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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. I would mostly agree there except for the head sculpt for yamato 1/48 vf-1s, which I think is superior to the yamato 1/60v2 vf-1s.
  2. The old toynami toy? Masterpieces were beaten to a bloody pulp when the old yamato 1/48 came out before we got the 1/60 version 2 toys. I think only people who like the boxart and never open the box to display toys liked those. The main competition to yamato 1/60 is the 1/100 bandai himetal. -cheaper (but expensive for size) -great looking poses -easy to transform (except for minor part swap like the heatshield landing gears etc) -sculpt is actually superior in some areas like the gunpod for example. (it gets skinnier towards the end unlike the yamato) Also the super pack missile door thing has a line in the middle which looks more realistic than the yamato which has no line in the middle to suggest it opens up. But these are nitpacks and the 1/60 has detail in the feet thruster area (which you split the toe/heel apart the middle has detail showing up at the centre) overall the toy still loses for not having as much of a "perfect transformation" as a larger 1/60 yamato and no optional things like GBP armor sets for it. Also the annoyance of trying to get the web exclusives means you won't be able to get a collection of the variants as easily like with other toys. One thing that I like about the 1/60 version 2 is the idea that you can actually pull the head turret down low in fighter mode so it can turn to the side to hit an enemy beside you. (just like max did in the DYRL fight against milia in the Qrau)
  3. I can confirm this is happening to mine too. I bought the Milia figure from CMS for use with the Yamato 1/60 Qrau. And I just touched it and it's starting to get sticky to the touch. Grrr...
  4. Also I think the forum background needs to go back to being blue. My eyes hurt seeing a bright white screen. What are you trying to do? Blind us? A cool darker color is more calming.
  5. Yes I would like to see metallic looking head laser. Make it a bright grey or something I think. Or just make it the same colour as VF-1S head laser. here is the only problem: if they did it then it wouldn't fit the theme of the other guys in the team who have white bits near grey bits.If you also made the head laser grey for these guys too, then it wouldn't stand out as much because there are other parts that are grey next to it. So maybe yamato can let us swap colours? Have 2 types: grey and white? This and the VF-11 with its armour and massive gunpod are my two fave mechs in macross 7.
  6. Even though I agree with pretty much everything here, I still want to see the line continue. It's expensive for what you get but the only toys in 1/100 I want. I think bandai just needs to listen to its customer complaints a bit more and then in later releases fix all the problems people have. (for instance the gunpod mount thing) They did it for the vf-25, (making new version) now just do it for the vf-1 and the vf-19 1/100. How hard can this be? You want them to just quit like that? . If the toys are good enough, people will buy it. I can especially see those who don't have much space liking them.
  7. Well I just found out something I didn't know before about the yamato 1/60 version 2 vf-1, while super gluing the fast pack nozzle that rubs against the opening of the cover of the fast pack. (I broke this off when opening the fast pack cover earlier) You can actually pull this out with your fingers before opening the fast pack cover so it doesn't get beheaded. Just wiggle it out while pulling outwards and it should slide out eventually. I recommend always doing this if you ever feel the need to look at the guts of the fast packs and don't want to break that nozzle that sticks its head out.. 1. when removing the fast pack coverplate, slide it off first 2. when putting the fast pack coverplate back on, slide it back in last. It's never really safe to remove the fast pack coverplate without accidentally snapping this nozzle off, otherwise. And it's never really safe to put it back on, while you have the nozzle slid in beforehand. As for soft materials ok maybe it will go dry, but whatever material that hasbro/takaratomy uses on certain parts like say Transformers HFTD Tomahawk's rotorblades, is still preferable to me for fine features like the head laser weapons on valks. Even taking into account that they might just crack later on. The reason is because I find that the harder plastic will crack more early due to no flexibility or shock resistance if you lay it down in a way that puts pressure on it.
  8. yay the gunpod looks normal. Personally I think emerald and diamond force is enough for me. I would rather have enemy mecha over booby valk or the pink pecker vf-11. haha I like the music in mac 7 but priority for me i getting the conventional weapons valks. I'm surprised no milia repaint of vf-11.
