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Everything posted by Pedro2k6

  1. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ hurry up....I need my payment request to ship my Stuff.
  2. IIRC Arcadia dont have "the 1 per account limit". that's Bandai BS.
  3. thank 4 the link......got 1.
  4. Buena compadre.....los compre en easy...como a 60 lucas...estan en su pagina web tambien si te interesan. Eso si, tiene que mandar a hacer los vidrios e instalarlos, la tapa de atras tb. Pero es facil. Saludos de antofa.
  5. No bro....I live in chile.. we dont get Ikea stuff here. This are actually made for books. I customized and put a white background and some front glasses.
  6. I thinks this gonna be worst for our wallet....cause..Bandai Dont release macross stuff on January and February after that I think they gonna release 1 valk per month like they do with Frontier. I hope they alternate HMR with the DX line....cause both line in 1 month will be wallet killer.
  7. nice....and IIRC Bandai don't release stuff on January and February...don't know why....but after March I think we're gonna get a lot of macross delta toys from them.
  8. Desde 2013 a la fecha mi colección a aumentado paulatinamente, espero les guste.
  9. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    OBON Sale on AE http://www.anime-export.com/product/30567# HMR Monster at 18,750 yens http://www.anime-export.com/product/29544 HMR Glaug at 10,500 yens Plus 10% discount on shipping.
  10. Pedro2k6

    Bandai DX VF-31

    http://hlj.com/product/BANN06298/Act got one
  11. Pedro2k6

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I was thinking the same...I will try to get this one first and then decide if I get the other variant.
  12. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    just cancel mine...not a big fan of this monster...I just gonna collect VF's and some enemy mechas. PS: I Rather spend this amount of money in something else.
  13. bye bye fishing lines.....now we can hang our valk more properly.
  14. where is the best place to get one of these with the best price?.
  15. Pedro2k6

    Hi-Metal R

    didn't know about it...thank you.
  16. Same here....My 2 VF-0S, VF-0A and VF-0D are in excellent condition after several transformations
  17. try on Mandarake.com or buyee.jp
  18. +1 like the Holy grail...we hear about it ...somebody talk about it....but nobody ever touch it. or see it....like some mechas we see on the anime...but maybe we can never be able to see in his toy form.
  19. Bro....I almost have a heart attack ..I always want a MP SOUNDWAVE....but it was SHOCKWAVE.
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