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Everything posted by Synch

  1. So how much do these suckers actaully cost in japan then?
  2. one of my fav throwins was when clark got stabed with the knife & they wraped in in that red blanket HELLO CAPE!
  3. or you can just right click on the vid & adjust the size acordingly
  4. Yes I have a job hoser! All I know is that you use to b eable to get a jetfire for around $50 something if that! With all the armor & all! So hell ya these thigns seem expensive to me! If someone wants to put up a list of an reasonable explination of why they cost so much then I'm all ears BTW I'm all for the morning newspaper thing I'll take one blue jet & then one red jet for a start
  5. I'm a poor smuck so I can't aforid any of these just yet... Which sucks cause I want them transforming red & blue jets that are out right now . Yea I'm more into transformers my self & there cheaper too compared to this stuff holy ($*!
  6. Synch

    My Q-rau exploded

    You know you only get what the item is actaully worth right? If it damages you won't actaully get $1000 out of it
  7. Synch

    My Q-rau exploded

    Package falls out of truck Truck drivers stops Truck driver puts truck into reverse Truck driver rolls over package Repeat! Repeat! & Repeat! That bites man! Is the toy it self ok though? If you get all you're cash back & manage to get a nice minty one I'll gladly take that one off you're hands
  8. Why do these jets cost so freagn much?! Or rather Why Can't I aford one!
  9. balance man balance! It would fall over!
  10. nub quesiton but whats that one blue jet? Can it transform? I duno what it is about the blue & red ones I just seem to like em more than the other ones What are the jets called again? Valks?
  11. Can't wait for my bt streak & hound to get in! Insecticons will come with energon cubes ( how many is unknown) & will most likely be sold in a boxed set for around $30 something like JKS said. Most likely the same prices as all the others have been... About damn time we see some more decepticons! This line has been nothing but autobot this & autobot that lately!
  12. Those Onegai Teacher are a good price I raelly only want the ones of the actaul teacher though & the chases... hmmm where can I see better pics of this stuff ( the jets that is)
  13. Synch

    clear jets?

    thanks chris
  14. Synch

    clear jets?

    mmm thank you, does anyone here open there toys that have pics though? No offence to you mosc/misbers as I'm one my self
  15. Synch

    clear jets?

    Is there any place I can see pics?
  16. Synch

    clear jets?

    Are there any versions of the red & blue jets but of clear plastic? I thought I remembered seeing some someplace...
  17. Ok... all you guys bashing out there I would like to see you all come up with some homemade energon cubes that work, look just as good & last just as long as these will... & that you can make & distribute for cheaper! Cause if you can do that & put you're monney where you're mouth is well then... You will have one buyer right here! & probly a thousand more!
  18. Soundwave didn't store them he created the cubes & then they would get filled up from like oil or something. THose are pretty cool though for sure! I'm gona be getting someone to snag me a box! $20 is a heck of a lot though! a buck would be better but eh... not alot you can do
  19. I'm actaully disapointed! AFTER ALL THAT! He could have at least taken a picture of it all hooked up to the monitor & eveything all up &runing! That is damn neat though! Wicked that you can see the fans there at the back they fit well there! Allmost makes me want to get a junker fort max & put a comptuer in him ;P
  20. hello cliffjumper alternater Not that I would want that to be him to ugly looking imo
  21. Now why did this get moved? Its a fan made alt mode
  22. Been wanting to take these since I've joined here, I'll be taking some better pics in the morning when theres more light I'll throw in a jetfire or something too for fun
  23. I watched the first movie, found it dull Watched the second movie, found it fun & exciting enough for me to enjoy it quite abit Never bothered reading any of the books... You guys think I should go see it now or wait & rent it cause I could go either way on this one From the sounds of it It lacks specail effects where needed Chops up the story of the book pretty badly ( no big deal there since I havn't read it) & has replacement acters who are no where near the standards of the ones in the original two
  24. Gona pass on the viewing from the responses but here are some reasons I can come up with 1 He is blue 2 He looks cool in both modes other than when he is a lamp post 3 He has a buncha cool lil robots who come out of his chest & are smart mouthed & pets too! 4 One of the few decepticons thats actaul loyal( Or soit seems hm) 5 He is tough & will stay in a fight untill given the command to retreat 6 He isblue
  25. Please note evagelion depends on what you view is good, I Think its good for the first 10 or so episodes & then it all goes right to heck in a hand basket! One wacked out series! That poor kid gets jacked on the loving in both the series & the movie everytime too
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