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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. Finally some news. I bet people are going to be selling the old version now to help offset the cost of this. You got to remember that unlike the vf-4 this one is popular mech that got exposure and was seen in a major ova kicking butt. I think it would be far less risky than VF-4 so probably they will produce in larger qauntities? I hated the tiny gunpod of the original 1/60 yf-19. What other stuff would I wish for? Probably the variable Glaug. Let's hope this thing has no fragile parts that break easily. It is the mecha that defeated a hacked SDF-1 by ramming itself into its vulnerable bit to stop it, like an end-of-level boss in an arcade shooting game. It deserves better than that.
  2. I had already registered and clicked the support button at the site you linked to on my first post of this thread, and also helped spread the word on a little videogame board I go to. I would suggest you show this to people who hang out o science fiction boards, anime boards, videogame boards(there is a macross videogame out now to celebrate 30th anniversary so now is the time) and robot and toy collectors boards in order to get full exposure for your work so you can quickly get the support you need. They would be interested in this type of thing. I'm sure anyone in their 30s would remember robotech/macross from the 80s and have the money to purchase one of these should they be made into a product to be sold. This puts EXO force to shame. LOL
  3. Lego would be insane to not want to release them as products. Didn't they recently have a line of sci fi robots that you could build and some of the pilots resembled actual macross characters?
  4. Yes very well done. Urban camo is my fave scheme for the VF-1 in GBP. (along with grey low vis vf-1) How long did this take you to build?
  5. And how do they go about checking for the authenticty of the air being from the time it was built? Do they have an air sniffer dog that can recognise if the air inside is really the same air from back in the day?
  6. My opinion on this whole thing: They are a business and business is risky. If they want to take a risk this is their choice. You don't get to put others on a guilt trip if they decide to skip on a toy that they aren't too crazy for. We as fans = license to print money imo (they just need to estimate how much we are willing to pay and try not to overproduce so they end up inadvertently hurting themselves) I am happy to pay high price for whatever they make, but if I do decide to buy it, it isn't out of charity because I feel like I am donating to a cause. It will be because I see value in the product they make. That's how I think business should be anyway. If you make something really good and nobody can afford it, (some of us complain about price here) or you make something that isn't in high demand, then you have yourself to blame if you didn't succeed in profiting. I can only speak for myself but that is how I feel about it. Sorry if that offends those of you who disagree and think we should bow down to the toy company out of respect for making things, but that is the reality of life and you need to learn that lesson. Everyone has different tastes and we should tolerate the differences. For instance I skipped the yamato Fire Valk but I can appreciate it from afar (just not enough to want to own it). I don't have to own one to prove I support the company. I have lots of other stuff which I DID like that I spent money on because I WANTED to, not because I felt a DUTY to pay for it as proof I am a "supporter". Some of us need to stop calling others names like "asshats" and please check yourself. Look in the mirror for crying out loud. There are loads of people who do want to support but have a tighter budget than you and may work hard too, so they got to be selective over which things they can buy. Me personally? As much as I like macross I know I can't own multiples of things like some others and to compensate we try to limit myself to the stuff we really like. (VF-4 is one instance here: as much as I would like to have 2, it is out of my price range) Please take this into mind in future. There is also the issue of space: some of us have lots of toys already that we paid for, and no space to display everything. (I think this can be solved when arcadia/yamato learn to make the boxes *smaller however) *I suggest they go into the world of "build it yourself" line of valk toys and see how that goes. It might bring price down and allow more compact packaging? Imagine if they gave you the option to choose the head type and switch it around? Release a low viz VF-1 and multiple heads. Also disassembling one easily means you can fit more in your house. Personally I think that is what they should have done with destroids.
  7. just repaint them all white again.
  8. Yes liste to him Arcadia. I'm running out of space and want YF-19 v2 1/60 with the locking chest just like VF-19S. I bought a VF-4 at the insane price. I bought a 2nd VF-19S from HLJ recently. Make it expensive if you have to (perhaps even force us to build it ourself like the SDF-1?) and have it as a preorder deal. As long as the quality matches VF-19 and VF-4 levels. I'm sure everyone would preorder this and maybe even buy multiples just in case one gets stolen/accidentally wrecked when they sit on it/lost. Ok maybe that was an exageration. But yeah, try to work on this next.
