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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. snakeart01 is obviously shoji kawamori trolling the macross world boards for laughs.
  2. Is there a possibility that ozuma vf-25 renewal gets re-issued again soon for those who missed out on him but got all the super and armored parts? It's only the super pack and amored pack that are the limited edition items right? (Alto and Ozuma are seen all the time and are main characters) It would have been good if Bandai released a gift set of ozuma with everything (super pack and armored pack) so people didn't have to chase down the individual parts.
  3. Yeah but what I mean is SK just creates a whole new series which is really more appealing to an older audience with characters that don't copy the original macross ones. I mean yeah they fly in space with angelic themed names and shoot things with their machines just as pilots in gundam, but not preteen kids who are so inexperienced that they are sloppy at knowing how to control the basic functions of the robot.. One thing I noticed is that many people here are much more fans of the original macross than later series. The original with minmay in it and hikaru. Hikaru wants the girls ass and tries to impress her by joining the military. he gets bossed around by a woman who hates show-off stunts, and within that series is many funny situations that gives it a soap opera like feel to the whole thing. Recreate that humor and make the series more appealing to an international audience too. People who would watch cowboy bebop or play music could watch the show and not just mecha show fans.Zero's problem I think was there wasn't enough pop music in it. Macross II had a good start (I like the war journalist character trying to expose the government cover up of what's happening) but it didn't end very well. Frontier was good but the bugs didn't get a chance to say or communicate anything so they seem like background 'characters' unlike the inbit in mospeda which actually used psychic communication of some sort. You actually got to hear what they were planning. If it was 52 eps they probably could have fleshed out the bad guys and made them a bit deeper. Perhaps they needed to feed on others because they were running from something more scary than themselves? Add a bit more mystery so that we could relate to them. Perhaps as refugees fleeing their hive world because of stronger and scarier threats?
  4. Personally I think SK should reboot macross under a different name so people outside japan ca finally get all the toys easily. Have the final show of macross be about the end of the universe as protodevlin return to fight against basaras son who is a heavy metal fan and becomes possessed with the souls of dead pilots like roy fokker, kakizaki, shin, and hikaru and he becomes a newtype and kills alll the demons single-handedly with his angry music that fills the protodevlin with so much energy they can't contain it and explode like a bomb. (fist of the north-star style) For the first time in macross,, music is used to kill the space demons by overfeeding them and using conventional weapons to fight their genetically modifed space monsters with nukes. Everyone dies in it just like in the end of gundam zeta and Basara's son goes batshit insane at the end of it all and humans evolve and become the new protoculture that destroyed itself thanks to meddling with nature so much and making all the space whales extinct and fiddling with the floating rocks which only brought about man's obsession with power to make himself god. The lesson is humans are "satan's dolls" just like the zentradi only smarter and more dangerous and sophisticated after they are able to use the protodevlin and enslave and control them. Humans have conquered too much and the other alien races are jealous of their powers which causes space war II to limit their expansion which intrudes on the culture and beliefs of other aliens who do not want war but must fight to defend their own lands using technology that the PC left behind for them to balance out the human's discovery of PC tech which was prophecised to result in great wars if they became too cocky..Max is divorced and milia finds a new zentradi husband to mate with after she realises max cheated on her and Mylene becomes a environmentalist working for a greenpeace like organisation as she sings songs to plants and animals which heals them. Then start a new space opera with transforming mechs under a different name. Harmony Gold has stunted macross too long.
  5. While asking them about that: is yamato going to make this a future release one day or avoid it like the red vf-11? Or does the cost to mould boobs on the pilot gone up and yamato can't afford to make the milia paintscheme? This is the only bright mcdonalds paintscheme I like from mac 7. I avoided fire valk in hopes yamato might do this. I won't buy the sound force stuff. Only interested in diamond and emerald force and max/milia paintschemes.
  6. Well the way I see it is that since studio nue wasn't involved, it could be considered morally wrong to try to make money off the creator's baby (macross in general) without them having the ability to control it, direct it, whatever. And the creators want control. If yamato were to make toys from it, that would be like associating with the bad guys wouldn't it? Look at all the hate Robotech/Harmony Gold gets in here for removing the credits to the original people involved for christ's sake. lol And yeah I agree that if 2 wasn't made maybe we wouldn't see any future macross shows. I think yamato should do mospeada toys. I am not happy with the detail on the CM Legious toys I bought. It's time for an upgrade!
  7. If we don't get macross II toys from either company, I would love to see a revoltech vf-2 with the super pack. (make a transformable one and non-transforming one) Not many people here liked the transforming revy vf-1 but I thought it looked ok from a distance and after you stuff enough tissue paper between loose bits so it doesn't suffer floppy limb syndrome.
