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1/1 LowViz Lurker

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Everything posted by 1/1 LowViz Lurker

  1. If it is about selling music cds and toys I don't think the next show is going to be able to avoid being in the same formula as what has come before. Not that I am saying I want that to be the case, just skeptical it will totally redefine what "being a macross show" is. People are fans of something because of what came before being what they like. This is why bands that change their sound and go into different directions end up annoying their diehard followers if the only reason was to appeal to others that hate the original stuff and only exist for commercial reasons (AKA "selling out" and giving up their soul for more money) not as part of an artist's genuine desire to bring something new and/or original that hasn't been done before. heh The thing is everyone has different definition of what 'good' is. You can't please everyone. I remember when gundam wing came out and people hated the boy band thing with each mech being a not mass-produced robot (more like super saiyen godlike robot) and killing whole armies of other robots like it was nothing. And the kids not having to gradually get better with experience through the course of one year and show proper character growth and change as they got more mature and responsible. People hated it (basically goes counter to the originals where there was danger if you made a mistake and made each battle scene more suspensful) but then it opened a new type of "real robot" show where people can die, just that they have super duper resistence to damage. eg Robot blows up and pilot goes to bed for a few days like he has a headache. lol Also pilot can fall off cliffs without breaking bones or snapping their own neck, with absolutely no explanation whatsoever. Now for fans of that stuff they think that is awesome and cool. When haters of that stuff say "it's not 'good' because it is not a real robot show" they are being very specific about what they want and defining "crap" as meaning anything that isn't in the same mold as the older shows that came before it. (proper danger in battlescenes where you actually give a crap enough to watch it and pay attention). Words like "Good" lose their meaning. It's like the word "nice". What does it actually mean? "I want this show to be good". Like macross 7 was good? Or macross Plus was good? What made them good? The dogfights, the characters? The mecha design? You got to be specific. Saying "it has to be good" can mean anything. For me if macross did not have a theme of giant robots in space being use as a type of giant space knight with gun flying around shooting the bad guy and rescuing the girl from danger, then to me it isn't what came before and therefore not macross. Without that and the cool looking transforming space fighters and action it loses its appeal to me. The music is also another factor. It has to be in there because the point of sharing your culture to other people is the idea of aliens having lost their identity of who they really are as people not what they do as a duty or job. You can define zentradi as the soldiers who fight things. But what about who they are as an individual? What music and food are they into? What religion do they have? How is society structured and what hobbies do they have? What about names? Where did the names all come from? They had none so humans had to remind them that life is not your job. Fighting is a small portion of life. The theme is in all the shows. Even Plus has this when the AI tries to learn human behaviour by studying us and then trying to copy everything in order to try to obtain it's own sense of identity. (read some of the disturbing things in Ray Kurzweil books about where we are headed in future) It's not much different from the original show where you had giant aliens in place of the AI trying to get back their old identity instead of just following commands. Without the above things it's isn't macross. Also there is a lot of religious symbols in the shows. The zentradi refer to themselves as Satan's puppets. The AI being called Sharon APPLE (the garden of eden story in the bible of eating the forbidden fruit and being kicked out of paradise) the planet EDEN, the reference to the bad guy mech in macross frontier as being code named Lucifer (the name of the fallen angel that rebelled against God) while the good guy plane is called the Messiah. etc Also things like brainwashing (in macross plus the fans of sharon apple are holding an IDOL and worshipping an idol in the shape of a cross just like religious ceremony and even chanting etc. In the old show zentradi are being manipulated by the brain in a jar but in plus it is the pop Idol that is manipulating them through using brainwave analysis of the test subjects to keep them occupied and in a trance like sleepy state and if they break out of it the AI sees it as a threat and goes all "self preservation" on your ass, which is not dissimilar to the big bald Zentradi Leader who is willing to kill his own just to maintain order. Replace AI machine brain with Zentradi Bald leader guy (from the SDFM tv series) or "wire head" from Macross DYRL. There is also conspiracy stuff in macross plus. The reference to a "NEW SPACE ORDER" which is the same thing as the "NEW WORLD ORDER" in conspiracy circles or NEW ORDER of INTELLIGENCE in the Terminator movies where mankind gets all lazy and replaces everything that is manually operated with things that are fully automated by intellgient