Never understood the atraction towords frost... all she has going for her is her boobs & the fact that they allways draw her half naked if they were to cloth her up no one would have any interest what so ever
Ok so there was a lot of hype here about this & by now its out allready... For those that have it now & have finaly watched it what do you think of it?
Is it worth it?
Does it have any flaws ?
What was you're fave episode from this season?
Ect ect
It depends by what you mean worth it... If you're into transformers then yes they are neat little toys...
If you're into just g1 then there are a few worth getting. COllecters market I don't see these being worth that much down the line if anything they will be cheaper than the onhline prices
Does that really work? Can anyone back that up? Allso the heat thing would be a hugeeeeeeeeee ++++ ! I wasl ike 38 here yesterday & that was a cool day!
Where/how do you get you're windows tinted? Does the size matter at all? I'm gona be puttign up some of my comics in glass frames & hanging it up so if I could get them all tinted that would be great too just for a lil extra protection
Why did they want to do that? Normaly they just charge taxes & such & like $5-10 for them selfs [for doing that hard hard paper work...]( ) as well... I allways get people to mark my stuff as a gift worth like 10-15 bucks & normaly you don't get charged anything...
Just depends on how anal the guys are... & how protected the package is if its protected well with a lot of stuff covering up the items them selfs sometimes they won't charge even if they have opened th epackage there just to lazy to look through it all
Coming from someone in canada I just have to say that if anyones upset about not getting a package fast please tell them to give there heads a shake if they did not shell out for airmail or faster then they get what they get!
Oh allso IMO All customs are a royal pain in the A$$! No matter where you send from or to!
this movie is going to suck suck suck & suck some more! All I can say is I hope it never comes to past! They should just stick with the current series & a make a movie with it, personaly I think a movie with in the current line would rock!
Wow that stuffs cool looking!! Reminds me so much of exosquad type stuff! Me wanty!
That bike is so freakn cool! How hard is it to get? Or is there some sorta reissuse? Damn!
Sooo.... She hates guns & does not want to be seen with them... But is ok with beastial alien queen lesbian sex? Oh yea lets not forget cyborg sex you know those two had a thingy going on
Yes this I can see how ever I can not see the "otfcc" guys like glen for example( only name I know or I'd list more) but that is how I can see a company like hasbro thinking since otfcc is now a part of hasbro
I voted for
Normally I buy just 1, but I buy duplicates of the good stuff
Because I'm a moscer/misber but everynow & then there something really cool that I wana open! So I'll buy a doulbe if I can!
Vader is awsome! You should have it Vader VS escaflowne though just for laughs BTW Look the other way for a second would you? YOINK!
What is that vader BTW? How hard is it to get/go for these days?