  9. I think the idea of kids piloting giant robots makes sense. Little kids can survive an attack by an ace pilot for 3 reasons: -the tech is so far advanced that the ace pilots weapons are virtually useless at cracking the armor of the robot due to the robot using better armor. (Like a low level experienced player trying to kill a high level noob wearing the best gear in an mmorpg) -the beam rifle was the feddies advantage over zeon. You only needed very little effort to kill things. This is like giving a noob player a highly powerful sword in a mmo. -the dude who is an ace underestimates the pilot and is too interested in studying or capturing it for the zeon to study, which means he is distracted. Winning a fight isn;t the main objective so much as gathering intelligence about the experimental robot. Gundam 0079 might have had a kid as the main character, but that doesn't mean it is aimed for kids. It had semi-realistic reasoning behind how a kid could still not die easily, by showing us how great a gundam as a robot is by handing over control to a compleye noob. By showing the audience how a kid could kick butt in it, it is saying "this technolgy is so much better that it can make a better pilot using a worse robot look bad in a fight". In a lot of shows the kid is so hard at training that he learns a lot in a short space of time partially because he "doesn't have to unlearn" old habits like an adult who is used to older systems. (the SDF-1 in macross might be one example - the crew was dealing with something not of this world and information about how to use it might be completely different to what came before) When you think about it, because it is all experimental tech, a kid could actually be more suitable because they don't carry as much old information in their heads that they need to forget before letting new information in their heads. Lacking battle experience due to age makes them less smart, but gundam is more about people guided by psychic intuition. So it gives a dumb guy the appearance of having super human reflexes when he dodges things, but it is really just "knowing how to make the right choices by tapping into a higher power lying dormant in you mind" and "using your gut instinct" vs "being a brilliant strategist". This can give the appearance of a kid who is just a normal pilot with fast response times or a sharp mind who knows things from experience, but in reality is just average in intelligence/experience etc. The psychic power combined with having the cutting edge robot means a child can still beat experienced vets because he has an unfair advantage. (this is why it is "semi-realistic" show to me because it's a convincing enough reason for why a kid might still beat adults in combat despite not having battle experience) The guy in the youtube video is very cunning. Gundam 0079 to me at least is really aimed at a "general audience" for both adults and kids. In the same way star wars OT was. (no jarjar binks then but it did have the ewoks) I think the only reason he attacks 079 is because the main character is young, (silly argument) but the overall tone (wars, environmental destruction from fighting using nuke powered machines etc) was serious. You have space nazis planning to wipe out what they deem 'an inferior unevolved race' in order to reshape society in thier own utopian ideal - this is like adolf hitler and the dream for a master race through engineering society by using genetics whilst killing off those that do not fit the mold of an ancient atlantean superman with psychic powers which is what they believed to have descended from. The show is obviously influenced by real wars of the past despite being a scifi cartoon for entertainment. To put it bluntly gundam 079 is really just world war 2 in space, (like star wars) but just using giant robots instead of tanks and WWII fighters. (even the way you don't have guided missiles in the UC universe mirrors this) It was a mature show that both children and adults like. By trying to counter-argue with the trolls he bit their bait! lol You should ignore a troll since the purpose of the troll is really to waste your time. Just don't read thier comments and they will lose energy once they see there is nobody taking the bait.
  10. The 1/48 "credit card valk" is what you want. That was the valk where only 3 of them were made. It was a black ops vf-1 that looked a lot like the vf-1 in SDFM tv series that was in shadow. You should try selling in second life:
  11. Yeah me too. I just recently bought the mospeada dvd boxset too because I love the mecha.
  12. I know. Which is why I tell them to send item as soon as stock is available. By telling them to send the single item out, they know not to wait until they are sure you will not add an extra thing to the shopping cart. (which is what they do by default) If you say to "send the item out immediately by itself" and "do not combine shipping", you won't wait as long. Some people complain they take their time. The delays and slow speed is fine by me since I am in no real hurry to get things quickly. (in fact I use SAL shipping whenever I can) Apart from that they are reliable. You just got to have good communication.
  13. this is the main reason why I buy them. Smaller bot modes means less hassle posing them so I like to own small versions of the valks. Yes they sacrifice gimmicks and not as perfect transformable as the larger scale stuff (because you have more little pieces lying around to swap) but the advantage of being small is how they make fun little desk toys. If only they were cheaper though.
