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Everything posted by Pedro2k6

  1. it's already at normal price...the sale price was 17.550 yens IIRC
  2. overpriced but...at that price you put it at the same level with the VF-2S. I think 18k and 20k are OK.
  3. no payment request here. ...come on HLJ take my moneeeeyyyy.
  4. thanks....I think, this can't get any lower.... time to get a second copy
  5. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    http://sp.tamashii.jp/tamashii/upload/5639b56426916.jpgand you can see a lot of more cool thing in this link http://sp.tamashii.jp/column/39/
  6. http://hlj.com/product/ACA82042/Sci YF-19 26,240 yens
  7. http://hlj.com/product/ACA82120/Sci VF-0A 19.140 yens
  8. Pedro2k6

    Bandai DX VF-31

    they re-release the YF-29 in April with the HMR VF-1S Roy. IIRC. don't be surprised if they releases both line in the same month.
  9. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    http://www.anime-export.com/product/31852 still available here.
  10. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    nice...got 1....and also got a S.H.Figuarts Super Vegeta. good night.
  11. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    when I said, far far away, is not in a bad way.....is in both ways....good and bad....there's a lot a thing that love about this little toy...short wings..hip mechanism....super part attached mechanism..slide tail fin...I will love to see this thing in a 1/60 scale...but I have to be realistic and there's other thing that I don't like. fighter mode look to short...back pack is too big....I think this need a extension mechanism in the knee to make the leg little longer. IMHO but this is what I think...we all think different..and that good.
  12. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got my first hi-metal R (VF-1S RF) today..I keep my expectations very low cause I don't want to collect this line...but after play with this toy for at least 2 hours..this line really surprise me in a good way. Obviously is far far away from yamato and Arcadia VF...but is a very fun line...with this in mind I think I gonna start collecting this line. my problem...no room for more valks, am running out of space.
  13. or you can use flightpose stand....they're out of stock now...but in the end of this month they will get more units.
  14. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    I just ordered a Vf-1S Roy with stand on Mandarake...just for curiosity. not really interested on this line...but, maybe,with this purchase I can change my mind.
  15. I'll wait too....you can find it on aliexpress for over a 100 dollars.
  16. I found this page on the net..http://ohmyprimus.com anyone knows if this is a legit shop?..it has PO on the MPP-10
  17. really???...where you post that...I will like to see it. thanks
  18. time to buy another display cabinet. and talk to my wife where she let me put it.
  19. IIRC a lot of people have loose ankles right out the box... not my case...in fact...mine still have good ankles.
  20. sorry if this not belong here..but I have to ask. I saw somebody use this stand on Arcadia YF-19....but I want to know if any of the member of this forum has used. Edit: this is what I saw.
  21. that is not good...but easy fix, like you said but what about the ankles....they fix it?...or still loose?
  22. P.O started. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-018953&page=top 19,540. http://www.anime-export.com/product/31399 19,620 http://hlj.com/product/ACA82128/Act 20,710
  23. P.O started. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-018953&page=top 19,540. http://www.anime-export.com/product/31399 19,620
  24. well..I have one already...but it has some hips problem....sooooo....maybe....I....need...other?
  25. Am Ok with that price...cause I wasn't collecting macross stuff when yamato flow the market with his VF-1 at 80-120 dollars. I think people that live in those glorious days are the onew who complain about this price.
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