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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. Not macross related but I remember somebody in the other anime forum building a papercraft Legioss. I wonder whether he finished it? Would love to have seen it complete.
  2. Well, if anyone has a bandai blazer they want to get rid of lmk through PM. Can't find these on ebay and it doesn't look like they will get any kind of reissue.
  3. "GBP comes free with limited edition Cannon Fodder".
  4. I wish they changed the color of the monster back to the dark green. I liked that color much better.
  5. Snake eyes was my fave gi joe. Does he use an uzi and get to cut people with a sword? And I doubt people will actually die. This will lessen thier appeal as a toy.
  6. There are five categories: -those who see that violence and think it is immature for that reason (the older generation who looks down on this. They believe all anime is aimed specificially for teenagers because of the excessive violence, sex etc and see these as promotion and glorification of these acts to attract young adolescents and teens. Like the pulp fiction from past times that they may have been into in thier younger days) -like the first category but who believe animation = cartoons, therefore cartoons can't have serious adult themes (this one is being phased out - during the time when anime was not mainstream enough, it would have been hard to convince these people to watch animated shows with any seriousness) -those who see kiddie anime shows aimed for children and think all anime is like that (whos exposure to anime is limited to those shows aimed at kids specifically) -elites who may have been into it when younger but are ashamed to like it in adult life and think it was a phase they should have gone through. Maybe they believe they should have outgrown it? Closet fans Like in the gaming community these ones think they are cool for having the esoteric knowledge of something but would never dare hang with the more extreme nerds in real life. They move on, believing it is more mature to show restraint for your love of the medium and not let it become a religion. It is important to distance yourself from the fanboys who are embarassing than to risk being associated with nerds. Some of the people in this group might have been influenced by behaviour from the first category. -like the above, in terms of being elite, but who wear the geekiness with a badge of honor because the esoteric knowledge is needed by friends who are only into it casually, and amoungst thier friends see themselves as some kind of wise sage valued in thier community. It is actually cool to label yourself a nerd for knowing this and that fact, a nerd for understanding the technology in great depth, a nerd for having rare stuff like toys that nobody else can acquire because they don't have the right connections or channels etc. These ones can have a life and also be a nerd and not care what others think. (because they have the luxury of being around people who think it is neither cool or nerdy to like anime) The category I was reffering to in my post is mainly the first category and second category. No matter how good a story is, or how mature something is, they will label something "for kids" or aimed to teens and look down on something without experiencing it enough. Just like the critics of gaming who view games being only about violence, only kids entertainment etc.. or who don't believe you can have a comic book that has a good story or interesting character depth, so the literature or medium will always be inferiour to other forms of entertainment, when it is not necessarily true all the time. There is good examples and bad examples - examples like akira and gits are equally adult as much as they can be for kids and teens. The violence or sex might be gratuitous, but it also adds realism and believability. These ones shouldn't pass judgement on anime itself, for poor writing, or using only the bad examples to suit thier argument or biased views about something because they don't want to bother to look in depth. Even with something as mainstream as ninja scroll which has a lot of the violence and sex that isn't necessary to the story, but which I would recommend to anyone because it is good, they will hold to thier views because either animation and/or a fantasy setting just aren't thier thing. But they will then go and watch crouching tiger hidden dragon, or kill bill showing a bias.
  7. Looking forward to it. Hope it gets good reviews. I wonder how posable it will be underneath all that hulking armor? They should include a vf1J head with the armor in the event people want to convert thier valk to the proper type, as a cheap alternative to buying a new valk to outfit this with.
  8. I'm a casual anime nerd when I hang around them, (I rely on the hardcore nerd to give me the recommendations on what to watch and for info ) but a closet nerd when I'm not around them. (people should realise that in 100 years time, none of this irrelevant poo matters, its just entertainment, get a life all you star trek geeks! *joking*) I'm like batman! Only without the costume. It's possibe to be two things at once you know...