machines. (this means there are no morals or spiritual consideratio in decision-making at the top and machines can use their power to enslave us rather than serving us.) That's not different from the protoculture having brainwashed giants to do all warfighting and cloning them so that they have no freewill or memory of who they are to be able to break their routine of being slaves to another person. Are the teenagers in macross plus who listen to the fake electronic music and manipulated by electronic means as if the tech wizards had cast a sleepy spell upon them, much different from the brainwashed zentradi soldiers who are "just following orders" and have no concept of what life is outside of the job? These are all reoccurring themes that have been carried in each show in the background. They are different shows. But without those common things they are not in the formula of what we expect from a macross show. I guess macross 7 made it a little more in your face (having space demons literally being attacked by music to contain their powers) but they are in all the shows in some form or another much like jedi knights using the Force to overcome problems vs relying on man-made tools like blasters. (the "space religion" of star wars. Replace the Force in star wars with culture/music in macross and you get the picture)
  2. Yep balljoints suck for big toys. They are fine for smaller action figures and things but they loosen over time when the friction is lost.
  3. I hope they listen to the valid complaints. Sometimes they ignore it. eg It took them ages to give us the side parts (to be accurate to the anime) on vf-1 1/60 version 2 toys as standard despite vf-19 getting special covers to neaten up robot mode etc. It's not hard for them to include considering they give us intake covers and other things like adapter parts for stands on toys. ....But they finally did it after so long. "The squeeky wheel gets the oil" as they say. If you don't complain, how can they improve?
  4. Could it be that overall the mac 7 designs are just thicker and chunkier overall though? The yf-19 doesn't have those beefy 'pants' of the fire and blazer valk and make it look like it's got unnecessary crap stuck to its body and instead has a slimmer frame. Those ugly 'bumper bars' lines near the feet make it look overall bulkier and more rounded. If it has more volume it feels stronger. Couple that with the hollow feel of the yf-19 due to having empty space for the hinges of the wings to go for the high speed gimmick. It's just a lighter robot overall. The landing gear doors do feel thinner though.
  5. Yeah the way I remember it was the back end opens outward like a car door. Then the missile pops out and the door closes.
  6. I still want fastpack if they do barebones release. Just make it cheaper without cutting that out.
  7. See, this is why I am afraid to transform things for the very first time without a video guide. Mr.k should have done one prior to release like he usually does so we don't need to guess. You feel like you will wreck something when transforming this because everything is tight on mine. You get scared that you might be doing something wrong or something. After your first transformation everything is easy from there on.
  8. Luckily this can be resolved the usual way. I wouldn't pay for shipping either. It's their fault. You are right on that. I don't think anyone disagrees that scams are self-serving. But at least he would have a non-damaged product. If you ran a business like that I would do everything in my power to get compensated by actually doing something not whining. I don't give a crap about where you are from or what your politicians think is ok. lol And if the law says "nyah nyah-nyah nyah nyaaah, you can't get me" just because you are living in a different geographical location, I will bend the rules to my advantage if I have to. eg So big business like HLJ doesn't even want to check stock before shippig it out to you to see if it is damaged despite how expensive these toys are?? OK FINE. No problem But then if someone exchanges a damaged one for the good one, and says it came damaged, then that attitude hits you (the big business who doesn't care about his customer's peace of mind) right back in your face. You won't know if the stock you sent out was in perfect condition. Do you see how laziness can bites them back in the bum now? The hurt to a big business of 1 little toy who can actually get supplies of replacement parts isn't going to be nearly as bad to the hurt to a poor guy who can't afford to lose that much and is told that he should just be happy with a broken item. The way I see it, it's a "lesser of two evils" thing. If you are a victim you don't have the luxury of being a white knight. And you can say but "HLJ wasn't at fault, keep them out of it" and yeah ok that's true. But if you are a regular customer the amount you spent over the lifetime would far exceed the amount they lose. In the long term it's about relationships. You got to care about the people you sell stuff to. If they say "but but but that's not our usual policy I don't have to do that" you can say "just make an exception for me this time." If they really care about you, they should do it. The items you purchase are expensive. It's worth the time to check. Maybe you can even offer to pay them for the labour/time to open the box up and verify that it isn't a cracked piece of crap instead of shipping it without checking. If they have to change their policy then do it for goodness sakes. You care for us, we will care for you. Relationship goes both way.
