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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. Looking good. Would love to see yamato redo their one. I actually prefer that one over the one in macross frontier. (better cannon barrels) Any indication what kind of joints it will have to hold arms up so it doesn't become a floppy mess?
  2. The reason for a reboot would be to get a new generation of fans into macross. Problem with kids of today is they don't want to watch old shows due to not being cool for them. It's hard to get them to like the originals shows because they think if something is old it must automatically suck. (take old gundam for instance - why is that not as popular to the west as gundam wing was? Because the other one was newer) I hate to admit it but if the animation is also dated, people won't watch it out of quality reasons too. Also what happens when you guys are old and stop watching macross? Who is going to carry the torch? If it wasn't for macross II you people wouldn't even have had macross plus. Think about that for a second people.
  3. Here's what I'd do (mostly concerns mecha): -make all the destroids have two modes. One for going up ramps and slopes where they are close to the ground, so they don't fall over, and one for anti-giant fighting. The Octos from mac zero was an awesome idea. Variable monster was cool. Now make a mode for the ground defense robots that can't fly around. Eureka 7 style of destroid is the future of Main Battle Robot imo. And please put some new edition of the variable glaug in a tv show. Pretty please? Just explain that the zentradi were smart enough to think for themselves but their resources were heavily restricted so they needed to steal from others to break free from their mind control. (like some awakened zentradi who had their own scientists reverse engineer the tech they capture and this includes humans technology which itself was stolen off the Protoculture) -valkyries that take control of the robot after a pilot is dead and sense its health. In SDF macross we had zentradi ships with brains actually inside the ship as if the ship itself was alive and part of the guy's own body. This gave the aliens a bio-robotic feel to them that I miss. (as you can see I'm a fan of gradius and R-Type lol) -the theme of lost memories is part of the culture shock. Think of it this way: the zentradi were victims as much as the humans and other peaceful aliens they killed. Make the emphasis less about music making people feel good and more about preserving history and keeping memory of a person's past. By erasing history and destroying culture it lets those who want to control people, have more power. Music can be used to awaken people from a sleep and strengthen their will to fight. This can be the male side of music when people call upon music for defense. The music is used by protodevlin for evil. You'll note that the way it was done in macross 7 was to pacify the protodevlin. Why don't they reverse this and just have it so that the protodevlin created the music and use it to instill evil values in humans to make them fight amongst themselves? This could be the female side to the music where people were brainwashed into helping bad guys agendas. It is mostly used to turn people against their existing values. (the lyrics make out that the alien demons are the good guys out to protect you but their true intention is use each culture to kill each other off in wars - yes I know that is straight out of the prequel trilogy star wars movie but I like it) Now don't let the Protodevil interact with humans at all, but just be spiritual demons which are sought to for advice and who become the various religious leaders of the hostile alien races around the galaxy. The 'god of forces' is what caused the PC to collapse and it was because they were easily-manipulated by the Protodevil. The PD fed into their need to compete amongst thmselves in order to control everything and expand forever. As the competition gets harder, the weakest races die out, and over time that resulted in giants and obsession with death. People call upon powerful beings for better information on how to make better weapons and that resulted in the various wars? (the arms race got out of control) And then you have the commercial side to music where it is used as entertainment and art, not as a ceremonial thing to please the demons. This is what neutral parties in the macross universe use to enrich their culture. It's the 'creative force' that humans have which allows them to adapt to many situations and win wars by taking what already exists (the positive) and using it for good (saving lives) rather than destruction (negatives) or to dominate other peaceful aliens who have a right to exist. All the races who are neutral (humans) don't really give a crap about what happens to the weaker alien races who are being attacked by space wars caused by competing hostile races, but this all changes when alien terrorists (whose friends are all forced to live under the horrible condition of another hostile race which has destroyed their home planets) use earth as their base to fight from with the co-operation of humans in high positions of power. The deal is the government gets to access their weapons, and the alien terrorist organisation gets to use earth to supply them with people to help fight the hostile races that took the terrorists planets and either captured them or using them to build their armies up. You would have people from the same race deciding that they should be loyal to their own culture or to accept another alien race's culture and the show would have people of the same race fighting amongst themselves over which culture is better. This is what macross tv series would be like: each character has their own motivations for why they fight. Some of them are left wing and want to protect nature (all they give a crap about is earth, and keeping the peace with all races by pretending to be their friends, not the suffering of other beings in other planets) and others might be more right wing and care about blowing stuff up to impress other aliens that humans are in the position of strength to deal with any problem that comes in its way. (using a show of force to break the fighting wills of the hostile alien races) And others are only there because they can't do anything else. (these would be the