  9. Nothing to be ashamed of for liking hentai: The storylines in these are actually much more involving than proper porn. More interesting settings too. It's a good example of how an animated show can have advantages. Black Bible is a good example. And for people who think you are wierd for watching it, need to watch it before judging. They are the ones with the *issues. *Just make sure you keep this sick fetish of yours a secret you perverted freak! jk
  10. Ironically I got into anime specifically because I thought western made cartoons were too juvenile and needed "realism". For me it was the escape away from the typical children's cartoon because it was a form of animated entertainment for grown ups. So it's a culture thing. (and I'm not afraid to say I was a fan of even children's cartoons either. Remember bugs bunny and the violent cartoon humor in warner bros toons? He was cool! Remember Tom and Jerry? They were funny! Forget cartoons today like spongebob squarpants and the like, these were the sh!t back then for both adults and kids.) There is also some stuff you can do in animation not possible in real life. (ie look at akira and how the character can blow poo up with his mind, that would cost lots of money to do up in real life, and the effect may not be what the people want. Or take any action scene where the hero does stuff that is matrix-y and would look silly in live action but better as an animated character - in animation there are no limits) But attitudes will change with newer generations. I look at anime and manga the same way some would look at western pulp fiction characters or comics - it can be nerdy so it will be stigmatised as something people should have grown out of and therefore not be proud to be fanatical about, but because so many people secretly like it, this cancels it out. (it is not nerdy once it is widespread and well-known and part of mainstream entertainment) Anyone who has ever read a fantasy novel, or comic like batman, or recognises a hero they used to look up to as a kid and still likes, (superman) shouldn't have any reason to think of anime specifically for kids but instead entertainment that can span many generations that can cover mature themes. (the same way a fictional character in fictional setting can be based on things that happen in the real world) It's only when you insult the intelligence of the audience or fan that I feel it can be somewhat childish and that's when I'm embarassed to say it is a suitable interest for adults to people who may not have seen things aimed for adults. (ie gits, akira, any show with adult themes) When anime wasn't mainstream I'll have to admit I was scared people would think I was strange to be a fan of japanese animation. Anything that wasn't with live actors could have been seen as content for kids. So I disagree with the belief that just because anime is mainstream that people's attitudes are that it is kiddy today more than before. I think as many people as there are that think this, there are more fans of it who are adults and who as adults now have access to stuff that they wouldn't have got to see due to it being more than just a tiny niche. I believe that what happened was that in the early days of trying to get it to be mainstream, they had to promote the violence and sex and gore aspect of anime to teen audiences to target a specific age group but that this was not an indication of the show being only suitable for those types of people. (it was just a way to make money because once people saw them they would encourage other people to see it and they would judge it on case by case basis. It was just a safer, less risky way to get a foot in the door because everyone wants death and sex, drug use, and will be drawn to themes like this in thier adolescence, so it makes perfect sense they would promote these bits as the reason to watch, regardless of the story, whether it was intellectually stimulating, whether it is something original you've never seen before or anything like that..) If you think about the interest as only being for a small group, outsiders will then percieve it that way. But the reality is that it is certainly no more different than any other entertainment like movies with all the same themes you see in an anime. Lets say something violent like mad max: titties, violence, fictional world, usage of machines, a hero who is the sole survivor and whose skills are the only thing that allows him to live where others have failed. Now compare this to any mecha show and exchange that with some young kid instead of a man. Same content but only difference is one is live actors: but they are both not children-aimed or kiddy in any way. If you were ever a fan of clint eastwoord movies, like to read comics with tragic anti-heroes, or just like the sci-fi and mecha, I would recommend to people to get into anime as I can see similar things - animated should not make a difference and in fact can only enhance the entertainment since many things in movies are not realistically possible anyway - but are presented with grace in an animated form.