  9. So does mass release mean harder to get or easier to get than buying off the online store?
  10. Looking forward to the review. On a scale of 1-10 what would you say this is? (taking the high price into account in the score?) I feel this is a high 8. There are things like lack of stand (was hoping they would go the sv-51 route there), no magnets, and ankles being balljoints that to me feel like a step back despite all the obvious improvements this has from other releases. Gunpod is missing detail too. Maybe they will fix this for the reissue? Yes yes you get a lot of extra stuff so they added value, (the detailed pilots being the new gold standard from now on with posable heads) but since it (the extra missiles) never showed up in the anime, it also prices the toy out of the reach of casual fans who probably would have preferred the stand and then be given the option to buy the missiles seperately.
  11. I don't think I have dealt with defective items with these guys. But HLJ has been good so far for me. Most of the things I buy I read reviews of first before taking the plunge as I am naturally very paranoid. But since yamato went belly up and now you have to preorder your stuff, you don't have that luxury anymore of waiting until others buy stuff to know how safe it is lol. Since this stuff is getting more expensive this becomes a more heated topic.(ie the way you get treated when items come broken) Amiami seem to treat people differently depending on how scared you get them which is unusual. Good stores will tell you the policy and just follow it consistently. The wallet rape just to buy even ONE of these things is bad enough, but not getting refund for busted goods is the straw that broke the camel's back. Hopefully by the time VF-0D comes out next year they increase the quality control of the toys. If they want lots of money we will give it to them, just try not to cut too many corners.
  12. Ok but what if you chose very careful wording? "Battle damaged" and you presented the toy as a custom where it was really damaged? As long as buyers read the description they can't say they didn't know it had the damaged wing when you say it has a damaged wing in the item description. You might even make profit because of the extra work put into the customisation and the buyer sees value from it. I'm glad amiami is agreeing to refund. This is the best way to resolve the issue but I wonder how many other people they have screwed in the past that didn't complain and decided to just suffer in silence? If the toy was cheap it might not be that big a deal but this cost an arm and leg. If I were him I would ask them to apologise publicly admitting they were wrong to not want to take care of customers and ask them what changes they will be making in future to prevent it happening again to others who wish to continue purchasing expensive stuff from them. When the new macross tv series comes on and bandai makes it virtually impossible for overseas buyers to buy their stuff, you are going to see a lot of people ordering merchandise from these guys out of desperation..
  13. We should all transform it multiple times to make sure it passes a stress test. That's what I am going to do from now on. If some part cracks or breaks from normal handling you'll know if they cheaped out and cut corners. I remember how scared I was to buy yamato toys back when it was discovered the different types of pins they used for v2 1/60 vf-1 and how some bad pin types they used invisibly wrecks itself the more you transform it. I am so sick of that kind of crap and having to know so much just to decide if it is ok to buy something. lol I remember having to go to jenius review just to look up a massive list of which version 2 vf-1 toys are safe to buy. The trouble of having to do it can be exhausting since they reissue the old toys later on and when you buy off ebay it can be hard to tell whether it is a good/fixed release or older 'dangerous' release. Keeping up with this must be a nightmare for new collectors. That is why I am interested to hear about a toy's long-term durability.
