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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. tv roy is my fave tv series valk. The thing about his plane is that technically it is also hikaru's after roy's death to the female zentradi grunts so it probably has a lot more history than the 1J which I think is overhyped just because you see it in the intro of SDFM tv series opening all the time doing its stupid 360 degree "spin of gunpod death" move before going into the pose to show off its ablity to guard the bridge of the sdf-1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3izRIqNKzE Was it really necessary for hikaru to spaz out like that so close to the bridge crew? Somebody on the human side could have been killed with that kind of crazy shooting. (honestly so immature and reckless of hikaru ) TV series Roy is also the canon Roy since he could not have existed when DYRL war movie was created using actors to play as him. (they must have used the zentradi cloning technology to get authentic looking actors and then killed them after the movie was done lol) People here I've noticed always comment that the 1S head looks out of place on the valkrie (maybe its too big and chunky?) but to me it has a more heroic feel to it. Having a more sporty curved shape can only be good for a sleek fighter, and that to me is why it has more appeal over the 1J. Yes 1J is hikaru's plane for a long time, but we all know hikaru is in his prime when he sits in the cockpit of the 1S equiped with super pack. (not the ugly red striped version in DYRL with the color-coded skull squadron heatshield; which is probably just any old vf-1. No, I mean the original skull leader from the actual war itself with the proper black and white skull and crossbones heatshield) Edit: Oh if you can only get one other tv series valk: I would recommend 1D. Yamato: reissue new ones please. Preferably with free side parts you tight-asses.
  2. Ozma looks good. I will probably get bundle release instead of just the naked valk release. Also I want to hear reviews of people who bought the early editions to see how they stand up to the test of time. Maybe by the time a bundle comes out they will have made small incremental improvements?
  3. I think a sequel or remake of mospeada should be done. Didn't they do it for bubble gum crisis? (not as good as the old show I admit) And they also had that appleseed cg movie (and sequel to it) when there was already the older 2d handdrawn appleseed anime before that. I Don't see why they can't take a risk on a remake Mospeada show. Maybe modernise the mecha a bit (make the legioss a bit sleeker but basically have the same overall feel of the old) and give the inbit more depth instead of making them generic monsters throughout the whole series. (do inbit have feelings? do they have sex? what about fighting amongst each other or are they so mind controlled by the one queen that independent thought is not allowed? ie like zentradi) Shame the beagle ride armor series could not be completed. I'm surprised at the lack of hype this toy gets here. You guys care about enemy mecha this, legioess that. But the ride armour is what made this show unique from macross. If the legioss was not a transforming jet they could have made the show just be about people flying around shooting monsters in power armour (like the little guy in the game Space Harrier) and it would have been fine with me lol
  4. Unless bandai do a version 3 to piss people off. Then people who complained can say "I'm glad I never bought a version 2".
  5. My nozzles are fine. Possibly in a later release bandai could go with the transformable revoltech style of nozzle. I own one of those too for robot mode. Before people bash the perfect transformaton revoltech because they think it is ugly in other modes (lol) realise that the clicky joint in the feet are one of the awesome things about it. When I think of the himetal I think of how this is what yamato could have done when they had the macross zero license since the transformation of the vf-0 is less complex than a vf-1 and the smaller size and cheaper price (at 1/100 scale) means they could probably do ALL the valks. Originally before we got 1/60 vf-0 toys they were going to do part swapping 1/100. Now with bandai himetal I often wonder if yamato could re-release vf-0 toys but instead of part swapping at 1/100, see if they can pull off 1/100 perfect transformation vf-0 toys instead. Not only would it be more affordable (smaller and cheaper, smaller shipping boxes) but it would probably be more "posable and fun" as a little action figure. Now you could argue that 1/100 is too small to make complex transforming toys but the vf-0 is larger than vf-1, AND less complex in transformation. So if yamato wanted to do ALL the vf-0 variants (face it we are not getting the reactive armor or vf-0D) cheap, they could borrow everything that bandai has achieved on 1/100 vf-1 and just make VF-0 with the advantage that vf-0 is larger than a vf-1 so it wouldn't be harder than making vf-1 at 1/100. Don't worry about sv-51 at 1/100. Just do all vf-0 at 1/100. Have the ghost booster and reactive armor and all the variants of the vf-0 in this line. They could do that while waiting for a chance to do their own vf-25 10 years from now haha