  11. -Ok music -all the non sound force mecha -usage of max and milia instead of having them die like hikaru -gubaba (reminds me of the little creature in the sign in sdf macross) -something different from the other series (except the bits which are reptitive) -it's better than nothing I suppose... -qrau's appear (these are always fun to watch) -nostalgia for older series mecha (the robot show, appearance of vf1s etc) -new sh!t making appearances: vf22s, full armor for vf11, vf17, etc -humor -exedol has a bigger brain and is stuck with his giant head in the ship (what if he sneezes or needs to pick his nose??!) -mylene has pink hair which is rare (I don't recall seeing anyone with pink hair in the old series or in the movie - could it be a wig?) -the hero is beaten up for singing and can't fight back because it would go against his pacifist beliefs, mainly because it is humorous (its funny, even max fought back in sdf:macross : basara is way too extreme and wouldn't surivive if he was real person) -for episodes that were animated well and didn't recycle, they were enjoyable -focuses on civilians for once and the city, instead of soldiers (more adventure themed than war themed -there was a group called pink pecker (hinting perhaps that the character was a pinko?) which was kind of shocking twist -some of the ideas were pretty good (the use of beings who only interested in sapping energy rather than killing to survive - this imo is a symbol of people who are spiritually bankrupt and who are only interested in material things and a consumer lifestyle instead of creating something from within themselves and sharing it. Maybe this is a reaction to the original series' where the zentradi having valued minmay dolls, junk toys, furniture, condom vending machines etc from humans was giving the wrong message? "consumerism brings hapiness" That the zentradi were focused on too much "materialistic wants and needs" and collected lots of human items like people would collected gashapon toys; and that it isn't the only valuable thing about life and culture? Macross 7 is saying: There is more to it than that: maybe look to a force that is invisible/intangible for true fulfullment? And don't just go living an empty existance like the protodevlin which only suck from others but provide or create nothing useful, only knowing how to be a useless eater consuming off others? )
  12. I guess what I meant to say was that for me the 80s was when I started to get into anime due to shows like robotech. As a kid I did not differentiate too much between the western made stuff or japanese animation. Not knowing too much about the background of where things were created and stuff. Friends of mine will always see shows as they viewed them in english, adapted to thier culture and probably not recognise the original as much. (due to lack of awareness mainly, and because of lack of channels to see the originals unless you tried hard. True, robotech was not pitched as anime, but for many growing up in that period it was thier start I guess, into anime for them personally, despite it being seen as just another us toon when tey first saw it.) As an example when seeing space battleship yamato, a friend of mine mentioned how he liked the "original" title screen music more and I said that this was the original. I guess he was reffering from his point of view to the US Star Blazers music with english lyrics and dub. Why would he prefer it and call it original? Because of nostalgia as a kid hearing that version first and not caring at all back then where the original was made. And why would he not be aware of the original? Because back then, lack of channels, awareness, cartoons being adapted and appealing for international audiences, etc as opposed to today where it may be seen in original form on a bigger scale and recognised more that way.
  13. I liked robotech and would still watch it. I still prefer macross because I like the original story much more. But if you were an 80s kid and did not see macross because you could not access it due to the lack of channels that we have today, then yeah, rated by itself robotech was good. The thing that drew me right in were: -the mecha designs (they transform but unlike the transformers they are mass produced and use thier modes in psuedo realistic ways) -the story is progressive (unlike most cartoons things were not wrapped up in 30 mins, so you just had to watch each episode so you wouldn't miss the story) -scale of the series (spanning 3 wars - most kids would not have known they were 3 seperate series) -death (people dying meant