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About Sam

  • Birthday 06/04/1977

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    Lots =) But now Im slacking off and lurking a lot LOL

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    NSW Australia
  • Interests
    Macross, Transformers, Anime of allsorts to boot. Customising toys and models !!

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  1. THanks πŸ˜ƒ Nope, decided to leave the heat shield off, purely to be more Jetfire-y lol. I would have done it red though for sure, if I had πŸ˜ƒ
  2. Well just as an update I guess, I did get the valkyrie factory, ended up being around 150 aud all said and done, so not what I'd call cheap, but it did the trick at least. Of note, the parts are not quite identical, the intake covers for instance, seemed off by a mm and wouldn't directly fit in. But end result is, is that my Jetfire inspired colour scheme was successful πŸ˜ƒ Thanks again for everyones help πŸ˜ƒ
  3. Thanks πŸ˜ƒ I'll have a bo peep! πŸ˜ƒ
  4. I didn't get to look at them as yet, but is Taobao a trustworthy site as well? I dont think I've ever used them before πŸ˜ƒ Thanks!
  5. Thanks everyone!, well I ended up buying a Valkyrie Factory Fokker from aliexpress which worked out the cheapest way I could find, and will swap out the hip joints as I'll just use the new sacrificial one without super parts attached, and make something random from it! (I'll nee to remove the paint on it safely though, I think it has intake tampo and stuff on it...) I did try to mechanically break the joint, but it being on the part that has quite small area pivoting, the glue ingress was just too bad sadly! Actually I have one of the old vf prototype heads from the comic from ages back that I purchased from shapeways years ago that I think someone on here designed(gosh I'm getting old, cant remember things lol) So it wont be a complete loss, just ... a more expensive venture than originally planned πŸ˜ƒ When its finished I'll pop up a pic on here as thanks as well, even though it is a Jetfire colouration πŸ˜ƒ I do want to design and print some decals for some areas that are too hard to paint, hopefully looks ok Thanks again πŸ˜ƒ
  6. I was just having a sticky beak on aliexpress and ebay, I saw the 'valkyrie factory' ones on there, had no idea if any good, but they are still around 120usd average price ( so about 180-200 aud for me) so still pretty pricey for KO's! I miss the days a KO meant cheap option lol! I'll keep searching though thanks πŸ˜ƒ
  7. sadly, i did try, and my word, that stuff is pretty aggressive! It actually melted the plastic =-( But thanks for the suggestion πŸ˜ƒ
  8. Its probably going to come down to getting a new kit in the end, unless I completely get lucky with HLJ or finding a 'hey broken arm, time to sell on ebay' auction lol Fingers crossed something good happens! It was part of what many would call sacrilege, in terms of paint scheme. After seeing the price of the kitzconcept Jetfire, I just had to do it up in the those colours for the massive nostalgia hit it gives πŸ˜ƒ But I'm torn as to which display it will now go, macross or Transformers lol Thanks ya'll for your input, hopefully something works out πŸ˜ƒ And if anyone does stumble across a solution, I'm all ears! (or eyes, being a forum? eh, dunno) πŸ˜ƒ
  9. Tricky indeed! πŸ˜ƒ I've starting trawling for them, but so far its only been Aliexpress' "new" ones! I'm not confident my 3d parts would hold up to the task, its quite a bit of friction/strain on the joint there, actually feels like the heaviest rachet joint in the whole model =-/ Ah so Arcadia might do replacements, but just not for overseas? I did send a message to HLJ in the long hope of them saying 'yeh no prob, we can source that'. I think I purchased it from them years ago, I'm just super slack at building stuff lol
  10. The dangerous kind! πŸ˜ƒ Yeh kinda slipped with some usage of thin super, and the anti glue agent only serves to make matters worse unfortunately! Wont be making that mistake again I can assure you!
  11. Howdy all, just wondering if anyway of getting spare parts for that Yamato 1/60 kit that came out years ago, I had some glue get into the upper right leg and it froze the joint =-( I purchased super parts and it prevents transformation to valk mode due to the frozen joint sadly! Any help appreciated! Even if theres a way to buy a cheap broken valk or something, so i can salvage part Cheers! Sam
  12. Its a shame amazon.jp wont ship it direct to me here in Australia, and yes I did use Tenso for them, I think I spent around 50 or 60 usd for shipping and their fees, or there abouts. Not seen the ebay stuff personally, just was excited to see it pop up after wasting around 3 hours on pre order night and failing miserably ! But as mentioned, its just another option for peeps =-)
  13. If anyone is still trying to get a VF-1S Fokker, amazon.jp has it up for 25800. After being cartjacked on HLJ this is the most reasonable price I've been able to get for myself, so heres the link if anyone needs it =-) https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Chogokin-Dimension-Fortress-Macross-Valkyrie/dp/B08C3GRZ4P/ref=sr_1_1?crid=28R7OXDHUK5O7&dchild=1&keywords=dxθΆ…εˆι‡‘vf-1+s&qid=1604905612&sprefix=dx+chogokin+vf%2Caps%2C331&sr=8-1
  14. Its been years since I had watched it but it is a fun series with over the top tank destruction =-)
  15. try $650 aud shipped screamy =-( Got mine today, not fiddled with it much, but its lovely for sure, definite improvement
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