  6. Buy a yamato vb-6 monster. Then you'll get it. The nubs used are likely to snap off the more you handle it. Although they are toys, when you handle them and they cost a lot of money you get scared to touch them too much. Totally understandable to me because some things require care to transform them and if you do something too quickly or do a step out of order you may wreck something. I know with diecast toys one of the things I get scared of is chipping paint. It is a higher risk of chipping the paint the more you handle something than if you just leave it alone. Anyone who had diecast cars as a kid knows this. Then there is the issue of posability. Some things just feel loose the more you try to play around with the joints. Other things to keep in mind are how accessory parts might be delicate. Remember the little gunstrap on the gunpod for the yamato vf-1 1/48? People end up ripping and tearing this by accident. Not everyone has delicate fingers. The headlazer of the robot mode of toys is also something to keep watch for. I remember my yamato 1/72 yf-21 falling off the desk once (terrible feet and balance on this mech design) and the head laser getting cracked when it fell. Overall the toy is strong but the fine features of any toy are what you got to watch for. Not saying people are clumsy but sometimes when you stand these large toys up you got to take into account that on a windy day or a day where you might accidentally bump something or shake the table these things will fall. You didn't have to worry about "fine features" on kids toys since they were designed to be handled by children too. But for yamato toys these are aiming to get accurate look so they are like "a more sturdy model kit" to me. Yes they are "toys" and anything we say will not change this. But they are toys aimed at adults who expect fine details and delicate gimmicks to be included. Small parts will snap just because they are small by putting too much pressure on them, certain joint might wear simply because they are not chunky, and hinges may stress simply because of the weight being put on them that you wouldn't have a problem with on small toys. (eg the backpack hinge on the old 1/48 vf-1 which had to support a diecast FAST pack in robot mode) Sure handling them is fine (unlike kits) but they are big toys and handling big things takes even more care than handling small things. If you drop a big thing with lots of little pieces making it up, that is not the same as dropping a big thing made up of fewer, thicker, large chunky pieces. And if you drop a small thing, it won't be much of a problem since it weighs less and the plastic can handle it plus it is easy to hold and has no weight tolerance problems with regards to joints being stressed. (short limbs means less stress) You are less likely to crack small figures since it simply won't smash to the floor with the same force. Big toys require more care.
  7. Buy the bandai hi metal vf-1. Expensive for its size but it feels very solid. Not all features are perfect transformable but it makes up for that by looking accurate enough and still having details (like the inside cockpit area) and on top of that it is quite posable too. MWB is always fussing about small detais but you see worse in videogame boards comparing graphics from one videogame console against the other. (we call these the console wars)
  8. get the company behind the astro plan toys to make them for america.
  9. I think macross needs a reboot in the west under a different name. makross would be good. The thing I like a lot about macross plus is that it feels like a show that could have worked without it being tied to the original SDFM show. It could have been a generic story with robots in it without any SDF1 or any need to be linked to the world of the tv series. Kawamori should figure out a way to reboot the whole universe in the same way that bandai did for gundam with gundam wing which was popular to people who had not followed the universal century storyline/universe/timeline of that franchise. Call it something different, make the vehicles more modern. Maybe have some new technology that causes machines to learn what their pilots need and become AI drones without a need for manual control? think of this as the evolution of what the zentradi used in DYRL for their ships but just without the "brain in the jar" interface? the cameras viewing the eyes, the sensors monitoring of the pilot heart rate, the history of that character's actions under certain battle situations etc all count to how the machine can adopt pilot behavior and be a temporary replacement when needed? That is, machines become partners like the little MAGs in the Phantasy Star Online games. Also add a new energy source that is limited so it gives people a reason to compete and fight for it. Obviously SK had some crazy ideas for macross 7 which I think could work if they didn't make it seem so mysterious like what happened in macross zero. In the future humans