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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. If they keep improving that's what matters in the end though. Since the only vf-25 toy out there is the one from bandai I feel as if they can relax. If yamato could do one you might see bandai want to improve more quickly just because of the threat of a competing company. Yamato have got macross zero, bandai have frontier. It'd be good if bandai did some mac zero stuff (perhaps a destroid) and yamato could do some frontier things. (vf-171?)
  2. they have improcved but still have a little bit of the chunky monky appearance in them. The best way is to compare the modes with the lineart from the show. Sometimes it can look good in one mode or viewed at a certain angle and then you might think it sucks at another angle or look bad in another mode. If they can get it to resemble the thing in the cartoon/movie/lineart whatever as close as can be and good in all modes, that is a sign of improvement to me. I think the upcoming monster will be my next bandai purchase. I'd buy the lucifer now if you are a fan of the mecha, but I think I would keep it in fighter mode mostly.
  3. youtube has saved my butt loads of times when I forgot how to transform something. Now that you brought it up, I'm going to hunt for all the transformation videos that are out there and save them to HDD in case I ever need to refer to them again. I see yamato toys as more like display pieces so I barely ever transform them or play with them. Once I get them in my fave mode I leave them alone for ages and then after a time I just forget how I got them into that mode haha
  4. I like the DYRL version over tv. TV is probably more iconic, though. But the fact is any future show will always have the proper form of the macross anyway. Like in macross plus, it uses the movie design so this is how it was meant to be. For the price, Yamato should pop in christmas tree light gimmicks all over the toy I reckon lol.
  5. The exploding shoulders thing was a yamato gimmick to be accurate to the scene when hikaru ejects the arms of his vf-1s in the Rain of death episode of SDFM. Why do you all see it as a flaw? I think everyone should just buy all these exploding shoulder editions before they get phased out and become limited editions and the prices go higher.
  6. i actually want movie colour vers. more than normal. I just think it seems more real for some reason. masterpiece starscream: anime colour > plain version sdf1: movie colour > anime colour imo please let bthere be no breakages... so can't afford that to happen.
  7. This I can't 100% confirm but when I was watching Dexter (it's a show about a seriel killer who hunts other seriel killers to satisfy his urges to kill people) there was this one episode about a comic book being made about the mysterious killer who is going after these other killers (think of it like batman) and in a scene set inside a comic book shop on the wall I could have sworn I had saw what looked like a macross or robotech poster of some sort. It definitely had an "anime fighter pilot in space vs aliens" vibe going on in it almost like a cover to a robotech comic or something like that. Not sure if this one counts though. It was only for a brief moment but if anyone has the dvds or something, go to the episode about 'the dark avenger' or dark defender or something like that and look for it. Look around about 5th episode of 2nd season.
  8. It's good that this thing is coming out. So many people whined about yamato not making the macross. But I'd wait until 1 year to see if there are any cracking shoulder issues. Will they make a movie colour version of this toy like the wham one?
  9. By the way will this monster have the little missile launcher thing that comes out when it needs to attack in shuttle mode? (see lineart for reference - its a missile hatch along the body where the arms of the gerwalk and robot mode normally would be. Since the main holes for firing from the arms are covered up in shuttle mode, they have to come from this part that opens up.) I remember graham mentioning that the yamato version was going to include this feature but the idea was eventually scrapped and the thing that they were thinking of including was glued shut. Will the bandai monster include that?
  10. You have to admit though tentalces appear in a lot of them. Even in macross plus when myung is being restrained by sharon apple (made up of myungs personality) you can tell they got the idea of the wire bondage scene from those dirty monster rape animes. It's just a more tame version imo.
  11. renato macross 7 was pretty cheesy. Valks with boobs man. Valks with boobs. But none with a giant cock. And don't forget the whole concept of a giant battleship that transforms into a humanoid giant robot and punches holes into things. Why not spin kick or headbutt it? Come on man. It's a crazy japanese cartoon just like pokemon where little cute furry creatures fight for their masters for sport with no regard for the injuries the poor animals (oh sorry monsters) sustain. (selfish kids) Or gundam where people can read a manual on how to control a robot and understand it instantly as if they had been doing it for years. Truth is Macross is no different.