  14. Mommar if worse comes to worst I would just sell the yf-19 on ebay as a "battle-damaged yf-19 custom" complete with authentic wing damage and see how that goes. There are bound to be some stupid people online who will buy anything. I remember a story of a guy who sold a xbox box or something like that and got a huge amount of money just selling a empty cardboard box. It was a legit listing on ebay because it warned in the description that it was not the xbox game console but just a box only. But people who are dumb and don't read properly ended up with a cardboard box sent to them and couldn't do anything. Funny but true.
  15. Gunpod too big? Nah. It's just gone back to normal size again. I think the old yf-19 made it way too small. Longer barrel = more accuracy, and bigger size suggests good power at long distance. It's the yf-21 that uses sub-machine guns. (yf-21 kind of looks like it is dual wielding two very big machine pistols) hehe. I do agree they need to bring back magnets. Simple but it works..
  16. Thanks for the help on who the authors are. will fix the anymoon credits in the morning. Kinda sleepy right now. Graham still posts here? What's his YT channel? I agree that the more tf vids by different authors the better. I got to be careful not to add reviews that don't actually show the transformation though. Some just skip that and only review the toy without the transformation demo. BTW it would be good if you guys took over. You see when I am not active on the boards and new stuff comes out I know the page will not be up to date as a result. So if I fall behind, I will copy and paste the first post to someone else to put into their own thread and you could create the new thread (and add all the extra entries onto what's already up there) if that happens. You don't have to use the same format. You know how it is with the internet. Information just keeps growing. I can barely keep up with all the news let alone new vids. While looking around I had trouble finding yamato vb-6 konig monster transformation videos. And I can't make a vid since I sold mine off. If you find one LMK. here is the code for all of what I have done so far if you want to create a thread like this and take over (I don't see it as "my thread", but really it's the fan community that should "own it".: [b]--------------------[/b] [b]ARCADIA[/b] [b]--------------------[/b] -------------------- 1/60 -------------------- [b]-------------------- BANDAI --------------------[/b] -------------------- 1/60 -------------------- DX Chogokin VF-25F Alto [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkmaq3PWpfE]by peaugh[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Qxd_mpcF4]by Wizartar[/url] Fighter to GERWALK to Battroid [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5e0_0jlLnQ]by Wizartar[/url] Battroid to Fighter Armor pack attachment [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glM1J5WhGQw]by peaugh[/url] DX Chogokin VF-25G Mikail [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4URnUSCMfQQ]by peaugh[/url] Super pack attachment [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvyUC7W6iKk]by peaugh[/url] DX Chogokin VF-25F Alto Renewal [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ivBUl00eFw]by peaugh[/url] DX Chogokin VF-25S Armored Valkyrie [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dD_23Fgzig]by VF5SS (Collection DX Review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKN3HLNUTLA]by peaugh[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glM1J5WhGQw]by peaugh[/url] guide to attaching Armor pack DX Chogokin VF-25S Renewal Ozma Lee [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re8P5O_nJnk]by VF5SS Collection DX Review[/url] with Super Pack attached [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kSK1-xuvq8]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] DX Chogokin VF-25S Renewal Ozma Lee Armor pack (Fighter&GERWALK mode) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOmsAEJhAfY]by VF5SS (Collection DX guide)[/url] DX Chogokin VF-25S Renewal Ozma Lee Armor pack (Battroid mode guide for attaching Armor pack) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnx3S_gBrgA]by VF5SS (Collection DX guide)[/url] DX Chogokin RVF-25 Luca [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_BxbfpkySQ]by peaugh[/url] DX Chogokin VF-27 Lucifer Brera Sterne [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB2UsryYqLY]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6kPmj6Ddr8]by peaugh[/url] DX Chogokin VF-27 Lucifer Brera Sterne Renewal (not sure it is officially called 'renewal') [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MHeT-uG3eo]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] DX Chogokin GE-49B Lucifer Grace OConner Normal Type [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHavTbOn7j8]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] DX Chogokin VF-171EX Nightmare Plus Alto Saotome Custom [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8IPzcRLCu4]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeTZM0QpZGg]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIlrMO_TIHk]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys review)[/url] Attaching the Armor parts DX Chogokin YF-29 Durandal [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBpBEWqgZjw]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbgUa-bkgOc]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] attaching Super pack [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WqVWSZh52U]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] Battroid mode to Fighter mode [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmPAMrw7pkk]by odean[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG9sGxs9nxo]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] -------------- 1/100 -------------- DX Chogokin X Robot Spirits VB-6 Konig Monster SP [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMEf-kwS34M]by JoshB (Collection DX review)[/url] -------------- other