  9. I panic bought a VF-19S but the truth is I wanted more than 1 of these as I hold this toy in higher regard like the vf-4. This is at the time when yamato toys really felt more like a toy in your hands rather than a model which might snap in half easily if you play around with it. I apreciate the quality on this release and everything locks together unlike the yf-19 in robot mode. Can you imagine how cool it would be if yamato/arcadia did mospeada legios toys? I know off topic but we are all still waiting for high grade transforming legioss and CMs got the durablity right, but robot mode isn't chunky enough. Also still waiting for the day we get yf-19 with the same kind of quality of the vf-19. The tiny gunpod and gullet were turn offs for me on that. Does arcadia know how popular that particular mech is here and in japan? It's the one robot I feel needs to be done before the great macross drought. It could be one-off toy (no plans for other mac + toys and I would be happy.) If it were priced high and in limited numbers like what vf-4 was, (you preorder in advance to guage interest and limit risk of unsold stock lying around) I would be ok with that provided that in exchange they used the best people. YF-19 should be priority number 1 imo. We all love the vf-19 but yf-19 got into more cool battles in mac plus so unlike the vf-4 it would instantly recognisable to casual watchers..
  10. Yamato were never going to touch that. I thought graham mentioned a long time ago that yamato don't want to piss off the floating head aka supreme creator of the mac universe, by making toys from this show. Bandai should do it lol
  11. I think if yamato tried they could do a cheaper line of toys that are like the Hi Metal. The problem is they went with GNU which are non-transforming but looks close to the robot mode lineart. They should have went with a HiMetal PT small toy. This would be good for those with limit on space. And the box size is smaller meaning cheaper shipping. Imagine a YF-19 HiMetal but by yamato?
  12. I actually think the people who were able to buy the bandai V2 toys are the elites because they are hard to get (rare for latecomers) and not the yamato collectors. It is almost as if those who got all the bandai macross f toys have the ability to poke their tongues at all those who missed out on it and say they are elite because they have something everyone else doesn't. (like the vf-1 1/48 low visibility or something lol) If anything pick on bandai for making it a PITA to be able to access past releases. Yamato at least give you the option to buy it. Bandai on the other hand wants you to feel like a loser for not being fast enough.
  13. Well I've read about 6 pages so far. My eyes are getting tired. lol Has there been any news about the name change? What does it all mean? When we do searches for products now on HLJ, do we still use the yamato name? Will come back tommorrow to finsh reading the rest. Pretty scary thread. Although having said that, bandai have come a long way and if yamato ever stopped doing mecha would it be so bad for us given the great konig monster and v2 vf-25 toys? Bandai would step in to do high grade toys in the event mecha was not doing enough business for yamato to continue.
  14. Wow yamato is going to make dolls instead of mecha?? Argh I was hoping they would still get around to v3 yf-19 Well they have pretty much exhausted the license and covered pretty much everything apart from mac f. Maybe they need to ease off the robots for a bit?
  15. Great pics of the VF-17. I have the S and wish to buy a D soon. I think the best thing about the Nightmare is how Gerwalk mode doesn't look awkward compared to many of the other valks where the nose is really far forward. (VF-19) Much like VF-1 I like all 3 modes equally and it jst seems like a balanced mech. Only thing missing to complete the badass look is something like a gunpod bayonet like the vf-11B has. I think VF-17 would be suited for that. I have noticed people like the D more than the S which I don't get. Having gold trimmings makes the machine seem more elite than the silver trimming guy. Think roy fokker's vf-1. Is there any chance yamato would do the Milia VF-17?
  16. Looks good. A GERWALK mode that can swivel sounds awesome. Just like a Destroid.
  17. I think it is called being evil.
  18. SV-51 looks bettter with the boosters on the wings. I have mine in fighter mode on a stand going into a dive. It is a shame yamato doesn't include stands often. They put so much effort into tampo printing "Made in China" on vf-4 but no stand. lol
  19. ^ what that guy said. Want the transforming glaug. They could also make milia and max vf-4 variants.
  20. Personally I think the sv-51 is better. Its boosters are better looking than the vf-o ghost booster and make it look sleek. But that is what makes the good guys seem all that more extreme for being able to win against it. I think if macross were real life I would join up with the anti UN. If only they had reactive armor for sv-51 to take on the vf-0. The bad guys always miss out..
  21. So now that this has been released, any chance they would do other paintschemes like flashback or the one seen in other videogames like macross m3?
  22. It's not a chunk of plastic though. It is a chunk of transforming plastic.
  23. I keep saying it but it doesn't seem like there are many fans of it here.
  24. I think it is mostly the fighter mode that most people love vf-4. Battroid mode is ok. The high cost is the main thing. It's small, you don't get a stand or any fast packs (vf-11 had the super packs) and the shipping is still pretty high. I know I know. It's limited. But if this was cheaper ($350 with shipping incl) I think they'd sell more and make more money overall. They are gauging the interest to see how desperate fans are so they price it high first. That's the only reason I can think of for why it is so expensive. That's why I mentioned if they copied toynami's "Certificate of Authenticty" gimmick with fancy box it might help collectors feel like the toy was worth the extra money to be an official owner of one. (I'm not a collector type BTW, I display) Put a number on the box so you know it is a limited edition item and not something you can just buy from a shop. (in order to differentiate it from the mass production versions)
  25. I think an enemy mecha from macross 7. Also YF-19 v2. Just throwing out guesses.
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