  8. The vf-2 is in a show that kawamori probably doesn't approve of though. SDF-1 was part of the official universe canon despite not being designed by SK. Destroids are part of the official universe canon despite not being designed by SK. Yamato isn't pissing off the guy who designed the robots from the canon universe when doing those ones that belong in the original. If yamato wants to be friendly to the creators of the whole IP, (and the guy who designed the VF concept) they are not going to want to make stuff for non-canon sequels that the creators didn't want being done in the first place. I think bandai might be able to get away with it since they are a bigger company and seem to be able to survive without macross so they are not as desperate to be nice all the time. They can wear silly gundam uniforms and create Valks with fat bodies and still make money selling to casual fans without caring about the diehards who want model kit quality sculpts. Yamato need to maintain good relations. I think that is why they wouldn't do it imo. Maybe I'm wrong but I bet they would be too chicken to do a vf-2 for this reason.
  9. I would get one, and the reason for that is despite it not being officially a kawamori design it is still a great or "cool-looking" design much like the Legios and Tread from mospeada. I like the battroid of this more than battroid mode of the vf-4 actually. (the irony of this is that the vf-4 wasn't originally transformable anyway despite it being a "VF", was it? But people like that a lot even though it is top heavy design and isn't as realistic/practical as the vf-1, and vf-2. Imagine parking your vf-4 in robot mode on a windy day? I would not want to be near it lol) If Bandai made this with the same care that they put into thier current macf toys (vf-25, vf-171, koenig monster etc) I would be happy. I think yamato would not want to do this as a way of not pissing off the floating head. (political reasons lol) I like the over the top power the big cannon provides in the show too. Although now that macF has beam rifle sniper guns like miniturised zentradi ships do (with the whole 'splitting the gun in half and charging up' thing they do) it seems like the design of this once-impressive weapon is not 'futuristic' or overpowered anymore.
  10. I want that old transforming konig monster lego that was done a while ago. I thought that looked better than the yamato konig monster at the time lol
  11. argh I so want there to be a Lego Macross toy line much like the Lego Star Wars one. lol I wish it existed.
  12. I agree with those who say the 17 is in a sense more scary and intimidating due to its sheer size. It is called 'nightmare', it's stealthy and black, (a big plus since I like that something like it exists in a bright cartoony world like macross 7 with the clown valks hehe) and most of all it is high performance mech with the firepower you don't normally see on a "naked" valk. (bigger gujnpod in general, has the beam connector thing for killing important enemies, probably more effective at close range than other valks with no wrist canons) The VF-171 still looks cool too but more in a graceful way not in a frightening way. The 17 has what I call the 'zentradi' factor in it (ie their powered armor is all bulky and heavy and robust compared to the nimble human valkyrie in battroid mode) The problem with yamato is..........................where is our vf-11 "renewal" that can attach Full Armor? The vf-11c with the full armor should be their next project imo. It looks cool and I think one of these would sell a lot of toys because of the main character kicking butt in it. (but dying heroically unlike all the other cannon fodder vf-11 guys lol) Naked, the vf-11 looks average but when it puts on the armor it has that cool bulky look much like VF-17. Either do that or enemy mecha. It's not like they can milk the vf-17 as hard as vf-1. There is only so many variants of ace pilot valks. Whereas SDFM had a load of different variants of the same thing. To me it is a heavy stealth fighter and it is only suitable in black mostly. But with the vf-11 I think they could maybe give us the milia variant. I would much prefer this even over the red vf-17.
  13. Just got mine in last week. Judging by the comments this one is a bit fiddly to transform? Might have to watch some transformation videos before doing it to see that I don't stress or break anything. Good thing that this valk is not so hard to find compared to the other stuff. I love the armour/extra weapons for it too. Not quite as cool looking as ozuma armor pack or the VF-11C Full Armor, but a great upgrade still.
  14. Yeah but what about the crazy transformers fan? Optimus Prime Masterpiece MP10 is still in the same range as yamato stuff: http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT39840 fans of TF even go so far to find the import if they think the quality is higher. The new prime MP-10 is smaller than the bigger MP of this character too. If a fan really loves a character a lot they might decide to cave and pay a bit more. Maybe if mospeada was redone in japan maybe using cg, then brought to the west again (perhaps under robotech label) for a newer younger crowd or something, things would change? How many times does speed racer and that get reboots? It might be a good idea to use it as a way to redesign the original mech much like macross zero redesigned the vf-1 through the vf-0. (more curves etc) If I had it my way I would never let the beta fighter be a mech used for the air but merely a ground mech and then only go into booster mode for space use. (much like the glaug booster in macross) It would be dropped off to earth in a parachute or something like that as a support weapon against heavy targets and never go into flight mode while on earth as seen in the original. And we get to see the big gun in the reboot.