will use aliens as batteries to power their mechs (think like what the machines did to humans in "the matrix") and this controversial method of powering war machines brings up the issue of alien's rights and groups are formed around it. (like animal rights groups in the real world - the machines would represent the exploitation of this energy for monetary gain at the expense of the aliens and their planetary resources) One side would reason that it's fine: after all, we eat food as humans and never care about the dead animals or plants we kill to live? So what difference is there for machines to feed off alien animal life forms? Since humans need the machines and aliens need dead humans (by having them fight in wars to kill each other off and lessen their numbers) both sides serve to bring a balance so neither of them is totally dominant. (explaining the never ending wars just like in the gundam shows lol) Then after this new form of macross is created and music is used for propaganda purposes to encourage people to join the militay (pop idol are all fake except for some humans who resist AI contol over everything and become indie using music to awaken people to the evil) .....then they can start bringing out new toys from the new macross universe based on the characters and machines those heroes use. Just call it "makross" so you can say it has nothing to do with the harmony gold company who wants to desperately take over all macross works. But do make sure to have the main character be an older guy who is already experienced in life a little bit. Don't aim it at teens but go for an older crowd who is mostly in it for action. I'm pretty sure the fans of battletech, mechwarrior videogames, and robotech nerds will eat this up. To be honest with you, what I would want for it to be is something like gundam a bit more (every week is a week in a 1 year war) and they focus a bit more on technology instead of the mystical stuff. (ie macross 7 and macross zero where the people flying on a rock just makes us ask questions like "why humans don't just use magic instead of technology?" lol) Now granted psychic powers are like a magic thingy in gundam shows, but we seem to accept that as a "real" power more easily for some reason. Star wars is basically wizards/shamans (force powers) vs warriors/cowboys (technology) so maybe that's why people are ok with that? ..But just not ok with macross 7 and its "singing to space whales/demons to communicate to them" idea? To me if they focus on technology and explain the mystical stuff so it is like a science it should be more popular in the west. People like explanations for how things work. The Jedi Knights may have lifted rocks with their minds in star wars, but we are told what "the force" is, (n o mystey) so what I like is if they try to do this for macross as well. Mah-KuRoss is the name for the show. Make that the name of an alien god from a long time ago. And then release it to the west as "Makross". The people who discover the ship have been granted the power of the god to bring stability/balance to an amoral universe. The show would appeal to those who like gundam with all the politics, religion, and fighting amongst groups that those shows are known for. It wouldn't be centred only on the music alone but feature it in the background like macross plus did. (ie it just happens to be awakening of people from their dream state and brings them back to consciousness and unlocks a part of their memories which they had when kids or something like that) The toys are going to not have to clash with whatever has come before in the original macross universe so as to avoid the harmony gold problem. So this would require a new universe being made and having a different world to what we have seen before. This shouldn't be a problem for people who never recognised macross as SDFM in the first place, (the international market dubs it robotech) so it's not like you are losing a lot of power when changing the name/title to something else. It could be like macross plus was: a OVA show that could survive on its own without "macross" in the name. It does need a distinct feel to it that it can call its own though, so that people can respect the universe as a seperate thing by itself despite borrowing elements from original macross. Like have ancient civilisations similar to the protoculture but maybe humans already have records of them and go all "jurassic park" on the remains of the beings and this is what causes huge advancemens in techology rather than say, having "inherited a ship" and then reverse engineering it like the original macross.
  10. I agree. I have been trying to tell people that clicky joints are the next step for toys of this size now that yamato has gotten all the other stuff right (good sculpt, gimmicks, smaller boxes etc) and it's time they started thnking about the long term durability of the toys now. They have the look down, now they just need to put effort into making the toy "feel good to handle" (like you are not wrecking it each time you want to handle it lol) Once they achieve that I think people's confidence in buying will grow.
