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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. That's a shame that vf-11 didn't do well I like to think of the vf-11 as a zaku for macross. It looks basic and simple so it will never be as popular as yf-19, but its mass produced look goes well wiith the hero robot in a group display. No matter how many get blown up in the show for being 'old' it is still a cool looking plane. The toy itself was well done too. I like all the modes.
  2. I totally agree with this post. I like to have GERWALK in a low crouching stance without the backend pointing up to the sky and nose pointing at the ground. You can't achieve this low crouching look (with nose pointed forward instead of to the floor bowing down) on a flat surface without good forward/back range of motion on the ankles. When the YF-19 version 3 is being planned please mention this to the yamato guy graham. Show the pic too so he gets it. Design it so that if someone does the low crouching gerwalk pose that the ankles remain the original tightness. Personally I love the toy and got mine with only 1 little problem. My side headlaser (the left one) seems to have the laser barrels pointing straight, while my right headlaser barrels are more pointed in outwards fashion which is the style people like to have for robot mode. Why did they make one side straight and the other side pointing outwards? Why not have just one or the other? Seems a bit strange. Maybe this is just mine?
  3. all orders for ozuma are filled on hlj.com How long before resupply? Looks like there is not enough to fill demand.
  4. Would love to see the gimmicks and leg storage of the gunpod. I am buying a bandai vf-25 and plan on getting an ozuma vf-25 later. I hope yamato take their time not to make too many QC on first release heh. I think now is a time when people will spend money during christmas so this could be a gift I ask others to buy me.lol Graham probably is playing with one of these now I bet. It's strange how little info comes out of this. I am a big fan of stealth looking valks and this contrasts nicely with the shiny colourful stuff in mac 7. I don't think I will buy the mcdonalds valk or any other non-military standard valkyries. So I am not too worried about the price. I think after this yamato should consider the bad guys mechs too. Gamlin is a cool character he is just outshined by basara. In the same way max outshined hikaru in SDFM. That doesn't mean he isn't a main character.
  5. yamato 1/60 yf-19 1. no locking chest even though 1/72 had it. 2. gunpod looked a bit small yamato vb-6 monster 1. could have benefitted from tampo printed markings 2. limbs seem a bit floppy 3. details like the chest cannon and hands seem bare 4. secret feature glued shut I wish yamato did a variable glaug. yamato qrau: 1. thought it was a bit overpriced. 2. limited articulation in legs Loads of people seem to not like the bandai himetal but i think it is good, just overpriced. It is like a yamato vf-1 1/60v2 but at 1/100. It has some bits that look superior like the way the fast pack attaches to it. (I hate the yamato vf-1 v2 fast pack and how there is a big bar connecting the two sides together. 1/48 did it better.) as for transforming revoltech: I like that it really is a perfect tranforming figure but i had lower expectations for this because the reason you would get it is for its super posability not for accuracy in sculpt in fighter mode. If you bought one expecting an awesome look in other modes I would recommend you read reviews more often lol We all look for different things in different toys. I think it does what it promises: gives you a heroically posing battroid mode that transforms. I think yamato fanatics are just jealous that the revoltech line in general was so popular lol The gnu line struggled to get the attention that superposing figures got, partially because it tried too hard to worry about accuracy to lineart. But the whole appeal of revy toys is that you can do crazy dynamic anime poses, not be these perfect sculpted statues that you can scrutinise with a magnifying glass and take zoomed in hi res photos of. People should care about that for the bigger more expensive toys more imo. Revy is more about fun.
  6. As long as the gimmick is there I'm happy. Expensive toy though...
  7. wow that darker shade really helps it. hopefully more pics will show us how the gunpod stores into the leg.
  8. That's a nice pose.
  9. Whether the toy is worth it to me depends on durability so please yamato: "no first release curse" on this! lol Everyone should get at least 1 I think. Maybe sales of this will influence bandai to do the vf-171? Personally I look forward mostly to the vf-19 series more and a possible chance of yf-19 version 2 more than vf-17 but I think I might end up getting a 17 next year maybe as a present and/or after reviews of it are good.
  10. Well graham I think they need to have an enemy mecha. I know it won't sell as well as hero valks, but keep in mind an enemy like that will look good in a display with any of the vf-17 or vf-19. I think either this or make a vf-11 with armour pack bundle. (make the vf-11 modified from the stand alone vf-11 c that was released earlier)
  11. That was me. I plan to get one VF-19 (s type) and one vf-17 (probably the fat head version) and maybe save some of the rest for bandai vf-25 renewal. Then hopefully by that time HLJ has a sale or something.. They are getting really expensive now. I think space is also an issue with some people too. I'm one of those guys that only display 1 or 2 things at a time while everything else gets boxed. But generally I am glad we are getting different things other than vf-1. This is why I think yamato should one day do some PT 1/100 (start with macross zero) and see how they go with enemy mecha like QRau with superposability to fight the bandai himetal vf-1..lol
  12. my milia figure has not broken or anything but I found it to be sticky. I thought it was a strange claim so I checked mine and was surprised that it was "sweating". I haven't had any of my toys yellow though except for the banpresto valk lol
  13. So if that isn't true lineart which lineart is the true stuff? And what is this business about the robot mode collar? I heard someone say that the vf17 had a collar.