scale -------------- DX Chogokin Macross Quarter [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxjGLJWDF4Y]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jmezC6h_lw]by peaugh[/url] [b]--------------------[/b] [b]YAMATO TOYS[/b] [b]--------------------[/b] ----------------------- 1/60 ----------------------- VF-0S Phoenix [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA5L6Eu83Qs]by JoshB (Collection DX review)[/url] VF-1 (version 2) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=732Zc4Ev6pI]by Atom (Collection DX guide)[/url] VF-1S w Super & Strike Parts Roy Focker (version 2) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q47j_cyK8AA]by Atom (Collection DX review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz0tIj_eAVc]by peaugh[/url] VF-1A w Super & Strike Parts (version 2) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZzsF25GhRA]by Atom (Collection DX review)[/url] VF-1J w Super Parts (version 2) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VENCuuVwXCk]by Atom (Collection DX review[/url] VT-1 Super Ostrich (version 2) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT_8KmccewY]by JoshB (Collection DX review)[/url] VE-1 Elint Seeker (version 2) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD8vGhER8Uw]by JoshB (Collection DX review)[/url] VF-4G Lightning III [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZjHIbhQVxM]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDBh1HOgxXE]by pinoi78[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr-XZOexq1I]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] VF-1D (version 2) Virgin Road [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM028YtzsIY]by Red Shoulder reviews[/url] VF-11B [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsQAnDVbEww]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] VF-11B w FAST Pack [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLHCT_jawLg]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] VF-11C w Super Pack [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIfDVuNp830]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] VF-17S Diamond Force Color [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErghDBxQAcg]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPHqtpoKmU8]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] (supplement) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgZEcj2aEIo]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLu6tl9Bt2E]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys review)[/url] guide to attaching Super parts VF-19S Emerald Force Color [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2J4Kd90G5A]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RMAdW7En10]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] compilation of Macross 7's VF-19 variants VF-19F Emerald Force Color [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6LzyU4XrY4]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RMAdW7En10]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] compilation of Macross 7's VF-19 variants VF-19 Custom Fire Valkyrie [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zfXQ6KFtOc]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RMAdW7En10]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] compilation of Macross 7's VF-19 variants YF-19 Isamu Dyson (version 1) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxEsuzvNcg0]by JoshB (Collection DX review)[/url] ([url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJO3NPemFvc]adding FP and Fold Booster[/url]) YF-19 Double Nuts Prototype No.4 (version 1) [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw5aESwVknw]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] YF-21 Guld Bowman [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_GzyPREL1w]by JoshB (Collection DX review)[/url] VF-22S Max Jenius Type [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9j5Iqtny48]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] ([url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGGVT0MIgZs]supplement[/url]) VF-22S Milia Type [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TzwTCdu7MM]by VF5SS (Collection DX review)[/url] ([url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGGVT0MIgZs]supplement[/url]) VF-22S Gamlin Type [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT15P6nzwgU]by VF5SS & JoshB (Collection DX review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k08amCAyLCQ]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] Fighter mode to Battroid mode [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT1-0NBLcF4]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] Battroid mode to Fighter mode SV-51y Nora Type [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQTQUmjziaw]by Atom (Collection DX review)[/url] --------------------- 1/48 --------------------- VF-1A DYRL Max Jenius [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSORSXZjCxE]by Atom (Collection DX review)[/url] Part 1 of 2 [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJpohAGdnOY]by Atom (Collection DX review)[/url] Part 2 of 2 ---------------------- 1/100 ---------------------- ---------------------- 1/3000 ---------------------- SDF01 Macross DYRL [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVkI0drlwS8]by Atom (Collection DX Review)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdvWN71h7LU]by ?? (Scorched Earth Toys guide)[/url] Select the text by highlighting it, copy to clipboard, then paste it into whatever new thread you make to carry on the work if you wish. You can take the first post of that new thread while this old one gets deleted to avoid duplicate threads. Then, when you get too busy or no longer active here, pass it on to the next guy who volunteers to keep it up to date when new products appear so that it gets bigger and grows. Of course there are only so many toys to cover right now, but by the time the new macross tv series starts there will be more transformation demos to collect.