there was a sense of realism apart from other cartoons. The show was aimed towards teens and had more serious themes than other cartoons) -anime was not as mainstream back then as it is now. (pre-akira days) Even though astroboy and speed racer and other came before robotech, people (well ones I hang around with) did not try to think of these as anime in the sense that they wanted to differentiate between western made cartoons - usually only aimed at children - and japanese animation. (varying ages and lots of it not suitable for children) So by saying it is good because people had nothing else to choose from is true, but as time goes on, people's attitudes change. (I would not bother watching G1 transformers cartoons today even for nostalgia reasons) One thing I do remember though was that as a kid I thought minmay's songs were funny. Can anyone remember the lyrics to all the songs and post them? I want to sing them in the shower because it brings back the memories i had of the show. Also another thing I remember back when I was a kid: I was so hoping that transformable toys were going to be made of the alpha and beta fighters and was pissed off that none were ever made! I loved thier mecha designs as much back then as today. Too bad the ones made today are overpriced and fall apart. When as a kid I learnt that robotech was just 3 different series melded into one and with 1 unifying story I wasn't angry or anything, but it sparked my curiosity for the real thing. And by the time I saw DYRL I was amazed at the level of animation quality which made me want to see other anime. I also remember series like 80s bubblegum crisis and stuff and had tapes of these. (I loved the dark approach to that old series. Too bad again that toys of the various mecha were not able to be bought) One thing robotech had going for it was the music for the battle scenes. I liked those, but apart from that I would tell all children to see macross instead since robotech and macross are different things anyway so comparing them is a bit silly. I believe the two could co-exist but I hope this doesn't prevent fans of the originals from getting toys and stuff without hassle.. (ie does HG actually send out C&D letters to sellers of macross stuff threatening them? If true then they shouldn't expect any kind of sympathy so why are robotech fans helping them prevent us from getting acess to macross toys? I don't get it - we should be grateful that someone is trying to limit the choices of fans of both series??) As much as fans of robotech accuse of a lot of macross people for "not being grateful that if it were not for robotech you might not even have gotten to know macross..." I say to that: "if it were not for macross, robotech would not even exist" So that point is pretty moot. I will give the next robotech series or ova or whatever it is, a chance. I really do want to know if Rick Hunter is actually evil or if he is actually dead and some alien has taken his form. (the invid could create humans by evolving to new shapes, wouldn't be out of the ordinary if you ask me) To fans of Robotech: what is the true canon these days anyway?: are the mckinney novels canon?
  14. Nothing more fun than doing barrel rolls with 1 hand and twirling them around with your index finger and thumb in fighter mode to mimmick the acrobat maneuvers seen in the show. Try that with a 1/48 with fast packs and see if something won't break due to all the stress from the weight. Maybe that's more realistic but less "anime physics". But who care about realism when you're playing around? heh Now if you were to make say an enemy mecha like qrau with super posability and stuff with lots of detail, (little micromissiles) and make these collectible and sturdy, then that would be great. They'd be cheap enough to collect, good for display, and easy to hold. But posing them would be easier too, and you can cover a lot more from the tv series than just valks. (eg a group of destroids, monsters, maybe release zentradi giants in armor and even zentradi fighter pods could be done up in this scale to create a war scene - this would be the mecha eqivalent of those little "micromachines" toys, complete with little plastic bases and buildings to add to the scene. I loved these as a little kid.)
  15. I would like to see expensive versions of the banpresto valks. Make them tougher, better limbs, more detail, (landing gear, able to carry missiles etc) slightly larger, increased posability and articulation, and then make a bunch of enemy mecha for them to fight in the same scale. I've always wanted something like that..
