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Everything posted by Pedro2k6

  1. Last night I check two of my VF-171, bought this two last year around September, in that time I checked and everything was good. Now one was still good and the other has a little stress mark on one of the litle triangle under the NUNS shoulder. P.S: both were store in their original box
  2. iirc, there is no VF-1J on DYRL. a VF-1S yes.
  3. HLJ just send me my shipping notice for 2 VF-25f. With this 2 it will be 4 VF-25F in my collection. One with armor, one with tornado part, and two naked ( maybe i will try to get some super part if my wallet let me)
  4. Finally, payment request from HLJ.
  5. CDjapan shipped one of mine today, now i need that HLJ do their job and shipped my others two. No payment request from HLJ for now.
  6. Lol.......you are not alone....transform my VF-22's is just amazing and very masochists....if you or anyone do F to B....and B to F on a VF-22's ...i think you can transform anything
  7. Yes they are legit....but you have to pay right now, they dont have "pay later" option. I live in chile so shipping rate to me are expensive, but AE has the same shipping price to my country then other sites.Regards.
  8. This is the first time Bandai is doing this kind of video?.
  9. June arrivals. Finally have the Vermillion squad Complete. And More to come. YF-25 from NY YF-21 thanks to Caslon VF-22 if the seller reply my mp
  10. Great job collecting. Congratulations. P.S: you need a detolf.
  11. Hell yeah....Vamos Chile ....we can win this world cup. Sorry for the of topic. Back on track....I don't know if I get this but is growing on me.
  12. Or maybe the seller has some friends outbiding other users trying to make more money of this item and the last time they didn't get what they want.
  13. I remember this auction...and i remember the seller cause i was watchlisted alot of his item....now like 2 week after....this seller come out with all the same item...including This two M&M vf-1j .....this is kind of wierd. Or maybe he has alot of copys of every item. I dont know. This is the seller and this are his auction......http://buyee.jp/item/seller?id=gundammark5. All same auction from 2 weeks ago.
  14. I think the golden age is more about the good price and quality of the valk and not about the numbers of valk out there. Or maybe am wrong I don't know. I start collecting macroos just 2 years ago.
  15. The first one look great, very nice head......is from macross the ride, right?
  16. After 1 week, buyee send me the shipping fees. Domestic (japan) shipping fee 1.139 yens International (EMS) shipping fee 6.200 yens. Total 7.339 yens for EMS shipping to CHILE. GRAND TOTAL after all fees 19.770 yens for a Yamato VF-1J
  17. yeah, congrats....where you can get it?
  18. I know. ....if i really wanna open a thread i just will. Dont worry i dont feel like that. This is a just a forum no real life, there are more important thing to me then worry about that kind of thing.
  19. Very good idea...I will open that thread.thank you Edit: please anyone with better English than me can start the thread?
  20. I will...but not now to early....anyone interested too?
  21. I wanna bid on this. VF-0S https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/m121629398 Anyone?
  22. That good idea...but first I think we have to know how many people of this forum like bidding
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