  12. My idea would be to put the battery box underneath the stand. Think of the hollow area under masterpiece starscream stand for example. Add a few buttons on the stand itself (like gunpod noise, head turret "pachoo" noise, the whirring noise when a valkyrie transforms etc) and you have solved the problem without destroying the toy's accuracy to the show. The buttons themselves should be 'very hidden' (transformers leader class Brawl from the live action movie line, has them on his tank turret for eg) and you could be able to set it up so that the stand makes a noise like once every 10 minutes or something like that. hehe The stand should have the name of the valkyrie itself engraved into it, so to a person looking at it they know it's a VF-19 or a YF-21 or whatever. Each stand has the sound effect that relate to the valk or the show it appears in. The vf-1 has the same gunpod sound effect that was used in the scene when hikaru kills his first reguld in his 2 seat trainer. But the vf-19 has basara's speaker pod sounds. lol I really want to hear that old-school "pachoo" sound effect from SDF: macross. I miss it. I would also like to hear that loud noise the VF-1 makes when it takes off. (DYRL has it just as hikaru leaves for his final mission) And also the sound effect for when the engines are starting up. A no-brainer would be a missiles firing. (the scene when roy kills a fighter pod when meeting hikaru in the dogfight on earth).
  13. Bandai vesions of valkyries = transformable destroids.
  14. It was a good choice. It's best appearance is in mac plus when dyson is using it in battroid mode and the noob pilots are fighting rogue zentradi and he manages to stab one with the gunpod. Even though it's a average looking robot he makes it look badass in that one scene. macross 7 only memorable part for the vf-11 was when it apeared with the extra armour.
  15. I couldn't afford to get any of the bandai vf-25, but strangely I feel like I NEED this monster. More than any other bandai release. Maybe its because it isn't a fighter and that is what seperates it so much. For me it's like variable glaug. (which I'd love to see done by yamato) It's something that we should be grateful for being released as a toy just because of the high ratio of valkyrie to destroid toys are released. (more redo editions of them versus destroids or power armor)
  16. I forgot about the pin point barrier punch. That's the valks close range weapon. and that's why I think sv-51 wins. You're doomed if you get caught in the open outnumbered and surrounded from all sides without any rocks to use for cover. What I had in mind was a valk that has drones with it and the drones carry the submachine guns or whatever. So you could dock with the drone in space and the drone would pick up your unused weapon and give you the alternate weapon. Or maybe an extra fold booster to make a quick escape. Since they are unmanned they can make quick trips to drop off and pick up the weapons for you while you fight or look for a place which is more favourable to you. An example of this would be if the yf-19 ran out of gunpod clips, he has to change to battroid mode at some point to change clips so while he is doing this the drone could be flown to either drop off the extra clips and these parachute to the ground, (if in an atmosphere) or if in space it just flies and ejects them for the guy to pick up. Brera being a cyborg could communicate directly to the drones with his mind so it would be the equivalent to the bits in gundam and be an extension of the pilot. In SDF: macross the GBP armor has those hand grenades on its hips. I think extra weapons like that would be suitable for sv-27 in case it is in trouble as an alternative to flying away. Throw a few grenades from behind cover that explodes into a minmay hologram to distract the attention of the monsters, then while they are busy turning to face the holograms, shoot them in the head while they are not looking in your direction.
  17. Well I like the one from the game better than the SMS version in macross frontier. (it's that bright yellow trimming with the eyeball markings and the longer barrels that set it apart) Just as some people like vf-11c in macrosss 7 over vf-11b in plus. red and yellow trimming There is always room for improvements btw. Already you got people whining about small tiny thing like no landing gear lol.
  18. yep more details, more gimmicks, no floppy limb problem... etc Yamato should one day think of doing a version 2 of the vb6 imo.
  19. Yeah I didn't get that bit. There is probably a missing scene where an ancient version of the Delorean was invented to allow for time travel.
  20. sv-51 also imo has a cooler gunpod. The long one that the 27 uses wouldn't be as good for close range fighting. It's time valkyries had optional gunpods in the same way they have optional armor upgrades and boosters.
  21. Looks great in all modes. Buy it. Being a cannon fodder it is supposed to look boring and not stand out. My fave part about this is the bayonet on the gunpod. I think this should be standard for all valkyrie design imo.
  22. I was wondering if anyone here has tried this yellowing plastic advice and know what kind of result you can get with older vintage toys that are going to yellow? http://retr0bright.wikispaces.com/ In the past I have always dreaded that one day all my white DYRL valkyries will eventually change colour, and I remember hearing about a 'solution to yellowing' a while ago on a gameboard and then forgot all about it. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, yellowing is a problem on old school vintage toys when the toy is exposed to too much UV light and turns the toys into brownish and yellowish tone (similar to the cannon fodder hehe) after a long time. People in the past have dreaded that one day those collectors items will eventually change colour and drive down the value of their fave vintage macross toys thanks to the effects of nature so they try to keep them in boxes to hide them. Anyway I remembered the other day and I want to ask here if anyone has tried the above solution for any of their macross toys and what result did you get for it? (Because apart from my banpresto I don't have the yellowing problem... yet) Sorry if this has been discussed before but I haven't got time to search every single thread from the past 1 year. Can some of you who haven't tried it yet and intend to do so, provide pics if you do eventually use this method and post them here? Thanks for your help. I might want to try an experiment in the future for when it happens to me. I dont like to repair or pull appart things to paint over them. The most easy and laziest way is my favourite method.