  16. It can't be possible for him to know everything: He must have been as puzzled about the protodevlin as exedol was, and not know why the music effected them by causing them to fly away. Which is why I point out that not even basara could 100% understand how it works. We the audience won't either. If you are the type who likes to know how and why, then it is unsatisying feeling when you don't get the answers. Like how did shin actually fly up into the air at the end of macross zero? I do in part believe the 'live performance' having magic effects thing, but just choose not to like it as the answer to all conflict (a cure-all) due to the repetition and because I think it preaches that music is the only solution and that all conflict is bad. And because some people have this power and other's don't, we are left with the idea that basara is a super hero that can't be killed - his fate is the same each episode, so don't bother wondering what's going to happen in the next episode because if he dies there are no songs. Unlike macross 7, the thing I liked about the original was to me it was very straightforward: The logic behind why britai defects I think has to do with contamination. After the higher ups realise their soldiers are contaminated they see them as enemies and destroy them to prevent the spread. This to me sounds more logical (if they are going to be cannon fodder may as well join up with the humans to kill thier leader) than the protodevlin just suddenly converting to being good guys because they finally listen to music. Thier enormous power is still a threat and they could one day lose the "passion" like alice holiday and prove a drain on other people's life force again. The PD would be a security threat like how people see terrorists as a threat and up thier strategy to prevent something like this from happening again. Notice the biased attitude UNG has against the Anti-UN in how they see them being a threat to thier control when they race to get the afos in mac 0? A similar thing should be happening in macross 7. Music alone isn't perfect. Zentradi and humans will still have disagreements and want to fight amoungst themselves even after hearing minmay's music. (see the episode where some zents join kamjin after getting the thirst for combat again which was built into them through years of training and Genetic modification. Totally understandable as this was thier "way of life" for so long, like trying to stop a drug addict to quit overnight. Some chose to stay with humans others chose fighting) Similarly I see the PD having some disagreements and maybe turning against themselves and against humans for other reasons. Perhaps they look down on us one day and decide to be our rulers? It may have nothing to do with wanting to feed, just that they might hate our guts or find it funny to crush us like a human would crush an insect or a little kid might fry an ant with a magnifying glass, disregarding whether it was moral or not due to thier immense powers. They would not have to answer to anyone because they are god-like in abilities. These beings should be a huge threat to all alien races if they realise how damn powerful they are and decide to take control. What then is Basara going to do if that happens? Sing a song to control them? Wait a minute, they have thier own self sufficiency now, so they must be immune to his "attacks". See what I mean? In SDF: macross it wasn't just minmay's music, that caused conversion, it was the spies who loved human culture (leisure, food, making love, music etc) and didn't want to go back to thier crap lifestyle because they would miss all this stuff. In DYRL they simplified the events to make it fit into a movie and I find this version less realistic. (and less likable because its harder to swallow) But in macross 7, music (and the magic) solves everything: healing, waking people up from coma, feeding spiritua into PD, converting milia's rival like 2 minute instant noodles, trapping monsters, etc. I find this is not as superior a way to present the idea as the original macross, which whenever a character sang a song, it did not automatically make them magically stop killing people. (milia had the same level of exposure as the 3 spies, exposed to culture and hearing the music and she didn't convert to the human's side because of the music did she? Her reason was she fell in love, which must have felt alien to her. The pleasure from it converted her. Not music.) It's not so much I'm against the idea that music can move people and its exposure can make them change thier behaviour, but more that we lose the depth of character that was in sdf macross where we saw that not all people could be suddenly converted through music alone and that some people were just plain evil and could not be helped and therefore physical force may be necessary to solving the problem. The physical weapons were equally valid solutions and valued. Without the SDF1 main gun, or killing key targets, or the use of the grand cannon to wipe out a chunk of zentradi, threats could not be dealt with. There was balance. Macross 7 sort of upset that balance by choosing like DYRL to only focus on music which is very romantic but hard to swallow. A pop song will cure sickness, pacify demons, work as a weapon, transmit feelings of love etc and it was all very forced, not spontaneous. Almost like they needed to put it in like part of a formula and if they strayed from it, something bad might happen.(when there is no music, people might stop watching?) Basara may have been right about using his power to feed the demons to save the galaxy, but when the enemies are not even evil to begin with, (or scary) it is hard to come up with a reason to watch other than to hear his music. Before that it was about fighting and combat and exciting action and drama, about characters in life or death situations and who had to make tough choices.....as much as it was about music. It had the right balance..