  14. When I look at the yamato it seems the windshield is at a different slope to the lineart. The windshield should be steeper. While the top portion of the nose should have a more gentle upward slope. Anyone else notice that?
  15. maybe they can have a swappable nose cone for slimness fanatics? again they forgot to show the gunpod. seems like they just do it to tease us.
  16. For those of you who think this is chunky in fighter mode keep in mind you want the "gunpod in leg" gimmick and the landing gear thing which needs to share space, so do take into account "durability" issue. If it holds together well and still looks decent in fighter mode (as opposed to being really slim but with no gunpod storage gimmick) that is ok to me personally. The vf-22 had no place to store the gunpods so it can still look as a slim fighter. (ie the gunpods sit in the fighter mode hip belly plate - but the toy doesn't let you squeeze them in) I don't expect that with vf-17 so I'm not as shocked like the rest of the people here. I want durability and chunky battroid mode for this mech. When standing next to a vf-11 I want this to look bulky while the vf-11 is skinny.
  17. Save up and only buy one of each type. That's what I'm going to do.
  18. Looks ok to me. But to be honest I am more looking forward to the vf-19s. I have the bandai chunky munky and this looks like it is something between that and lineart which has always gone for skinny look in fighter mode and then fat look for battroid mode. Yamato are going through a "balanced for all modes" phase it seems. I wonder if bandai gets around to vf-171 sometime in the future?
  19. Looks painted to me. I looked at the edges of her shoulder armor thing which looks like the paint is fading off. (starting to see a bit of white underneath) Anyway I checked my yf-19 "double nuts", and it's ok. I had it transformed into fighter mode on display for a long time. Not sure if that matters or not.
  20. You know what I think? They would have bought a vf-11 (the japanese kids) if there wasn't so much macross valk to buy ahead of it. We got macross toys from mac7, plus, and frontier as well as sdfm. I can imagine the grunt is the last mech on their list of things to buy. It's not so much that they don't want one, but "how badly do they want one over the other valks?" I'm sure they are just saving and taking ages to get around to it. If milia came out as a limited edition maybe this would force people to preorder and front up the cash early? Personally I don't get the logic behind vf-11 being boring "because it is grey". IMO it actually makes the robot more appealing but I think it must have to do more with mac plus the anime not being as popular there?
  21. Wow I'm surprised it sold bad. Personally I think it turned out the best out of the three macross plus mecha. great looking in all modes.
  22. Macross II likes: -mecha looks cool in robot and fighter modes. -the little flying things that follow it (are they bits?) -intro where the robot uses a shoulder cannon and does an awesome spin with attitude (much better than hikaru's spin in SDFM) and a revoltech-like pose lol -ishtar (the nakedness is part of the culture shock I guess - maybe any remaining zentradi within human side will be distracted?) -the main bad guy's mech looks cool. It just has this demonic looking appearance to it -music is pretty good. (actually you hear some of it from mac f) Oh yeah, my avatar is from mac II mainly because I want a yamato toy of this. The original SDFM is the best of all the macross stories imo I think if macross II never came about we might not have seen macross 7 or II? One thing I like is the legend of the Alus. How it was really a symbol of bringing rather than used to kill. You never get to see a clear image of what the ship looks like and I supposed it was intended that way. You do get a glimpse of a ship but it is vague. I liked that bit as it added a bit of mystery to the show. It is not just the macross that saved people, (ie the military's focus on having the best technology "might = right" ideas) so when it got destroyed that meant the characters had to focus on what it represents more than the actual ship itself. The legends are just tales to teach people. In some ways I like that idea more than the whole sound force thing in macross 7 where the fighting is just singing and using mystical energies. You can solve problems without military might. But that doesn't mean pacifism. You can still defend using conventional weapon. That's why I can still like this a little bit over 7. In 7 the military and conventional weapons pretty much become obsolete. lol
  23. Yeah but the collar could be hidden just like when you don't push the chest plate all the way down
  24. Battroid mode overall of the 1/60v2 vf-1 is the best out there. It was designed to look "balanced in all modes".and fans of the battroid mode love it.. Whereas the 1/48 vf-1 looked to be aiming for a good fighter mode. Mostly the bot mode doesn't look as well proportioned compared to the 1/60v2. (eg the tiny hands, wide chest, GBP armor that looks oversized etc) However the head sculpt of the 1/48 is still better than the head sculpt of the 1/60v2. Chin look too pointy on 1/60 imo Mouthplate curves too much. (1/48 has it go flatter on the front side) Gunpod of the 1/48 seems better too.
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