  23. I think if we can't get a reboot do a sidestory. Actually what I had in mind was an OVA that goes for like 12 parts. Each part is like 40 mins. The human race has been destroyed and only clones of school girls who can sing manage to survive as the aliens have decided to study them for their entertainment abilities. The zentradi are plant like zombies that have antenna which pick up the waves and music causes a reaction to their brains which makes them feel emotions again. Because they merged with technology and lost their souls they are known by all other aliens as the "satan's dolls". Because humans are too weak a resistence force plans to send a earth-created ship to find a new place to live only to come across the supervision army who then become our friends and come to a decision to visit earth to kill off any remaining zentradi. Only problem is they can't be trusted and the zentradi (on the losing side)must make a deal with humans to defeat them using unconventional tactics. Ok I'll admit I just wanted my macross "MS 8th team" with destroids in it. (valks only for the space dogfights) The first half is earth made destroids. The second half is when transforming machines enter the war and managed to outclass the zentradi soldiers superior numbers (humans have limited resources and create the transforming mecha to adapt). The end of the war is the zentradi and humans winning, the supervision army losing, and the appearance of new beings (bird humans that sing to call their friends) hearing about the war and wanting to eliminate both humans and zentradi to keep them from harming every other race. They succeed and this is where the reboot of the the tv series can start. Everything from the past becomes legend passed down from human to human after a post apoc period where humans and zentradi have had to start all over again. Nature has healed, and aliens have mixed themselves up with humans and humans with aliens causing there to be a lot of fighting amongst themselves. The global civil war is covered, a discovery is made of an old ship from past civilisation with advanced technology and the beginning of a united nations government is formed just like SDF:M. This time however the protodevlin are the main enemy; (make these guys the monsters - with the leaders being more like spiritual leaders and the soldiers being similar to Vajra) they have possessed the old civilisations into fighting in space wars to settle their differences while humans have rebuilt and learned their lesson. Bird humans are extinct by this age but they left information for us to discover to deal with protodevlin tricks. Advantages of a reboot: -we get the modern version of VF-1 (I guess that's what macross zero is for then) -new characters with proper deep backstories. -better animations than the old tv show -new kiddie audience who wll buy up all the toys and won't ignore the show just because it looks dated and uncool becuase that what his dad watched. -no more slow pacing from SDF:M. It doesn't have to be a 'mecha' show, or a 'sci-fi' show, or a 'crazy events happening at japanese high school' show but a show that you watch because you like the characters in it and because it appeals to international audience -destroids that can go down a ramp without looking like they'd fall over. -it would combine everything into one thing so people who didn't watch older shows are up to speed. For the last point, have you noticed how there are referencs in macross F to macross zero in it, but only those poeple who saw macross zero would know who Nome is? People who didn't get to see mac zero will miss out on backstory. An OVA combined with tv series spaced together closely would link everything better imo. In the OVA you get the big fleet battles and show us the evolution of the ideas, (mech porn) the tv series would give you more up close and personal view of things like what life is like living in the universe. Also things just make sense more: music has a history within the past because the zentradi were sensitive to it, as opposed to the SDF:M version where it forms a mere tactic to distract them for a short while, as humans use the time to blow them up ) The true reason a reboot = good is people might like to see all the best stuff from DYRL, (really gory deaths and humour) the SDF:M tv series (brave survival story and romance during a time of high risk missions), animation from mac zero and frontier, (urgh I can't go back to the ones from SDF:M) just in one thing as opposed to scattered. But it would be a seperate universe still. (maybe scrap the ideas from macross 7 hehe. only the best parts from macross get to go in)
  24. I make the transforming sound (the awful EEEEEEEEEEEEE screech which they began to introduce in macross plus) and gunpod sounds sometimes too. The best sound is the sound of the jet taking off in the original show. Does anyone know where you can get all those old school sound effects? The pachoo sound when a laser is fired is a classic. Maybe its time yamato put sound gimmicks into their larger toys. I know that with the leader class transformer stuff you can have guns fire and cannons firing (I have leader class brawl toy from the first bayformer movie) so if they found some way to hide the buttons which won't aeffct the look of the toy that'd be awesome. With brawl you don't see it compromise the toys look because the buttons are hidden well. (I didn;t even notice the ones on the turret until I saw a youtube video)
  25. Looks really shiny. Maybe someone drooled at it. An escaped xenomorph was there at the time of taking the picture.
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