  17. Ok I changed a few things in the yamato vids so it credits the proper guy. Sleepy guy = Atom Batter-roid guy = VF5SS Dude with the drink in his hand in the VF-22S Gamlin review = JoshB. Correct? I noticed the VB-6 Monster wasn't in the macross toys playlist. Getting sloppy! I thought you guys were fans. And where are you reviews of the Banpresto Valks??? I love those. When I get some free time I will add the bandai stuff next. Just be patient. EDIT: added a few bandai 1/60 tf vids in first post.
  18. Thanks for pointing it out. I don't know the real name of them all. Do they post on MWB? Tell me which of the existing ones are mis-creditied and I will change them. I will try to add different authors TF vids too in case some people want to see more than one guy's work. I will put in bandai stuff next since I think this and yamato valks are the most popular toys. Then I will work my way down to other toys. (ie bandai hi metal, toynami lol etc) Arcadia will get some index love when vids of yf-19 (version 2) are ready. It's a pretty complex looking toy but if you know the vf-19 it shouldn't be a problem. Any good VB-6 Monster TF vids? Edit: Oh yeah I noticed there are different people from CDX doing the reviews. So the guy who says Batter-roid is VF5SS. And the guy who sounds sleepy which ones is that? Atom? edit 2: ok sleepy sounding guy is Atom. So anything not sleepy and not the batter-oid guy must be Josh
  19. It didn't need to go insane though.
  20. I agree that this is not fragile toy. But I agree with those who say the wing hinges for the high speed mode make it more delicate. Not having high speed mode gimmick might have meant a more sturdy fighter mode imo. But.....the overall quality of this is way ahead of the old yf-19. One guy blew my post out of proportion by saying "...so you think the old yamato YF-19 was a piece of crap??? How dare you!". Umm nope. I wouldn't go that far. But the overall battroid mode of this new YF-19 is a big step up if only because of the locking chest. You guys who don't touch your valks much may not care that much about those things but they make the toy a lot more fun and less half-assed than if they had no lock. lol I never said you should do that but that's actually what poor people end up having to do in the real world. Not that they are necessarily proud of it. I'm in australia and it is supposed to be a land where convicts who got caught stealing bread were sent to historically. That means all the settlers here are descendants of criminals. Don't do it! Don't do it!!!11!! Ban him now!1! Poor people and victims should have no relief from suffering and should just become doormats for big business. The law and govenrments will protect me!!! I don't have to worry about corrupted people working in all sectors of society. Systems (put there by less than honourable individuals) will never ever break I promise! See? I can play that game too. Let's attack strawman arguments Google government bail in. AKA legalised looting of your savings by white collar criminals. Maybe we are all going to end up robbing liquor stores soon.