  11. I transform them about 3 times when I think they are new and then I try to put them into a nice pose (robot mode) and then leave them alone. If they are in fighter mode I just like to put them on a stand, and if in gerwalk I like having them in agressive pose with gun pointing forward. To me they are more like vehicles, not action figure, so the real joy is the final look more than how they feel to hold. If I want a good "hold in your hand" toy I will buy a small-but-high-detail PT version like the bandai High Metal, which I love to hold because it won't loosen its joints or have weight-tolerance issues.(one of the reasons I suggested toynami go the small scale toy route instead of masterpiece route for macross/robotech merchandise - if the QC is bad the risk might still be ok to the buyer due to cheaper price) Why don't I buy model kits if I don't touch or transform them often? 1. no patience to build them 2. too delicate for a transforming mecha (lets face it when you hold and handle these they need to be a certain amount of toughness so as not to snap in half) 3. toys have a collector appeal. They are valued partly because of their long lasting toughness and that you know they were designed for playing with (like for instance opening and closing things like the cockpit canopy, posing the arms and legs, etc) When you put them in a display box they look good sometimes even while in the box when people open the flap and see it from outside. Overall it feels good to own something that looks nice and is presented well. If macross mecha were simple I would touch them a lot more but one thing I notice is that as an adult I prefer them as a type of art where you just leave it alone and admire them like you might a painting or something lol. I know that might sound a bit weird but the machines have a certain beauty to them even though they are designed for destruction. People want to own replicas of things they like. So not touching the toys often isn't a big deal for people like me. That is not to say I wouldn't buy high metal toys fo handling and touching if bandai didn't kill that line off. But that with bigger stuff, I bought them partially because I wanted more details and more accuracy not to hold in your hands or feel good actually playing with them like a kid. I do hope yamato start to make their toys feel like a toy more in the future (strong clicky joints like the transfomers) so that they can be handled without stress or worry though. Bare minimum I want all 3 modes to have locking mechanism too. I just think it's bad to not lock things together like what they did with the yf-19 chest piece on the 1/60 yf-19. They should look to the example of leader class tansformer toys and the masterpiece line of TF toys for an example of what we expect. Yes they are display piece more than toys to a lot of us, but improvements in areas of joints and locking mechanisms makes them more fun.
  12. I think you guys should re-review the toys after about 4 months when you do the initial reviews. That way you can guage durability of a toy better from a bit of use. Have the update in the review at the top. So people can see what new problem arises after a certain time. Than maybe a few pictures of things like cracks, floppy limbs syndrome (use a youtube video to demonstrate that) or stuff like paint chipping after a few transformations. (have counter that tells us how many time you transformed it) as features in the update. These are all ways you can better your reviews for people who think the price is really high and still nervous and waiting and too chicken to commit. Make this a standard for all reviews from now on so that anyone who is scared (no replacement parts for overseas buyers) can get an overall picture of durability in the long term. A toy might be durable when you first get it but maybe the thing explodes like a ticking tomebomb or something like that like the infamous balljointed toynami stands for their VF-1 PT 1/100 figures. hehe
  13. I reckon the reason some people do it is not really to make money though. Having something that is highly valued is just something that makes them feel good. Like people who own a ferrari and know that only a few others could ever attain it because it was limited to a few hundred ever made, or something like that. They just like ferrari, like having something they love personally, and like that others might want one later too, so by owning a lot of it they are 'preserving the thing's memory' or whatever by holding on to them whilst at the same time gaining something from it in future. I think what people generally do is wait until something is really cheap on those big sales and then they start to buy multiples in the hope they can then sell something for a lot more later, but not because they want to solely rely on that as an income stream which is what people here are suggesting, but more that they do that AS WELL as other things. You know what I mean? They are just fans of the thing they hoard and when they see a bargain they can't help themselves wanting to buy multiples if they can afford to. It becomes hard to find some things more than others, that's all. And I suppose if it was not certain a toy would sell well that puts pressure to get it early and maybe even buy up as many as you can while they are still available. You see it all the time with transformers figures where people get angry that it is hard to find a particular figure and don't want to spend ages looking all over the place for that one character, so they end up caving in and buying from an ebay guy who wants to sell it at an inflated cost. lol
  14. Although I am not a toy hoarder myself I can see why people do it. Especially with respect to characters in some toy series that are really not easy to get. I paid a lot of money to get the legios and tread from cms but I am only willing to pay that much because the series is unpopular. Its very annoying having to pay it but if its the only company doing it then what can a guy do? Marvel legends figures? My brother has 4 juggernauts. He just likes that character a lot so I can see him helping to feed the ebay collector hoarder who held on to lots of that particular thing for a long time. Yeah go ahead and bash them now but if you couldn't buy a certain item anymore from shops and all you had left was ebay and the toy hoarder to get your stuff from, I bet you'd be the first to jump in and buy all the items yourself and become the very thing you despise. It's much easier to hate those guys when you have lots of choice.