  15. And then we will all be suckered into 1/48 vf-1 version 2. JK. I think there are still some people who still prefer the 1/48 and if yamato wanted to make another one they could probably get away with it. Add all the gimmicks and give us swappable heads and do a kit version for people to customise it, and give us proper hands. Whoa. I should shut up. Not enough money as it is.. The original 1.48 did not originally have 2 seater valkyries in mind and only modders could have one at that scale. And it didn't originally have the GBP in mind which is why the GBP looks so funny and out of proportion to the lineart. If yamato did it, I bet people here would complain but still get one. Although it would not replace the 1.60. They could just say it is a one off deal where they just do only the recognisable character. (30th anniversary of macross special, similar to how the original "masterpiece prime" was for the TF before it became a full blown line of toys for the adult)
  16. Or eat very little food and slowly save up a little bit at a time. In about a year you will have enough to get one. Just don't worry about getting the whole team at once. People who are buying multiples can wait for the sales. This is what I did for some of the VF-1 stuff. (since there is so many VF-1 to get and it is virtually impossible for you to own it all in one go) Oh that reminds me I ordered a 2 seater VF-1D (free side parts and elevated chair) from HLJ and my preorder could not be fulfilled because 'I was too late' in the first come first served system. Looks like the 2 seaters are really popular and they can still milk more money from this mech yet.
  17. The price is high but it being available is better than having something come out cheap but be hard to find imo. The stress of having to waste time looking is more of an annoyance than just forking out the money. If you think about it, there is only so many variants of each of these mech yamato can make unlike the vf-1. (which let's be honest has been milked to death - if you bought multiples of this one same toy, the transformers fans would laugh at that and wonder why you spend so much on a repaint lol Some of that money could have gone to buying whole new toys of different stuff)
  18. As long as the shoulder and arms don't snap as a free battle damage "bonus feature" I am fine with the game version. Quality Control at yamato seems to be pretty good these days though. After this I hope they give us YF-19 ver2. Then variable glaug, and then a redo of the koenig monster game edition. (hint steal off bandai but give us the much cooler longer barrels heh)
  19. It is a prophecy of an upcoming event for sure! Jk I rewatched all of Mospeada recently and had a dream that I was inside a legious flying around and stuff. Sometimes if you try to watch movies or anime or play a game in marathon session it affects what you dream about. heh Then when you wake up you feel like going back to sleep to see more of the dream. Maybe you were about to get blown up or killed and you did not eject in time? Usually when I am about to "die" in the dreams where there is some kind of danger involved I wake up right at that moment. Should I be scared? Maybe my brain is telling me not to become a cannon fodder pilot if earth ever gets attacked by aliens or I will only waste a good robot which could have gone to more skilled people.
  20. Cool. It would have been nice to see the battlepod emerge from the water and scare people fishing close to the water or something like that to add humour instead of us seeing the whole pod at once entering the atmosphere. Try something like that which would get a *laugh. And make the very first appearance of the mech like a scary monster where we fear it and don't see what it actually is completely. (this teases us more plus these are amphibious mechs designed for water I think - correct me if I am wrong) . I hope one day a real movie is made. Get the guy behind the halo live action ads and 'District 9' to handle it. Modify the universe enough so it isn't a complete clone of macross and use alphas instead of the VF-1. Forget spielberg/bay. They angered the hardcore TF fans with their lack of focus on the robot characters. But I will say after watching TF movie 1 I still think it was entertaining as a fun sci-fi movie by itself, just not so good for the TF franchise. Bumblebee not even talking is stupid. And they killed Jazz, the only cool one of the car robots. The toys were nice though. I still have my Leader class Brawl somewhere. The live action movie brought more toys aimed for the older adult fans of TF which is nice. *What I mean is make it a serious moment but the background and unimportant things in the scene is funny to watch. The reactions of people in the scene is what connects the audience to the event. "This is what I would do and how I would react if I encountered one for real"