main characters of the story who have to think about these issues in the show and fight their own friends) The difference between the main characters and the other on either side, is that they are culture-less and become a kind of anti-hero to the macross universe: only fighting for money to survive a dangerous galaxy where technology has made the fighting more uncertain. Where the richest alien races can just buy their way to get what they want and not have to sacrifice their own life to obtain it; with some of them backing both sides of the wars between hostile races to completely wipe each other out in order to then gain control of their home planets for themselves after the dust has settled. ie deliberately wanting more war and creating more anger to create the conditions needed for their own takeover of power and enslavement of them when the planets can no longer sustain the hostile races. All these themes are close to the reality on earth(where we fight amongst ourselves), but in 'giant form' that aliens in other planets haven't solved for millions of years. Unlike macross 7 the anti-hero is much more like a "snake plisskin" and gets used for his skills in a VF and he must choose sides based on his own beliefs or mood since he has no tie with any of the cultures that exist, only the the money he made as a mercenary. He hates and loves everyone equally. The protodevil plans to manipulate people into killing each other are usually cancelled out by smaller wars that leads to less death of innocent people and fights that end in stalemates which keep mercenary employed as a gun for hire. (ie not one side winning too easily) He is not the messiah, just a guy trying to make a living. (sort of like the guy in cowboy bebop) "But that's not macross" I know but I would like to see a spinoff to macross where the character is more 3 dimensional and must deal with more than one race at any time. Some of the cultures are warlike and he benefits from it by using their own technology against them, and some of them are peaceful and whiney (save the trees) which he can protect, and yet others are somewhere in between who try not to piss any other race off due to wanting to be politically correct, however can somehow ignore the suffering of other fellow galactic species of intelligent beings by just not doing anything and only wanting to be nice. (This consists of mostly humans who just want to be left alone). Unlike other macross tv shows there is no perfect answer and uniting together doesn't solve the problems because it just makes the wars bigger by centralising powers so that people's money; which gets used to further the defense and give people a feeling of security and safety, just scares others (who are not part of that government or society) into doing the same thing; whose goal is to eventually expand before you beat them to the monopoly. Most of the problems wouldn't exist if the protodevlin's offer for more power didn't drive each hostile race to desire it from the beginning. You can't have the security if you feel insecure. The protodevlin feed off the emotions of hate and fear and become stronger so they have a vested interest in guiding their religious followers towards destruction and death. (yes for once I want to see a purely evil villain in the macross franchise, - if only as a scary side story that can later not be considered canon) The protodevlin can't be 'defeated', reasoned with, or physically destroyed since they are not part of the physical world but the world of the dead which living people are not part of. They can be contacted and communicated to but any bargain made results in a huge sacrifices, that usually gets them a much better end in the bargain - just as the protoculture found out and who have faded out of the memories forever through thier own extinction) When the protodevlin destroy the cultures of existing races they are really setting them up for killing each other off and causing imbalances that feed them energy. (ie when the hostiles alien races fear their loss of powers and can't stop relying on PD for answers to help themselves become the rulers of the physical world) Humans are not the last hope, but one of many candidate-species for overcoming galactic problems. (which the PC failed to do) We gained an inheritance, but we also have the curse of having to balance it so that every race competing to survive doesn't get to have its way with other races too easily. The show wouldn't just be humans saving the galaxy like past macross shows, but one where all the other races are equally trying to find planets to safely-colonise like us, out of fear they will be wiped out if they don't wipe us out first. When the zentradi lost their "warrior-only" culture, sure it was right for them to be helped to get their memory back, but they also would have the right to exist independent of humans on their own planets once humans decided to go all evil and follow the steps of the PC and cause new wars. A future show wouldn't just accept that zentradi who didn't integrate with human society were all bad guys. A future show could have a zentradi character who realised what he was (a genetically modified soldier) and continue fighting supervision army or forming his own government that was not under any mind controlled orders anymore. They wouldn't be anti-human, just not pro-human either. (and the show wouldn't paint a human as good guy and zentradi as bad guy like macross plus tried to do by making guld the angry one - just have a good zentradi and a bad zentradi to show the universe isn't only looking to humans for answers - I think i just want more complexity)
  4. What about the face being so low?
  5. I voted yes. Technically everyone said they wouldn't buy a 1/60 vf-1 valk (because they were tired of it) and then they caved because it was good enough of an improvement. I like the yf-19 mostly because I have more good memories of mac plus dogifhtrs than I do of macross 7. Do take your time with it though. Get everything just right. No breakages, or things like forgetting to have the upper half of the robot lock down properly. (so dangerous for a person who tries to pick the thing up by its arms) Make the packaging slim and give us the FP free (like the VF-11) and see what you can do about making the under-arm weapon it uses in the OVA to blow up the monster. two sets of hands would be good too.
