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Andy Roberts

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Oops douple post!
  2. This site is so fsking hilarious. His scripts are even worse than the new stuff Gorge Lucas is doing. (jk)
  3. I'd love to see a gff gp-03 orchid (i think thats what its called). It would even have a figure of kou crying like a baby.
  4. That is unbeleavably sw33t. I need to get some more bit-charge. I got a couple of them a while ago but i never got much into them. By the way, does anyone know weather there is a bit-charge 180-sx?
  5. I think it looks alot like the uniforms the guys wore in the episode of stargate sg-1 where that guy who lost his memory was making "stargate" movies.
  6. So that's what that thing was! I had one when i was about 6 and i thought it was just some cool robot or somthing. This was way before i knew about anime in general. On this note, my friend has a bunch of really old saint seiya toys from back in the day around somewhere.
  7. Well it is a sad day indeed.I guess it had to happen sooner than later. The f-14 is a pretty old plane, and it's time to put it to rest. I guess al things must die eventually, just look at the m-16. It's 40-some years old and it's just now starting to get retired.
  8. That bread guy gives me an idea. I should cosplay as "kikkoman". (sry its a little big.)
  9. Waffles, eh? Anyway, most likely a flipped pic, although i think i've seen other flags backwards like that on other things. Btw, this is a temp. avitar.
  10. Ahh much better. Now that kicks a$$!
  11. Aww, the auction ended. I would have liked to see that.
  12. That was both really bad and really badASS!
  13. HA! that was hilarious! If the real one is half as good as this, It'll still suck. jk
  14. He he. Ph34r t3h armadillo! Anyway, it's something waynecorp or whatever it's called made for the army right? So maby it's supposed to be tank-like and the wierd plated are to deflect small arms fire or something. Just speculation.
  15. If you suck he lets meryl die. It is possible to save meryl tho. And anyway, raiden beat 4-6 mini mg's. Snake beat severel full size mg's.
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