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Everything posted by vf-1j

  1. Hi everyone, just wonder if this statue is included in the re-issue version of the chunky monkey? I had this one for a very long time (it came with the bandai strike-valkyrie). please don't mind the paint job as it was done when i was a kid (thinking about repainting it).
  2. Yeah~ agreed. That headlamp has been bothering me for quite some while, but I'm too lazy to mask the thing and paint the lamp. Maybe I should just hand brush it in. And I couldn't decide on whether I should use silver or a light blue. btw, that Regult is awesome! love that paint job and the screw cover-up work u did.
  3. And btw, that is one hell of a great job u did there on the GBP armored 1J. Great work Mervin. My very first 1/200 kits was a 1S-armored from like 20 years ago. Got it as a christmax exchanged present from school. I'm selling a set of 20 of these 1/200 babes, any one interested can visit the link below: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8584
  4. Thx guys! I'm not much of a painter and I don't have an airbrush! So I just sprayed these suckers with Tamiya spray-paints. I actually made small monifications to these kits mostly to ease the painting proceduces. I chopped the waist and placed those soft grey rubber "pc" thingy (anyone know what I'm talking about?) so I could spray the model top/bottom separately. I also covered up the screws with some extra model parts. If I have time I will take some more pics.
  5. and more...
  6. I had this one when I was a kid (of cos the one in the photo is a new one).
  7. still haven't got time to finish this one!
  8. Hi everyone, I have been visiting this site for quite sometime but this is my first time posting anything! (Actually this is my first time using any messege board). The photos are some of my 1/200 Nichimo Collection (The re-issue version). Love them very much as I had some of these kits way back in my childhood years.
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