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About boinger

  • Birthday 01/12/1971

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    sci-fi movies, anime toys and such

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  1. some good news! I was looking over my ransom wared / encrypted Macross files collection and found "Gunsight 1" Issue 1 & 2 pdf s are working by changing the suffix .00x to just .pdf! The Gunsight fan magazine .pdf s are just missing the 1st page opening logo of Gunsight 1, but otherwise read just fine in Sumatra pdf software reader! And all the .mp3 Macross fan podcasts are also recoverable by just renaming the files!
  2. Resurrecting an old MW thread! I sure had big dreams in technicolour detail in 2014! At the time, I think I had major computer problems with multiple large hard drive failures and lost momentum. "MegaRoad Projects" as the name I settled on for the Macross fan magazine. I think any new Macross news in a e-magazine would be entirely redundant and not so timely considering how fast news travels though the interwebs! So, the only niche and focus for any Macross magazine would be Macross fans and all their fan made productions inspired by Macross with interviews of Macross fans and articles of what Macross fans think and think about Macross past, present and future! I just have the logo for MegRoad Projects done and a DYRL focused blog website that would need to be fixed up if I am going to focus only on Macross fan projects! So much has changed on here in Macross World forums and with so many different social media outlets that it's hard to keep track of all that goes on with Macross. I do have a regular google search that sends me emails on a weekly basis about what shoji kawamori is up to with Macross, but that kind of information is old news fast and not really what I expect in any Macross magazine publication! Currently, I have messaged to jvmacross about a DYRL collectibles ebook to celebrate not only his vast Macross collection but also 4K DYRL with English Subtitles in January 2025! Then, I got all distracted about losing my forum compilation pdfs of W M Cheng's modelling guides and started to ramble on in his thread about my external hard drives being encrypted with ransom ware! Then I got booted off of Macross World forum because nobody knows what kind of person I am like lately. A little too chatty. Anyways, I'm back. So, I will try this "MegaRoad Projects" e-magazine and other publications again along with all the rest of my Macross ideas! I don't want to cause trouble for anybody on Macross World forum. I like this place and the people here are pretty nice most of the time. My Reference material for putting together DRYL Collectibles ebook and "MegaRoad: Projects" emagazine so far: 1. Star Wars The Ultimate Action Figure Collection by Stephen J. Sansweet 2. House of Collectibles Price Guide to Star Wars Collectibles. 4th edition by Sue Cornwell and Mike Kott 3. Star Wars Super Collector's Wish Book, 2nd Edition by Geoffrey T. Carlton 4. Toyfare Issue 56 5. Lee's Toy Review #141 6. Toy Shop Issue 337 Volume 17 # 15 7. a . #1 No Filte Zine (February 2014) b. #2 2019 Sci-Fi Fanzine Clash of the Bionoids *************************** I'll look at an outline for a DYRL Collectibles ebook first. And then a general outline for "MegaRoad Projects" e magazine. I'll host both publications on my blog remember project m as downloads. I might need to change my blog name or a new blog? ************ PS I lost the two issues of Macross World member fan made "Gun Sight 1 issue 1 & 2 which was the main inspiration for the "MegaRoad Projects" e magazine or fanzine!
  3. I also had this idea about a DYRL Singalong that all Macross fans could participate in. Kind of like 2020 Blue Rodeo - Alone Together Singalong! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yteNPh-boY I was going to call it: Super Dimension Macross (Fan) Love Concert: Do You Remember Love? SingAlong Music Across Space & Time! Jeff from Asplenia Studio was going to work on some T-shirts! I'm not sure if he has had the time to do that yet? I was going to update my DYRL blog rememberprojectm.blogspot.com to promote DYRL, DYRL Singalong and Macross fan projects with a magazine called "MegaRoad Projects" dedicated to Macross fan projects!
  4. Maybe, they could do an online Macross Convention that would allow international Macross fan participation? I just can't get holidays scheduled for Macross conventions; my work tells me to plan my holidays a year in advance! Super Dimension Convention Zoom Call Across Space & Time?
  5. might be important or relelvant to our Macross friends in Japan. "If you can spare the time" I would appreciate it.
  6. Sorry about this guys and gals. The messenging system seems to be not be working quite right and I wanted to make sure Seto got my message. Hi Seto: I thought I messaged you and sent you over to see my facebook for a Macross DYRL proposal that I thought would be relevant for Macross and other fans. Here, I'll post a weblink for now. And I"ll delete this message once Seto has seen my facebook post. I wasn't sure what to do other than post here or get Shawn on the job of fixing the messenger service. I'll wait a bit. Just having supper. Carry on. "Ignore me!" Venture Bros reference Anybody can take a look. I thought it was a good idea, but I would need a lot of help from my Macross friends. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0uHw4cSKtYkM4fHckq8cRAHYRtqn4xmDMi4fAW5rxvnWXKpQdwgUds1ZhNTD1QVKGl&id=100008281298711
  7. Hi Seto: Thanks for getting back to me, but did you read what my message said?
  8. Just wondering about Seto's what the couple of overt references he is referring to. I also asked in the messages. I sure need to catch up on a lot of anime viewing from all your suggestions. Thanks!
  9. If only there was a hard rock version of DYRL that was shorter? But it needs more cowbell! Original DYRL song is the best!
  10. It's like Macross World the internet series! Cool!
  11. Those psychiatric medications for bipolar disorder can and do have side effects that directly effect the circulatory system. So, it's likely she had a massive stroke or heart attack from the long-term use of those types of medications. From her last messages to her friends and family, she had lots to look forward to for new projects. So sad. https://www.google.ca/search?q=bipolar+medication+and+heart+attack&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=36tjWuDHLYPt8wfMiIGwDw ********** I was wrong about her medications causing her death. She was drinking alcohol in the bathtub, fell asleep and drowned. https://globalnews.ca/news/4430851/dolores-oriordan-cause-of-death-cranberries-singer/
  12. March 11, 2017 ! I would watch this !
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