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Everything posted by Pedro2k6

  1. Mine is being double-checked before final packing...Maybe we can call this " the fifty shade of blue"
  2. Thanks fot the pics....and what about the ankle joint?
  3. I think P.O madness start all over again this monday.
  4. Agree with you....Arcadia is being more intelligent than Yamato. Milk every molds is no good for them.
  5. I remember.....but that was yamato no arcadia.
  6. I with you guys... Dont care about the color... I care about the model. Alot of people dont like the blue.... But they forget that this may be the only variable VF-0D that we see in a long time, and maybe the only one....i remember,a lot of people talking about arcadias YF-19 repaint and we never saw one, just the original. And i think this is the same situation...alot of people talk abou repaint or VF-0''s with better part...but we never saw this with the YF-19, even when they do the vf-19 kai w/ sounbooster they dont include any of the YF-19 upgrade on the vf-19. SO...i gonna buy this with eyes closes cause i dont to regret it later. P.S: sorry.....my english suck and am drunk (to much wine)
  7. LOL......but is a good business strategy.... yeti...am from chile and the international shipping cost is to high for me....but i really want yours stand.......but i have to visit miami in september so i hope you still have some of your stand in that time. sorry for the OT
  8. Where i can get some of this ?
  9. I'm not very fan of paying upfront... So I gonna wait for NY preorders. Thank for the advice anyway 👍👍👍👍 Edit: up on NY 21,780 yens https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/10726-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-171ex-nightmare-plus-ex-maruyama-custom-armored-parts-set-limited-edition.html
  10. I don't know 😁😁😁😁 but the wing has hard point and that can be a good sign 🙈🙈🙈
  11. Dont feel it that way....this release has more stuff... Arcadia release has the MP super part and a lot of missile....this release has the same plus MF Super part and a display stand (a ugly one but a stand in the end) for much less money....I try to see it that way.
  12. Good luck with all the hero BALLS ...JK.
  13. No HLJ for me Tonight.....but CDJ will be ok...i just have to pay upfront.
  14. Sorry doble post.
  15. Well well....may is gonna be a expensive month.
  16. Nice, where you get the mospeada bike?
  17. Well...I got 2 of 3...NY shipped 1 and HLJ another....now I send a email to HLJ asking for.my second copy....hope they answer.
  18. I got shipping notices the same day I pay for the valk....that was quick.
  19. Yeah....that's weird....I hope they fulfill my second order.
  20. Sorry....from HLJ
  21. Sorry my friend...i got shipping notice, the same day ppayfor my order.
  22. My copy arrive yesterday.....looking good so far....one trtransformation, just remembering the other 171, and no problems, no quality issues.
  23. I think they are fulfilling orders. But only one order or one valk per costumer and First come- First served.
  24. they shipping 1 of my 2 order, the second is still there.
  25. Got it too...SAL shipping.
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