  15. If they just had it in big writing: yf-19 2012 edition (or whatever year it comes out) That would have more impact on people who are casual macross fans who don't follow all this information up on internet boards. It would aid in doing ebay searches hehe. Some people who are a bit "late to the party" when looking for "1.60 VF-1" are going to end up with a big surprise when they accidentally order the older 1.60 Vf-1 and not realise that it isn't the V2 1.60 vf-1 with all its vast improvements from the v.1. Right now I bet there are lurkers reading this "version 1" and "version 2" description and not knowing what that term means. It doesn't sound very "official" to them. I think saying the year to me sounds more descrptive. If yamato do v.3 I think the box would be better saying 1/60 YF-19 "XXXX edition" (with the XXXX in smaller print on the box). With "XXXX" being the year of release. This year would be the year that particular version first came out onto the market. So if you hadn't known about earlier 1/60 versions back in the past, you could at least know that what it is you are looking at is current version. Collectors who never knew about newer versions would then get some hint as to the different ones out there. Sure it's not a problem for majority of us who have been gobbling up news like a starved african child every month, looking for pics everyday. But it might help distinguish the different type to those who may not have done as much reasearch into the toys. The only reason I know about a bandai 1/60 VF-25 "version 2" is because I read boards all the time. I feel sorry for all those who are going to be buying version 1 1/60 vf-25 bandais, only to realise later they just got something that has been made obsolete by a superior version of that same mecha about to come around the corner. All that money could have went to bandai (or in the case of new yf-19 with locking chest, yamato) instead of some collector trying to offload old crap second hand and laughing his ass off that he suckered a poor guy into purchasing the wrong thing to him on ebay. lol
  16. For once I would like to see a story where the AI is good like they do in the "alien" movies smetimes. Bishop in aliens seems like a untrustworthy android, but we see him save lives at the end. Personally I think valkyries which are controlled with AI is the direction for macross in the future. No problem over music stopping them from fighitng. If the rogue zentradi were smart they would try to create their own battle-star-galactica styled cylons to help them fight against humans with pop idols. The logic would be that "machines can't be culture shocked into submission". Then in reaction to this, un spacy uses the pop idols to feed their emotions into "sharon apple"-like AI lifeforms which then have control over valkyries and fight against the rogue zentradi AI. This would be called the cyber wars because no fleshy people were involved in the fighitng only AI vs AI struggle. The good guy AI win in the end because the song inspired them to mate with the rogue zentradi AI, (a form of cyber sex where they experience joy at meeting other beings like themselves and seek companionship) and this resulted in both AI making peace together which then ends the cyber wars. The AIs then turn against their masters (both the un spacy and rogue zentradi) and seek independence, off to live on a planet by themselves; which they name cybertron. ("the birth of the transformers!" lol)
  17. I like this a lot for three main reasons: -dogfighting was done really well. It has a sense of speed in the fighting that you can't get from fights only set in space. -the main character is not the typical young kid who is obsessed about his reasons for doing things. He does things for a personal reason. Perhaps people don't like that but it works for a show about test pilots. It works because you have to be crazy to try the yf-19 and similar to the crew of sdf-1 your lack of knowledge about something and willingness to still try it out and give it a go resonates well with creative people (mainly struggling artists who want to experiment with new things and business people who want to innovate and try new ideas that are risky etc) -cyperpunk theme - it has more paranoia than other shows. Just because technology provide convenience doesn't mean we should stop trying hard or we should become lazy. It reminds me of the theme in rocky movies: stallones character may not win against a better person with more skill but he can still "go the distance" to show that he will make the most out of what he has. This is a positive message. Myung is not obsolete just because an AI pop idol can entertain people better than a human. It's just that she gives up and doesn't want to be herself. Money and fame is not a measure of talent. She could be herself and become better than Sharon Apple but thinks dreams and ambition is "childish". I found this character to be a victim of her own demons. The AI is like her personal demon that lives inside her (it's like the devil part of her conscience) and she excorcises this when she realises she is better than a fake computer which happens to be popular. Real emotion can't be replaced by the counterfeit. This is similar to the theme in macross 7 where basara must use his energy to bring power to his music and you can see the monsters react to that energy. That's what I got out of it. I know people will say things like "the action was what drew them", "the mechas were what they liked" and other stuff like that but to me I liked the characters and story just as much. It was a simple story and paced nicely. And the twist at the end made a lot of sense within the macross universe. (zentradi are the warlike aliens so I can believe guld would go psycho for a minute and then deny