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Everything posted by Synch

  1. Robocop I'll get no dout & maybe the female too cause shes a hottie damn! Hm Maybe this aliens/predator movie won't be that good after all... I'm looking at these predator action figures... & you want to know what I see? A BUNCHA DAMN WOLVERINE WANABES is what! Someone tell me they don't have those lame big ass arm blades in the movie please! I mean these are hunters! Predators ! quite franky I don't see how they could hunt/sneak around & what not with those huge ass things on em! All I see in these chumps is prey for aliens
  2. I didn't even know this series had a toy line
  3. http://www.virtualtoychest.com/koj/koj.html A site with toy pics
  4. Yea I've been trying to find that show to download for ages buts its disapeared into the ages! I use to watch it & mighty max all the time! The story was a buncha football kids/team from this one school while ona bus trip to there way to another game got transported back into time & became king aurther & his knights I think a couple cheerleaders got sent back too as you know waht They fought evil bad guys & monsters & the works &could power up with magic or some such which of corse you could see there horses & swords would become all glowly in colors ect! I remember one where the main guy went back to his own time for a little while for some reason pretty cool series
  5. We need some clear colored jets to go with the clearcolored fastpacks
  6. batman = hardass thats for sure! One of the things that makes batman so great is the fact that he is HUMAN! Not some superpowered whatever! Of corse I'm sure being uber rich quazillionare & not having to worry about the lil things in life could help you become like that much easyer too if you really wanted too SPiderman tas would rock ever so much too! With the popularity of spiderman it would just be pure gold to put this series out now! I think if they were to REair this on tv! Even todays kids would love this story line! If not but be a bit confused as to why it differers from the movie though I use to be sure to watch spiderman tas when ever I coulD as well Me and an other friend from high school actaully use to hang out & we would watch it too
  7. Good for you keepn it with the tfs!
  8. sure jks just put me down in you'res!
  9. You mean you havn't put me in you're will yet?! For shame pogo! MAn Why can't something like that happen to meeee! I wana find a nice big box of transformers someplace to put on my self I keep dreaming but... Man though I agree with everyone else you're so much dead if the bro finds out! That or he may not care any more & give you all the rest! Just remember if you ever get hitched you''lll have to face em sooner or latter Allso whats this about you finding a stash of transformers too?!!? Lucky son of a ! What about synch! Wheres his! some day!
  10. Ahem time for one of the local tf experts to step in here, yes those are energon toys! The jets we figuer so far are omnicons which are in the 6. something range The other ones we don't know yet... Aside from grimlock & swoop which will be in an energon two pack. (grim = trex) swoop = the birddino ) Universe... Is based on the comic of the official fan club ala otfcc.com which yes basicly just consisists of repaints thus far & yes transformers cybertron is suppose to be the next tf series in the line so far & supposidly continues from energon in some way or another much like energon did from armada. & yes keep in mind these are most likely stolen prototypes & you shouldn't be making any judgements untill you see the final product in the package
  11. BOxed set? Huh? Allso ya! Batman TAS was an excelent show/series! One of the ones I went out of my way to watch If I remember corectly as a kid ! I loved that robot bot one it was too cool with the " evil" batman Don't wana give too muc ha way for those who havn't seen it yet since its just coming out again
  14. Oh man & you just dug those out of you're basement... You've shot down what I've thought was a nice decent collection of mine with in a few minutes I envy that collection big time Taking that max with you eh! I like! Oh ya I gota agree people pay stupid prices for some stuff I wouldn't be one of them even if I had the cash I'd just wait for a nice new reissuse or never own the figure Oh man me want! Why couldn't I be rich rather than handsom:(
  15. Are you sure? I thought jetfire was in the first episode where he apeared
  16. Personaly with how much some of these suckers cost I'd be glad it takes so long gives ya time to get the cash
  17. Boo?ks?
  18. lol I own that movie on vhs
  19. Much! Do the other shelfs now!
  20. meow geez I wonder how old she is does not look over 18
  21. Her eyes are freaky in the second pic THey got sorta an I'm gona killl youuuu now look! But the first pic is very nice imo
  22. Any chance you can get some more close ups please ? But closer Looks like one wicked collection
  23. Synch

    clear jets?

    hmmm those look like put togeather modles... are there any transformable ones? Or pvc type ones?
  24. What are " FP's" agaiN?
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