  21. So is there any hope in hell that yamato will ever make new toys of this old show? Seems more like the diehard robotech fans would be the ones to buy this given mospeada wasn't that big a hit in japan as some have mentioned. Yamato should work with HG and make all the alphas and betas. lol Share the risk and help to fund it. I know I said robotech. This is the anime sci fi area so I can't be burned at the stake. hehe But let's face it, if you can get robotech fans to buy this too it might still be worth a shot to create new highly expensive but awesome transforming toys with none of the weaknesses of the past stuff. You rant and rave all day about how crap the toynami stuff is, it is time to email the people at robotech.com to make new masterpiece toys that do not crumble to dust. Robotech is still fondly remembered by 30 year old guys who watched it as kids much like transformers in the west. And with the recent transformers live actions movies people are getting nostalgiac about stuff they remember as kids and buying expensive toys. (version 2 optimus prime masterpiece is one example) Good to hear that graham likes the beagle ride armor! Where were you when these were originally made? It is one of the best toys I have ever seen. It is the one thing you can say really deseres the label masterpiece! (and lives up to the fancy boxart and presentation that the people that sell stuff on RT.com sell haha) I bought mine at full price when they first came out (the robotech version has the better face sculpt imo) and drooled all over the keyboard as soon as I saw pics about this on the boards. I know the people here despise the existence of Robotech but without it I don't think I would have had access to the beagle because I remember the RT versions were slightly cheaper over the japanese ones and given the price of them at the time, it made a difference to me. I think if companies want to make more maybe they need to assess how many robotech fans out there would pay a large amount of money for a high quality toy as opposed to a display piece which is what the toynami MPC were. I don't think of the toynami MPC as stuff that you are meant to handle (they are like model kits or collectors items that stay mint in the box) so that is why people forgive those more than yamato toys, But with today's toys now I am certain they can make robust toys which robotech fans would buy and be happy with. One of the problems I had with the CM's Alphas was that the plastic was nice but the lack of detail and the skinny look in robot mode made it look like a different robot from what we saw in lineart. If yamato could make these as robotech toys using all the knowledge they gained from doing macross products I think people would buy it up but just do it for the US audience who are familiar with the alpha and beta mechs in robotech and let the guys who do the boxart for robotech do the boxart for the toys not yamato lol. You just got to keep in mind the american market for this is probably going to be bigger than for the japanese market where robot shows of all types compete with it. If the show there did not get much attention over there, then it is not likely many will remember it. But many fans of robotech do remember the alpha and beta fighter and how there were never really any proper transformable toys from it. They probably are familiar with "Jetfire" from the transformers and the chunky munky, but not any Alpha and beta fighters that they could easily get as kids. I suppose what robotech really needs is a live action movie like what transformers got to see a reawakening of old cartoons for the masses to care much about toys again. But if they aim it at the diehard collectors then it should be worth it still. The reason beagle was at a big disadvantage was because of bad timing. I remember many other companies were making ride armour toys and the market was oversaturated much like what happens when many toys companies all want to make VF-1 toys and the company that makes the best one seems to gobble up all the attention from the others. (*cough* hi metal VF-1 for instance) In the case of the Beagle Ride armor. it was the best toy you could buy but really expensive and came too late to the party. (that means all the money people had for mospeada was already spent on toys made by megahouse and CMs) But it has been a while since the last wave of toys and with the 30th anniversary the wallets have had time to heal from then. Maybe it is worth a shot to come back to this but only as a robotech line of toys? If yamato has enough guts to do a VF-4 and SDF-1 I don't see why not.
  22. I only read this thread up to page 23. But I would like to say how funny this whole thing is of people staying up in the wee hours of the morning just to get a chance to buy this stuff, I hope one day we will be able to look back at this and laugh at how desperate people were to get their hands on these toys. Here you have a bunch of fans wanting to give bandai their money and they won't take it! lol It's really pathetic.
  23. It's a real shame. But perhaps half a decade from now Yamato will get the rights to do some of their own toys from mac F? Much like they are doing for mac 7 now? Yamato still dominates in the SDFM toy area so I suppose this (MacF) is where bandai can take advantage of the one area yamato can not touch and where there is no one to compete with them on. (let the fanatics fight over limited numbers, watch the average price people on ebay are willing to pay and adjust price accordingly by only making enough to supply demand without risking it by going over) Bandai have the model kits, the toys, and the uniquq mechs (the konig monster, QRea) for this series. Yamato has Mac7 and SDFM plus whatever other valks that fans want to see.
  24. Bandai really need to listen you. Seriously I want to buy a VF-25S and VF-171 and ended up spending my money on Yamato toys instead. I don't care how great bandai thinks gundam is, not supplying enough toys for macross is hurting them.
  25. watch youtube vids. Loads of people seem to have this problem at first. For the looseness of the escape module, just put a little bit of blutack (gummy sticky material used to hold up posters) on the bottom somewhere so you don't lose it.
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