  17. JB0: I guess I just didn't like the way in which music was a weapon to hurt the badguys as well as a healing thing (waking people up from mind control) as well as non-violent way of defeating things. The tone was changed from the original. In SDF:macross minmay could sing her lungs out but it wouldn't change kamjin. They adapted to it and became educated enough to be a threat. She was taken hostage and the only way to get her out was through the use of weapons and physical force. In DYRL they kind of romanticised the true events of the tv series but what was lacking in story it made up for in detailed animation and better battles. Tv series showed the minmay attack had limits where the movie showed it to be a cure all that could just be applied to anyone. Remember bad guys can fall in love too, but that doesn't mean they won't still want to kill innocent people for revenge. (see macross zero with nora and Ivanov, or Kamjin at the end of sdf: macross for examples) Whereas mac7 is way too preachy about music solving everything. SDF had more balance. You knew at the end of each episode things would be ok because basara was untouchable. Because of this, and combined with the repetition and length, I thought some opportunities were missed to make the series deep. In sdf macross the soldiers were used to protect people from the harm of the aliens. They at least had a purpose and the civilians were background characters, although important to bringing culture. Even with the peace with the aliens there was threat from people who had not agreed to want peace. (on either side - human and alien, Main character's views about war started to change when they became personally involved) In macross 7 because of the creatures power, and basara's unique ability to defeat things with music, it eliminates the need to even have a military because they are viewed as incompetant and useless in that situation. The enemies were victims and became good guys, even though they were feared and probably responsbile for the death of a whole race of people in ancient times. It's because of that, (this mystery of who basara is and how and why he is so special not being explained due to the repetition of each ep, and the fact that we rely ONLY on him until the last ep) there is so little change from start to finish. It's because he is untouchable, that we never at all feel any threat of something serious about to happen to the main character(he can't die because he provides the songs, the reason people should watch the show because it is being used as a vehicle).... that it becomes predictable and hard to take seriously. The beings are supposed to be like really scary for having been a threat to the zentradi weren't they? They could have presented them in a frightening manner. Given how powerful they are, and that they had to be sealed away forever by the PC, why would the military trust these beings after seeing how capable they are of destroying things? Just doesn't make sense. The characters in SDF:macross(misa's dad) at least saw the threat that a stronger enemy could have if allowed to have its way. What garuantee do the humans have these monsters won't go bad again if the zentradi themselves weren't 100% effected by minmay type attacks? I guess macross 7 lacked that extra level of depth (music used for everything) because it was structured to be too commercial. I had the same sort of problems with dyrl and macross II though: that music being so damn effecitve that it was hard to believe that this was a "true" event and because of that, I will always fall back to the tv series as the superior version of events. Whereas in the original the usefulness of the singing had limits, macross 7 allows the music to act as a magic shield which takes us away from the fighting (which can be exciting) and into the personal life of this character who doesn't really progress from one state to another state and has problems communicating even to his fellow band members. If they had explained it better, (showing us how the music generates this spiritua that the protodevlin feed upon and why the pc never thought it up themselves instead of locking them up) I may have liked or apreciated it more, but to me it seems as if the main character himself didn't even know how or why it worked, so like macross Zero's mysterious ending, I'm left disapointed.
  18. But for the mass production vf1 they needed to keep knowledge of the robot a military secret from the public and snooping media by hiding it. Or at least make us go wow, when we first see the transformation for the first time. Hands on the back of the fighter might give the secret away. I don't mind skinny hands if the rest of the robot is skinny, it's just when they are out of proportion from the rest of the mech (eg you see huge armor, but tiny liitle fists) that it stands out. Maybe that's why I don't mind the look of the bandai toys in battroid because they are chunky. They would be a good match in close combat against the spartan.
  19. I'll probably get two and save my money hopefully for add ons like ghost booster and GBP (if this becomes a reality like with vf1). I will garuantee to get at least 1 of each variant though. I still want to get some other 1/48 vf1 if I can. (but the prices are getting higher and higher) Then there are other things: what if they release enemy mecha? SV51 etc
  20. I liked seeing that radome. More detail = better. The antenna was cool too. This is why I liked the 1/48 because of the detail in everything even the fast packs with individual micromissiles. It makes buying the larger scale version worth it. The Qrau - now that could have been a bit better. But I did like how the cockpit opens up. They just needed to make the inside a little more detailed. Everyone should buy at least one Qrau now that they are cheap. Support enemy mecha.