he "lost control" later; which is what he alwways accuses dyson of doing when he wrecks planes.) And then of course there is the music. I don't have to mention that as a "plus". Many love it and I think it adds a lot to the overall ova. I think brainwaves are one way of spying on humans and judging whether they like or hate something, but it is not "our soul". So all this technology (which you see in the ova) is just a tool it's not the truth about people. I can experience hate and feel emotion and love, but that might just be me creating emotions through manipulation of my brain using drugs or whatever. It's not the same thing as those emotions being a result of what I truly feel in my heart. It's not easy to make that distinction. In the show you see peoples reactions being measured in the concert, but how much of that reaction is through mind manipulation and how much of it is their free will? The music might manipulate a person's emotions and put them into a trance-like state, but it's not the same as music you like because you actualy like it. There is a difference between this and having brainwaves manipulated to control you into thinking it's good. This is what the brainwaves thing does for guld. He controls a plane through his mind, the machine interprets the brainwaves. But does his heart really wish for dyson to crash in that scene? Maybe for a second. But the machine interpreted that intent and made a fatal mistake. Thinking that his mind and his heart are the same. People can turn it around at any time and merely thinking about something and having brainwaves monitored doesn't tell the whole truth about a person. It's like judging people when they are drunk. In the future I think people will try to judge others based on what they can see about their brains not on a person's soul or their total character and then filter in information about another which they want to hear while throwing away the rest. This results in people becoming more shallow and artificial, as they rely on formulas to create things rather than be themselves. Hollywood is an example: so many remakes of movies get made without considering if there is a need to do the remakes. It's done for commercial reason more than art. And this is a shame because stuff is created without the same level of heart as before as a result of people being lazy, falling back on emulating or copying what had already been done before. You can tell when a work lacks soul (an identity of its own) when you can predict what will happen ahead of time and it feels scripted/fake to go along a beaten path instead of being different enough to maintain your interest because the people wanted to make it unique. In mac plus: it may not feel "like it belongs to macross" (some reckon the new art style looks weird) but that's partly why I like it more. It could have just been lazy and retold things like macross II but it gave us something more. The characters were not the same as the characters in SDFM with different names, in order to make more money from the popular cash cow, and it's better for it. The macross universe is more complete for having this different thing. You don't really have to have watched SDFM to appreciate it, and you could just see it as a cyberpunk movie about test pilots without transforming mecha. Macross 7 on the other hand, it really helps to know who max and milia are before you care for these character. They don't really do much in the show apart from be fan service for older macross fans.
  18. My posts on macrossworld are tiny compared to some really long stuff on other boards. lol But yeah I do make them big. I'm trying to cut them down these days. Love macross as a series and I lurk on the boards a lot even when I'm not typing. I think many macross collectors should remember that as technology improves the toys can improve along with it so when the old stuff is lessened in value it's due to improvements in toys overall,.....which is a good thing! Yes not good if you spent heaps of money on toys beforehand, but it's overall good. That's the short version of the rant. You know, I hope the original post author doesn't quit buying these things on the basis that companies are deliberately out to screw him by releasing new improved versions to destroy the value of older releases. That's not the intention. It's just that toys can get better over time when improvements are brought about. (see all the new transformers toys based on G1 characters with better articulation as an example - Do people who buy masterpiece Grimlock now have to feel bad for that toy's existence just because the original G1 grimlock is now obsolete and hold less value? No we rejoice that a superior version of the same thing is out there for us to own. If hasbro/takara can improve stuff and people are fine with it, why not bandai? It desperately needs it)
  19. I feel the same way about it. But if bandai did not make them bad in the first place, you would have had something good at an earlier time right? The HiMetal VF-1 is an example of a great bandai effort which for its size is great. It didn't need more than one version (and it holds great poses) so I feel that in future more of that kind of attention to detail is what I like. I can't believe we are not getting yf-19 himetal. arrgh Please continue this line bandai! Grrrr but at least we got the vf-19. I've said it before: if yamato could do a perfect transforming vf-0 in 1/100 that would be great. I wasn't a fan of yamato going down the non-transforming toy direction. I think they should have spent money researching ways to make smaller and cheaper alternatives to perfect transforming toys instead of trying to compete with revoltechs. It's not that I have anyhting against revoltechs, just that I am more a fan of small but PT toys.