  6. Looking good. Yes I want a yf-19 that looks chunkier in battroid mode if that's what yamato intends further down the track. (based on how they've made this one fat to please people who care about balanced looks) I like the long wings and more basic head of the yf-19 in the same way I like the yf-21 head over the vf-22. (just looks more alien or something) For some reason I just dont like the idea of really pointy shoulder pads and the ankle rings. (and the mouth lol) It reminds me of the ridiculous shoulder pads on the DYRL pilot suits lol.
  7. Revoltech still has better feet though. Just like yamato yf-21 there always has to be one thing that is bad. Best 1/100 so far. All it needs to improve is side covers, plus extra heads like the banprestos.
  8. If they do get around to v2 they should make sure it locks together in battroid, has a gunpod that is a bit larger, and they get around to doing the underarm weapon that we saw it use to blow up the monster in training. Macross plus is a fave of mine.
  9. I never thought I'd end up getting these smaller 1/100 toys, but they are good enough to buy even if you already own larger vf-1 stuff just so you can put them next to a monster. When the vb6 monster comes out, these will look awesome together. As for the vf-19, it's a shame that thing can't store the gunpod in fighter mode. Weak bandai. Just like the big chunk of missing plastic at the back of the vf-19 chunky monkey. Save your money for dx vf-27 instead and just wait for yamato to release their 1/60 vf-19. I was almost going to get a vf1j hi metal (i caved and bought a cheap revoltech perfect TF vf1 first) but decided to hold off and see what the FP releases would be like. I'm interested to find out how the whole thing holds together with the extra weight on the back.
  10. Renato: The transforming revoltech looks much more durable. Despite getting a few simple bits wrong (no telescoping gunpod, wings that pop off too easily) these are the toy people should go for if you were a fan of the banpresto. nexx: Yeah I know GNU appeal to battroid fans, but I think a vf-0s and vf-0a and vf-0d in mini form that can also transform should be done/reattempted. The vf0 they had in mind so many swapping parts is not quite the same as a perfect transformation toy. Yamato should go for a mini PT toy with super posable look to it and study the banpresto, toynami and transforming revoltech as a guide. The vf-0 is like a simplified vf-1 but with more curves. Shouldn't be too hard since they share the same transformation. (with the vf-0 in the anime even having the swing bar and everything lol)
  11. Low visibility because it had the custom markings and unique little pilot with normal suit. If you can only get one I'd get that, and put some urban camo GBP on it.
  12. Version 2 1/48 is the only solution to his problem. 1/60 still doesn't have the head opening up so that the pilot can exit the vakyrie in battroid mode from the hatch in the neck like what hikaru is seen doing in his vf-1d. Put all your energy into this one gimmick yamato. With a bigger size to put more gimmicks into the toy, you can milk the vf-1 more. Bandai has the mac F license so use your time wisely. With all the hype about 1/60 being allowed to detach the fuselage from the valk so that you can store it under the arm of the vf-1s to recreate the rescue scene, I think this gimmick on a 1/48 would be even more cool.Oh and make the hands even more articulated than what we've seen, plus integrate the side covers into the valk itself. Another thing they could do is have every single plate or cover on the valk removable so we can see the guts on the inside. Start out with a skeleton and have the frame clip onto the skeleton and the armor sits on top of the frame. (similar to what they've done with gunpod on vf-11)
  13. Bandai should do a chunky monkey VF-22S. Make it plastic. Let us detach the legs from the toy. And make it 1/60 so that we can attach the chunky legs to yamato vf-22S. Gundam hands with individual articulation for each finger (balljoints where the finger start)and clown feet is what they want. The Qrau from DYRL has the best feet. It's no secret the VF designers in the future who made vf-25 stole QRau shoes and put them on their VFs. Once again Zentradi technology (especially girl feet) is superior.
  14. hehe the banpresto fighter mode look still beats the revoltech perfect transformation pocket valk imo (despite having a much cheapier quality to it and less details) everyone hates those, (fiddly tp handle) but (assuming you can stiffen joints up) they have some cool posability. The fun in these cheap guys is customising practice. You can buy a whole bunch of them, set them in some cool poses, and have a scene from the beginning of the tv show with some hiding behind buildings, other crouched down behind cover, some of them with the 'classic pose' (vf-1j with gunpod pointed up) or just recreate a shot-down VF (limbs detached hehe ) The one thing that really suprises me is how the Revoltech PT pocket valk didn't use a telescoping gunpod like the little banpresto. WTF?? How hard could that have been? Beaten by a banpresto crane toy FFS.. lol Althoug nobody cares: banpresto still beats the revoltech in its wings. They actually don't pop off. Shame on you revoltech. I would love to see a pocket VF-0 done. I'm being serious. I like the little guys. Yamato? You going to challenge toynami, kaiyodo and banpresto to the pocket valk market instead of doing stupid GNU stuff which nobody is going to be interested in because they can't transform?
