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Everything posted by Deadeye_281

  1. Cool, thx. Now I'm edumacated.
  2. Okay, I've seen a ref for a VF-1J Commander several times now. What is with the Commander bit? Is this just a generic label for identifying a 'J' or is it something different?
  3. Yeah, you're probably right. Hopefully it'll work out and they can hook me up with Low Vis colors to boot.
  4. I totally second this. The YF-19 is at the top of my list for all time fave valks, next to Skull 001. I'd love to see a version 2 of this baby and I'd be willing to line up and pay through the teeth to get it if necessary.
  5. Got a response albeit a limited one stating that they'd save my email and contact me in the fall. They never mentioned my color choice inquiry or size info or anything. They gave a release date of November/December at $189 USD - guess I'm in the initial release club. Why do I get the feeling that this won't pan out?
  6. Sad panda...very sad panda indeed. Still though, if there are any Arcadia kids kicking around the forum - you might wanna take notice of all the hype generated by this little stunt. Minmay Guard, Black Aces, Sundowners... seriously, you've obviously got the Yamato 1/60 VF-1 mold, how hard can it be to throw a coat of paint and some new stickers on it. PS: don't cha just love blind optimism?
  7. Now we're talking! That looks like tampo printing to me and a lot of it which could explain the higher price point perhaps. I'd love to see this thing with it's matching FPs like everyone else.
  8. Where can I order this?
  9. I pulled the trigger on this too and sent an email to reserve if possible. Now to wait for a reply. I also asked if they plan to do any black/grey color variants for all the Low Vis fans out there like me.
  10. You speak the truth but like I said, I was using the real world military as a 'guide' to explaining away how Macross universe Valkyries are built and assigned. At least, that was my intent - guess I should have stated that clearer. If you get into the nitty gritty of the VF-1 manufacturing details via the Macross Mecha Manual, there are specifically stated differences in hardware/performance specifications amongst the VF-1 fleet beyond the obvious differences, IE: 4 head lasers to 1 etc. etc. They are just nuances in some cases but they are there and based on those specs the VF-1S has better overall performance than any other model. There's a reason they were manufactured in limited numbers as they were the apex of Valkyrie design (for the SDFM/DYRL era) and were likewise only assigned to the very best pilots who could best make use of their flight characteristics in combat.
  11. Using real world military experience as a guide: a pilot going from a VF-1A to either a 'J' or 'S' should by rights receive an entirely new bird. There should be more than just a coat of paint and a head swap involved here as the upgraded airframe will more than likely have upgraded flight systems such as avionics. 'J' and 'S' pilots would have access to birds with far more sensitive yoke and throttle yielding superior response times in terms of manouevering and handling over their 'A' model counterparts. Squadron leaders and Wing Commanders would likewise have more advanced fire control systems where they can select and relay targets of opportunity to subordinate aircraft at will. The same goes for the communications suite where 'A' pilots can talk to their squad mates and their squad leader - 'J' pilots can do this and talk to their wing commanders - 'S' pilots can do this and talk to their fellow wing commanders as well as flag command. All of these systems would be handbuilt into the bird from day 1 at the factory. In short, the more rank you put on, the more you are saddled with command responsibility. With that in mind, you'll need better kit to get the job done. There would also be some serious liasion between a pilot and his ground crew chief in order to get his new ride 'dialed in' in terms of adjusting those upgraded avionics etc. etc. to best match the pilot's inherent and individual level of raw skill and capability, IE: Max's 1S in DYRL was almost certainly tuned to a much higher performance level than Hikaru and even Roy's 1S. Max's 1S controls were probably far too sensitive for any other pilot to effectively fly - which totally makes sense as Max was far beyond any other pilot.
  12. This...for the win!
  13. Still looks ugly as sin IMHO. That fact combined with a jacked-up price are putting me off Arcadia before they even get out of the gate. I'd like to support them but I won't be doing so if they're only going to offer eyesore paint schemes from the get go.
  14. I'd be in for one of these as well, but I'd like a pre-order setup a little more formal than just an email sent into a big waiting list in the sky. I'm not sure if I'd get a Hikaru or a Roy but either one would be a hoot to wear on my V-rod.
  15. I'd love to see this thing in person too. I wonder if you'll be able to sit in it? Now that would rock.
  16. I'd love to get my renewal VF-25F to this finish...how do you apply your matte? Sooo jealous. Great job BTW!
  17. Aren't the bridge and main radome separated in the Cruiser mode of SDFM? They slide together in Attacker mode as opposed to DYRL where they're permanently fixed together IIRC...
  18. Which VF-1S weathering are you referring to as I'd love to get a weathered ed. Roy.
  19. Yeah, that black VF-14 is pretty sweet. I'd buy that for sure if they made it in 1/60.
  20. I'm not the biggest fan of this valk, but I think it's starting to grow on me. Nice custom.
  21. Very nice custom.
  22. Cool. Learned something new today. Gives me an excuse to watch Plus for the 500th time!
  23. When does the VF-14 show up in Macross Plus? I don't recall that Valk in Plus at all...
  24. I totally agree. MacII hate aside, imagine a 1/60 VF-2SS that had all the gimmicks of the renewal VF-25 armor packages, IE: flip open missile bays anyone? The VF-2SS is covered in them. It could be done and it could be made to look beautiful.
  25. I'd love to see a 1/60 V2 YF-19 from Arcadia. I'd also love to see a 1/60 VF-2SS SAP Special at some point. I don't know why the poll above was constructed with the MacII valks in a separate header as if they were contagious or something. The VF-2SS is a beautiful valkyrie on it's own. Yeah the series was kinda junk all in all, but the design itself shouldn't be cast aside because of that. Just sayin'...
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