  21. Yeah but is it true that this wasn't supposed to be made? And that what happened was in order to get the go ahead to do macross plus they had to make a cash cow macross 7, otherwise macross plus wouldn't be allowed to be made? (the creator was held hostage and given no choice) If true, then why wouldn't it be beneficial to just kill off all the people in macross 7 in a freak accident (except max and milia who managed to escape) the same way they did it to hikaru and co on megaroad? (which probably angered fans) See the thing is: I liked DYRL PLUS ZERO because it goes back to the roots of why I liked SDF:macross. Even macross II was bearable due to the action, vaks, and music. It didn't have to be that different or ground breaking to succeed in my eyes. That is more like the icing on the cake. In those series things actually died, got blown up, crushed, shot down, melted, and people got bashed up, had thier faces crushed, heads chopped off, assasinated, riddled with bullets, etc Stuff happened in them and it was dramatic, sometimes gratuitous. (milia was a killing machine with no remorse) I think turn a gundam, aquarion, and even sdf:macross had some slow bits in them (especially aftter the rain of death but this was artificially lengthened due to popularity) so I don't think number of eps is the only factor because even if it starts slow it can get involving. So it's also what also happens in the show that detertmines bore factor. And if it gets repetitive (same song each ep, same routine) then stretched with filler episodes, that's kind of why it is so different from the others. Plus nothing really happened to basara from ep1 to ep 50. No change at all. He was invincible because he could sing his way out of any danger and dodge anything so there was no feeling of fear or concern because enemies couldn't touch him. It wasn't artificially lengthened like SDF:macross, but it was filled with stuff that got in the way of the main story which was that there were these beings who originally lived in another dimension, created by accident, (due to experiments the PC were into) and had these powers and they needed to feed off the life force of living things to survive so they created a farm of people to collect spiritua to sustain themselves. (like vamps) Music was the vehicle to make you watch, macross was the famous name to milk attention from the series that everyone knew, and so macross 7 was created for profit. But it executed the ideas in a boring way. ................................ ............. ...... ........ ........ ........ ...... ......... imo
  22. There was a lot of filler episodes imo. -Not enough fighting -The enemies couldn't be taken seriously -repetition -the cool things were too spread thinly (max and milia's use of vf22s and the milia episode with her classic VF1) ....hell, this wasn't even supposed to made was it? It was just tacked on for milking the macross name I bet. Now if they ever make another tv series it will have to accept this as canon. (which is why I propose they either treat this as non-canon like macross II, or just create alternate universe like gundam series incorporating some of the themes with completely different people with unique character designs that are not cliche) If they could just start from where macross plus left off (with the same serious tone) that'd be cool. The ideas were cool (of the protodevlin having come from another dimension and having powers humans and aliens in this world had not seen, but I think the execution was weak. They could have made this kinda scary, put more detail into how the humans investigated these ancient beings, and how the sounds effect them. The spiritua farm project in collecting people and draining peoples life force, because these beings are not from this universe, was a good idea as it gave them a good reason to want to feed off others (like a vampire) but there was so much potential to make it work without needing to make the show repetitive, and full of filler.
  23. I put it down to Roy's popularity as a character made him be re-released more because of increased demand. If they never reissued him ever again like LV, he'd probably be worth more than LV I guess. If yamato ever releases a special Roy tv version with tv fast packs and rubber hands and tv flightsuit that would be interesting. But nobody likes tv..
  24. Just explain that valks are more valuable than diamonds. If you have to, she might be able to sell her wedding ring to cover the cost of more yamato toys. For Trade: Wife's wedding ring for a Yamato 1/48 VF1S hikaru. Invest in these and the price will grow over time, so when you are too old to apreciate them, selling them will bring back more than what you spent on them. (ie that is when yamato no longer make them anymore and macross as a series is dead) *joking*
  25. The rotating seat gimmick will be cool. Is it because the VF0 has more space because of the heat sheild simplicity and because unlike vf1, the seat doesn't necesarily lift up elevator style from out of the head in battroid mode? (first ep of sdf:macross where hikaru exits through the head) How does the pilot normally get out of the valk if he is stuck in battroid mode? Through the canopy I assume? just like Roy did in the OVA? It would look cool if you could open that canopy up while in battroid and display it this way so people could see the seat upturned. (ie seems kinda pointless not being able to see it)
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