  14. For me dark souls and skyrim are my must haves but I have a pile of other games I got to get through first. In terms of length/freedom it is more like metroid fusion (which to me was a bit too linear for my liking) more than super metroid. I was surprised when I killed the first boss (the alien queen) and the game did not let me explore after I had killed it so I could look at the areas I didn't get a chance to explore yet. I was ripped out of the level and the game forced me to move to the next. So it feels less like an adventure (super metroid) and more like "just get this objective done" kind of thing. But unlike ocntra this game has the tension and slow burn pace I like from metroid games where you take your time and don't just rush around like an arcade sidescrolling shooter. (not my fave genre for aliens - I prefer a slower paced game similar to what alien 3 was where you feel vulnerable and scared) You have to worry about using up too much ammo, but since you can just run past danger this is ok. There is a stamina bar though so you can't abuse it. Similar to metal slug you have a handgun with infinite ammo so you can mash the poo out of the shoot button when you feel like saving up the rifle or shotgun for tougher enemies. Like Halo it seems you have a 2 weapon limit. So you have to pick between weapons. ( I wanted to carry a rifle and shotgun but could only carry 1 ) But considering the rifle has the grenade launcher it is like 2 weapon in 1. You have a dedicated grenade button like in Halo to throw grenades (which similar to metroid can be used to break open weak parts of the environment) and you can shoot grenades from the rifle which is useful on "damage sponge" enemies like bosses. I haven't gotten the flamethrower yet. I suppose this is the weapon of choice against facehugger and chest burster enemies. Pushing SELECT toggles grenade types. Other tools are things like wrenches to turn off valves, and welders which can be used to lock doors behind you to prevent aliens opening the door. (also you can unweld welded doors) And there are keycards of varying security levels. A higher security level lets you open more doors than lower level keycards. Another thing is flares which you can use to mark certain places of interest or just remind yourself where you have explored. The map has to be obtained (like zelda when you first enter a dungeon lol) from the ships own computer before you can use it so see where you are located, and you find the motion tracker early in the game. The main moves are shoot, duck, dodgeroll (uses lots of stamina but saves your butt when an alien rushes and lunges at you) run, use (ie opening doors, using cover for blindfire) and jump. (jumping helps you to lift yourself up into vents and stuff "prince of persia" or "tomb raider" style.) Advanced moves are running backwards while holding the shoot button to backpeddle while attacking, and holding the "aim button" down to keep still and shoot your rifle in 7 different directions depending on how you push the dpad. Others include holding run button while jumping to get to a ledge further away. (running jump) I don't think crouching while shooting makes you shoot more accurately though. In games like metal slug when you crouch your character can shoot off more shots per second of his pistol than when he stands because his kneeling helps reduce recoil. In this game you can mash the button as quickly as you want while standing and there will be no loss of accuracy. You can hold a fire button down while walking away from the target to backpeddle slowly while your character shoots. (useful against armored enemies which don't flinch when shot) I really bought this because I like pixel art and animation in this. (wayforward seem to be known for making decent movie and tv licensed games) I buy all the castlevanias and megaman games on DS too. 28min gameplay video: One thing that is interesting is the dialogue for each marine is different depending on who you choose. So maybe there are different endings? And unlockables depending on how many men alive you manage to win game with? There are about 19 marines scattered around so each must have a backstory or something to increase replayability. the first boss fight:
  15. Good idea. I would just have 1 ozuma displayed in naked form and 1 with armor pack. As for ebay: You don't have to use ebay. You could sell it in the for sale section here. Me: I personally want to wait and see though as I like to hear reviews of things before buying. Very rarely have I bought things on preorder. Got to save up some for masterpiece optimus prime mp-10 which will probably be followed up by ultra magnus masterpiece with armour.
  16. yeah. I will do that. What I'm hoping is for news on whether bandai will continue the himetal line. (ie yf-19 himetal complete with gunpod attachment) Then use that on blazer haha. The vb-6 monster looks pretty good next to these guys.
  17. Yamato hasn't done this. I wonder if they will later?
  18. actually a few youtube toy reviewers do. But these complaints are stupid imo. The metal in the feet is hi in metal. buy the standalone, when bandai announce a bundle, sell the standalone to upgrade to bundle release. the reason: What if bandai never release the bundle? You will have missed out getting ozuma cheap. This way you get preorder discount price and protect yourself in future if the bundle or armour standalone is web exclusive. I want to buy himetal blazer but bandai make it hard for me to like it without the gunpod attachment piece. Bandai is crazy. You can't predict what random decisions they will make. They treat their fans like soup nazi does his customers. Hopefully yamato gets a chance to do the macf valks in future.
  19. yes vf-11b milia should have been thought up ages ago. Graham any chance of this coming out?
