fear I would do something to upset the game. (I could look through quests that I had no knowledge about and see what the previous dialogue involved) This was the only reason I buy guidebooks: they can give you info on stuff you might not ever see. (not to actually help me "win" the game, but to find out the non-obvious bits and pieces that you'll never see due to the way you did a certain thing (but didn't know of its effect at the time) and can't get oportunities to see it now that you've reached a point of no return. Ahh well can't complain: they at least managed to reduce the amount of bugs compared to earlier games. Oh btw, is the construction kit ever going to come out? Last I heard it was still going to be done but after they've handled all the bugs in the main game. Just for the record I'm against the level cap, and didn't like the idea of not being able to see stuff after the MQ was done. But I think it was intentionally done this way so that if you used your boring starter character, you could replay the game differently with the type of character you are more suited with and see the new things you might have missed with that new character you created. (which is going to be more suited to the player's playing style now that he has a rough idea of the mechanics in the game and how they affect him/her) *backup for people who already own it
  17. Not a very good rotten tomatoes rating average. Was hoping this was going to be good.
  18. Didn't the bridge bunnies use trackballs to defend the sdf-1 in macross using the pinpoint barrier? Man that's old school. I remember playing a game called marble madness with a trackball and my skin got caught in between the ball and the opening where the ball sit, causing a painful pinch. One really hard game. Also I think sega had a FPS game in the arcades using a trackball. I think mice are great for aiming but analogue sticks have advantage over keyboards for movement. I can see where keyboards might still be handy: games like descent where you can move around in 3d dimensions and rotate at wierd angles. WASD for movement up(ascend) and down(descend) and left and right. Space for move forward Alt for move backward Mouse-Look for pitch and yaw (aim guns) QE for roll left and right. (combine with left/right movement to do a barrel roll type motion)
  19. pssst the truth is......the storm troopers in OT are really genetically modified humans with jar jar's genes which explains why the ewoks were so good at beating them.
  20. Oh poo! I thought Robotech was just a sidestory from the transformers where jetfire enters an alternate dimension, dies and has his body mass produced by humans to fight aliens. Why didn't anyone mention this to me after all these years? So confusing.
  21. DYRL went the other way ignoring the idea of using the landing strip, but the tv series made it so that the sdf-1 had the earth carriers added to the sdf-1 after the first spacefold accident which brought all kinds of stuff off earth's surface with it including parts of macross island. (which is why the tv series SDF-1 has deadalus and prometheus added on, while DYRL has ARMD 01 and 02. ^ That's the story reason. Global is a complete noob and the humans were caught off guard so they couldn't use the intended carrier at that point since the space ones were destroyed right in the beginning of the war. But yeah it's just cool to see fighters being launched that way. Just like how in some gundam shows it has the robots launch off catapault as if they were planes which really isn't necessary. (it looks more dangerous if you ask me) I like the idea that the Koenig monster actually used the landing strip to provide better stability in macross frontier in one ep and gets away with *"wrecking the ground wherever it goes"! *wrecking the ground wherever it steps is a nice homage to the original monster from SDF-M. "WTF!? why would they build a robot that can break the floor whenever it wants to walk around??" ...Only in a japanese cartoon.
  22. After a long break from the boards I came to see if there were any pics of this and yes I'm quite impressed. Looks good in all modes. Definitely getting one. But I'm going to wait until everyone else experiences potential faults on the early releases before committing. *hopes the first release is close to perfect like the sv-51*
  23. What they should do is make a robotech game which is an mmog. Then make a movie based on the game. What do you think of my idea?
  24. Also they did something really weird with prowl: his doors are really translucent but painted over instead of just using white plastic like the other parts of his body. And no rear view mirrors on the car. Even bumblebee had them. But they did put a nice bright orange autobot logo on him. Would have preferred red autobot symbol. Here's what I think hasbro should do from now on: Only have the autobot and decepticon symbol visible in robot mode (non-disguise mode) The reason I say this is because I like the idea that they are trying to hide and it's only obvious what group of robot they are once in robot mode. Galvatron for example has no symbol shown in tank mode. You'll only know right at the last second that a decepticon has snuck up on you and is about to blast you in the face. (now that they've taken away the rub symbol which is invisible unless you reveal what side they are by rubbing it) Random Autobot of no significance: "oh that's nice of them! A bunch of experimental human tanks are coming to offer support for us." Amidst the crowd of tanks: boom! "die autobots!" *Sudden transformation* Random Autobot: "argh forgot some of these machines are disguised bad guys. I can't just blow them all up and risk killing innocent people in the real ones." *Falls over and dies after being shot in the head as Galvatron transforms back into a tank again* *lots of death and confusion over what side the tanks are on as they blow each other up trying to catch the bad guy.* Worse than a minmay culture shock!
  25. Don't be mean. They are doing their best. Just like the poor destroid pilots and cannon fodder in macross.
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