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Everything posted by Priss!

  1. From Yamato WebSite Source
  2. Alto armored in Preorder !!!! I really hate this "Tamasshi Exclusive" stuff
  3. Priss!

    yamato's next move

    I did not know where to put this.. then i thinked "this is an interesting move from Yamato!" so I decided to put it here... what the hell this mean!???! are all of we going to eat some Giant TUNA!? hahahaha
  4. Something like that... I used the hands from the broken VF-0s =)
  5. A few Pictures of my VF-25 Alto and My VF-25 Ozma both fast packed the last one is from a cosplayer with ozma in her hands! =)
  6. I was looking at yamato's website now, and I found an interesting link to some "NEWS". then I found this picture of the 1/60's pilotes... and looking it carefully i saw the M&M wedding dress pilots xDDD So this is really cool! a really good year for been a Macross fan.. PS : there is a third pilot i could not identiffy... i hope you could guys!
  7. I got my VF-25S at friday.. and.. it came with the screw problem.. the FU** screw is broken at half so it's inaccesible for been removed .. I really don't know why all says "hey bandai has a better QC than yamato".. i have never had a problem with my Yamatos when i take it out of the box, but now i do take out my bandai and the arm falls down. really bad *sorry if my english os not good.
  8. Priss!

    SCOOP thread!

    1/60 DYRL Hayao Kakisaki http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28900
  9. I preorder it with you, at. NOVEMBER! ahahhah, good price! and your reputation is really good!
  10. I bought it at Tokyhunter's site, the cost was 9000Y (EMS Shipping Included to South America) '-'
  11. It was as Batroid. I have just sent an e-mail to overdrive asking for a replacement part, i'm really hoping they could help me u_u
  12. Today i was cleaning my stuff and i foud this... thats really sad T_T
  13. We Want VF-25S Ozma Pics!!! (YES i'm speaking about the neck )
  14. i think, we'll get a lot of images from the 130 issue of figure oh..
  15. New Info about Alto's "Fast Pack" at Tamashi's site
  16. I have cried since sunday T_T ... The ending was really awsome, but WHY!! do they leave CC alone! thats really sad .. anyways i think lulu is alive couse there was a lot of sings he is .. i have found this page with some theories saying (the same i have) Lulu is Alive! I'm still hoping for a clearifying CD drama or maybe an OVA!
  17. It will be out at october 1st, at least at yamato's page that's the release date
  18. There's some new information at Tamashi's Page, there are new pictures...as well but they are not good..(i'm loosing all my hopes T_T) if someone know japanesse, please translate!
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