  20. I have a bird of prey but I don't transform it much. Might try a transformation next time and see what it can take. Hopefully there is no mysterious cracking from lack of loving it and touching it everyday like graham's toy. As for the thruster nozzle thing, it is the one that sticks out at the very bottom and sometimes will get beheaded if you are not careful, which I wasn't. This breakage wasn't due to the plastic just degrading. This was me taking off the cover and the part that sticks out being caught on the fastpack cover's hole as I wrenched the cover off and the fast pack cover came off very suddenly. The force of my own pulling was what took the poor little nozzle with it lol I prefer smaller and finer details like headlaser and little stuff to go with a more flexible plastic personally. In my experience this adds durability for finer small bits that you know have to be made thin. Bandai chunky monkey vf-17 for instance has big chunky headlasers, (which is one way of making something "strong") but they are also made of flexible plastic that won't warp. Its stiff enough that it will always stay straight but flexible enough that you could let it drop to the floor and you don't worry that the head laser cracks like it would if it had been made of normal plastic that would crack under shock. What you want is for small fine details to be shock resistent so they can absorb the shock by flexing a little bit under stress. I'm glad yamato used more flexbilie material on the head laser area of vf-22. (and also made it detachable so you could transform it more safely. for example if you ever dropped it on its back you never have to worry about the laser cracking even if you used a harder plastc headlaser instead of the soft one, because you were wise and detached the laser off beforehand) This is good durability design. Personally I would have liked nozzle to be detachable at least for that one area on the vf-1.
  21. Personally I think bandai is nuts not to care about overseas market. I think this is one of the reasons the western game industryis slowly taking over the game industry globally now (which used to be dominated by japan in the past generations) because they market things to the other regions, whereas japan doesn't branch out to outside regions enough. I know that a lot of people who collect transformers have bought (almost to the exclusion of the hasbro versions of the figures) the imported japanese toys simply because they like the extra details and stuff over the changed american versions. The extra sales they could get if they just stopped this nonsense would far outweigh whatever benefit they think they are getting by making things exclusive. But bandai are asshats as we saw with the v1 vf-25, so obviously they are not going to listen to us wiser folk. Love the toys, but not the idiotic decisions to prevent themselves from expanding and growing their sales. Sure they can't locally bring macros toys due to harmony gold, but to ignore the advantages of getting more toys out to more people so they can profit more? That doesn't make sense. Because of them I won't buy the figures I was intended to buy because they went down the path of making certain stuff exclusive. Maybe they just don't have faith in macross enough to care? They probably care more about gundam so the attitude is "why should I try hard if I make more money doing this other stuff?" The extra money they might make by making it easy to get the items to people overseas, just isn't enough compared to what they make doing other things.
  22. As for the guy that mentioned macross II. I would love to see macross II mecha. The metal Siren looks awesome. here is the base mecha that the protodevlin enemy mechs take after: vf-14 vampre They could do the grunt mech, the leader, and then later do the vf-14 which the enemy based its main fighters on. These fighters are the main opposition to vf-17.
  23. Looks ok but do vf-4 first. Why do you like it so much? Don't you think they should start to do some enemy mecha from macross 7?
  24. Got Aliens Infestation on the nintendo ds. If you are a fan of sidescrolling exploration titles this is great fun. It is like metroid but without the gimmicky power armor. The sprite all animate well and behavior and movement of the aliens is fast and frantic when they appear. It feels a lot like alien 3 on the snes/megadrve. This is probably one of the better licensed games I'v played on a portable. And the dual screen setup suits a game of this type. Map and motion sensor on bottom screen while the action takes place on the top. The first boss is the queen alien and almost wiped all 4 of my men on my first try until I manaaged to spam grenades with the rifle's grenade launcher. Anyone who is a fan of james cameron's Aliens should check this game out. handled by the same guys behind contra 4 on ds. (wayforward) Why can't there be more games like this? The next old school side scrolling action game I am looking forward to is shinobi prequel on 3ds. Lets hope sega don't f*ck that up. lol edit: Wayforward also handled that 2d Thor beat em up on ds recently too. (as well as batman brave and the bold cartoon beat em up) They seem to have a good track record in making arcade action games using movie, cartoon, and comic licensed games with decent gameplay and great sprite artwork. Doesn't surprise me that this game is good. haven't tried thor yet. Might pick this up for its retro appeal after I am finished with aliens.
  25. If they do it I wonder if they'll do that underarm accessory we see in the anime? I would rather that then the fold booster to be honest.
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