  15. if it can look like dstance, i'm so there.
  16. I will buy a new yf-19 on these conditions: -snap the upper body to lower body in battroid. -fast packs are free -gullet problem fixed -bigger gunpod I will buy another yf-21: -make the rear landing gear click into position -fast packs are free
  17. The darkbird looks cool. Make him the limited edition and the green guy the easy-to-get one. Yep I like those dark colored valks too: ivanov evil pope sv-51, stealth 1j, vf-17, gamlin vf-22s etc Put them next to masterpiece skywarp, and you have skywarp's team of dark drones for when he becomes the leader of the decepticons after starscream and megatron kill each other off when soundwave (the king of blackmailing people by recording their conversations) decides to set them both up. Maybe you could add the shadow alpha for some laughs.
  18. Not a big fan of the fire valk with its guitar for a control stick. So I will end up skipping this. I want the Blazer instead. I wonder what is taking yamato so long to do the pink pecker VF-11 ?? hehe you know you want one.
  19. Ok I might buy one of these long necked dudes. Anime52k8: what about the 1/60 Hikaru VF1S super + strike parts plus release? (from do you remember love when hikaru blows off bodolzas face in a bukake-like orgy of gunpod fire which wins the war) Oh please say it's not just reboxed old stock (from older unsold releases like the hikaru GBP one) cause I really like this one. heh It's the one that has the keyholder thing and released towards the end of 2009. I can't afford to spend too much after just getting vf-22s. No broken sh!t for me please yamato. jenius's review says 'rumored to be safe' in the list, but has anyone here bought one and had any problems?
  20. Just push down I'd say. Just a case of the toy being stiff. I usually stretch the two parts as far apart as they go until the metal ring is slot into those screws, then push down. (making a click as the plastic grips together) I had problems with the slider of the back and it took me quite a bit of force just to slide that part in and out to telescope it for fighter mode after I had changed it the first time. Another part that scared me a lot was the head part. The picture instruct you to just push the hood backwards and it looks like its going to break but it was designed to seperate the two halfs all along. I think a bit more diecast inside the toy would have made me less nervous. Maybe not in the legs like the 1/72, but in all the hinge bits that look like they might be under stress. Some improvements to vf-22 for next release: -make the rear landing gear lock into place so that when you push backward they don't fall back in. -diecast hinges -stretchy skin on top of the plane like we saw in the anime where it could bend. (only yf-21?)
  21. IT's like toy story. When your toys know you aren't around to see them they go outside and party and then when you get back they go back into the place you left them; tricking yo into thinking they haven't gone outside. They are alive.
  22. Ah I didn't know that. The white guys eventually get tans even in shade.
  23. Yeah but the same could be said of the clown hands on 1/48. Why didn't yamato do clown feet? Why do hands get special treatment but not feet? Come on, you don't think it would be cool to detach the small feet and attach clown ones for battroid mode?
  24. Bought one of these out of curiosity. It's like a high quality version of the banpresto hehe. (heads were tiny on that too) And although I agree revoltechs are all about the action figure doing an anime action pose, there is nothing wrong with attempting to make a TF revoltech imo. They are like mini-chunky munkey but done the other way around: they make them tall and really posable as opposed to short and stocky and very little posability.
  25. If I had it my way I would just have it so that Roy's valk was always grey like the 1/48 low visibility custom. But if you want to avoid yellowing don't put it in the sun. I've done some experiments with some banpresto valks heh ...and one side is all yellow while the other side is still white just because the side facing the window was exposed to the light. Hide them in boxes forever never to be touched. meh.. by the time they yellow you wil probably have sold it on ebay and bought version 3 vf-1 since that's all these companies want to do. (where's the variable glaug yamato?) Anyone else here think all valks should be (in real life, not cartoon color) grey like shins valkyrie or the low visibility custom and that this should be the macross canon? I never liked white. I just think white is to show they are the good guy while the guy who uses black (ivanov) is a bad guy for story/show reasons. Grey valks that look cool: vf-11 cannon fodder 1/48 low visibility urban camo GBP armor shin's vf-0A bright white should only be for G1 megatron and jetfire.
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