  21. Aaannnnd ........if the problem is not solved by those??..... Then go with my plan. That's what the original post suggest. As a last resort. You went into a huge argument about why HLJ has nothing to do with his problem and blah blah blah as if I wasn't aware that HLJ had nothing to do with his problem. lol I KNOW HLJ is not responsible. You are arguing against a strawman copy of me and attacking a strawman. I'll say it again: I agree that HLJ is not supposed to be involved with this. I agree that they shouldn't be involved. I am saying if I were him that's what I would do. I never mentioned that HLJ is bound to rescue him or that fraud is right and that it's good behavior. I said it might solve his problem. You disagree with me that he should do the plan, and that is fine. I accept that you disagree. That is all. It was a suggestion of what he could do if he chooses to after all other options failed. If you get a dodgy item from a store most stores will take good care of you. He wasn't taken good care of. They bent the rules so that he can't obtain protection so in my book bending the rules to get it in an indirect way (although dishonest) can solve it. (I use the pharisees as example because they were experts in knowing law in ancient time but didn't obey their own laws and instead just use it to trap everyone else but themselves in its restrictions) You know that scene in The Dark Knight where the chinese guy is chased by batman to all the way to hong kong and impisoed for crimes back in gotham city all because the cops can't obtain the criminals outside the country and can only enforce laws of their own area? That's what we need in the real world. Real justice is not about man-made laws and what is 'legal' in your country or what your government says is right or wrong. Different people of different nations have different ideas about what is good or bad. But crime is crime. Despite Arcadia not having to compensate him because he is not living in the country it is sold in, because of some legal technicality, he was still ripped off (according to natural law) and that all there is to it.
  22. I didn't say that. I said I believe in justice not legalistic arguments. Legality has nothing to do with right or wrong. (and anyway I agree that it is illegal to do that swap trick) I didn't say him obtaining a fix from hlj.com and burdening them was good behavior. I said it would solve his problem. The poor guy is sobbing, don't you care about his pain? HLJ can get the compensation from arcadia and use their weight as a business to do something about defective toys. At some point it would have happened to them where they got bad stock from arcadia and needed to remedy it anyway. If Mommar bought it from HLJ and it had a cracked wing, then that is the path he would have usually taken anyway. (complaining about a busted toy and asking for replacement) He just got unlucky ok? That's how I look at it. You are not going to change my opinion on this. If you don't agree with me that's ok. I'm not saying you have to. Just don't judge people who had to go through suffering because you don't know what it is like.
  23. But I'm not a legalist like pharisees in ancient biblical times. I believe in justice (natural law) not some crappy man-made laws that have loopholes in them to allow the law-giver to exploit others. The guy was ripped off by arcadia. The company that sold the item won't even lift a finger. So the solution (I'm not saying it's good behavior - just offering my advice) is bend the rules like these companies do. You don't know what it is like to be ripped off so why should the little guy listen to people who are not going through the pain? Like I said I am not condoning the illegal behavior, just telling him it would be good as a last resort. (ie if graham can't help him) He doesn't have to take the advice, but it might be a way to solve his problem if all else fails. And if it works this one time he can at least become happy I never said I was a saint ok? You can lecture me via PM. This isn't the place for that. You are not our nannies. We already know the difference between good or bad thank you very much.
  24. We all should be banned for buying and supporting companies that sell damaged items and don't compensate people for it. Don't be a douche.
  25. But if it works he can make up for it by buying more stuff from the good store in future. Look at it as a long term relationship. It has ups and downs. You can make up for bad behavior by doing good and the victim you did bad by can forgive you. I am a christian. We are taught not to judge others. That's God's job. So that's how I would deal with it if I were in his position of being ripped off by uncaring business. If it happened to you and you were screwed over with no help from the seller to remedy a problem (that was their fault) you'd probably do it too. If not. Then you are a much better person than me. But you must be unhappy person for having to shoulder the burden. This guy doesn't sound rich and if it had happened to someone really wealthy I wouldn't care, but not everyone can just shrug aside $300 as if it were nothing. Please don't judge. Let him decide.
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