  20. If kawamori goes, the people behind macross II will take over and we will be able to get macross III macross IV macross V and they will all be in alternate universes similar to what is happening with all the different gundam shows. lol Harmony gold will also try to claim they own them all and remove all credits to the creators of the shows when they obtain footage from the different shows mixed in with astroplan mechs.
  21. v1 is the 1/72 toy that released ages ago. This was ok and surprisingly it had locking chest mechanism for robot mode that the v2 lacks. The v2 has better look overall but the toy in robot mode seems to lack something. It has a small gunpod and in fighter mode it just has the wierd looking neck. It's not bad just that people know improvements can be made to this with the release of the vf-19. Robot mode fans tend to like the chunkier look of the vf-19 but honestly it's just down to how you imagine the robot to look in your mind not that there is one good or bad way. V1 should not really be called v1 since it is another scale. (1/72) The "v3" should be the v2 since it is the second 1/60. I don't call the 1/48 vf-1 the "version 2" (came later than the original 1/60 vf-1) So I find it funny that people want to call the next 1/60 yf-19 a "version 3", when the original 1/60 yf-19 was the first 1/60 yf-19 from yamato. From henceforth I hope people just call any future 1/60 yf-19 after the first 1/60 yf-19 a version 2 so we don't get confused. the old 1/72 shouldn't be included within the 1/60 as one of the versions in that scale. Look at me talking about a v3 as if it is officially supposed to be coming out. lol There is always the chance we are wrong and yamato decides never to do one (ie 1/60 mk2 monster)
  22. Things being half price is great for people like me who actually want to see them at more reasonable prices. I think what usually happens is when something become rare it goes up in value mainly due to people finding it a nuisance to obtain not because the toy itself is worth the money people demand for it. I bought the 1/48 low visibiity vf-1 when it had come out and it was my first yamato toy and I still to this day like it because it just has a great look to it. But its value to me is more about the toy not what I can get for it when I want to sell it. (not that I would want to) When better things come along the value of the things that are not as good SHOULD go down imo. I paid a lot of money for the Beagle Mospeada Ride Armour for example and I could afford to buy this becuae I had the will power to avoid the CMs and Megahouse toys which were cheaper and had bigger range of characters to choose from in their lines. But I don't regret doing this. The value of the toy is more because to me it is the best ride armour out there not because I have an intention to one day get rid of it and hopefully sell it off to a desperate person willing to pay loads of money. My advice to you is just skip all the stuff you personally have no interest in and only buy the stuff you like. You tend to appreciate something more when you ignore what others think about it. (ie what value in dollars they will pay to get it off your hands) Doing this means you are happier as a person because you are not worrying about money, worrying about values of things dropping, or other things like when the next better version is coming around the corner. If you had a choice between going through a drought of toys to buy where money is not scarce but the items are a nuisance to track down, (but getting a lot of value selling rare toys to desperate people if you have them) ....or.... having loads of choice in what to get and doing so at reasonable prices, ....then I would go the latter all the time. If you are a collector who likes rare stuff, target those releases that have a limited run. Sometimes what happens is when a toy is decided that it will be unpopular, people ignore it and then companies know this so they make only a few of a certain type. Then when those things are no longer easy to find, they jump up in price suddenly because they are not common. Now everyone wants to pay a high price for it to "complete their collection" and be special for having obtained rare things. lol It's a funny cycle.
  23. My answer to the question is yes I would like to see a v.3. I think everyone who has a v.2 should sell it now raise the money for v.3 and then never have to worry about lack of funds. By the time v3 comes around the value of v.2 will probably go down and you won't get as much for it. Unless something bad happens like yamato goes out of business or something lol But they have been milking the macross fanbase for every cent with their VF-1 recolor love. hehe
  24. Would love some pics. Looking forward to this particular 19 type. What happened to all the ninjas you guys were supposed to send to grab graham's phone?
  25. What about floppy limbs? Is the robot mode getting loose joints yet? I think I will mostly leave mine in fighter.
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