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Everything posted by Deadeye_281

  1. Don't have that issue with mine, but I've only transformed it once. It's spent it's life in strike fighter mode on a stand.
  2. I've used the Tamiya spray cans quite a bit on Warhammer tanks. IMO, the combination of Tamiya primer (white or grey) followed up by one of their color variants works seamlessly and I almost never have to sand anything prior to. This combination won't over flood your panel lines either - even on the Yamato 1/60s. I typically apply detail work afterwards by brush (using Games Workshop water-based paints) directly onto the Tamiya lacquer without any issue as well. I haven't gotten into airbrushing yet, but you can achieve some great results with those Tamiya cans. Just be sure you take the time to mask your parts properly - Tamiya masking tape works great and even comes in different widths - and then just control your overspray and distance from the part.
  3. Like most kids growing up in the 80s, I fondly remember my Jetfire transformer. That thing was an absolute tank and survived countless transformations and never looked the worse for wear. It was the best TF back in the day and every kid who had one - loved it and every kid who didn't have one - stewed in jealousy. When Robotech hit TV in 1986, Jetfire was THE toy to have. With the evolution of Yamato's V1 1/60 line and further refined 1/48s and V2 1/60s I find that old 1/55 valk hopelessly outdated in terms of design but the nostalgia factor for them is essentially off the charts. To this day, whenever I see a Jetfire or Macross 1/55 online I'm instantly brought back to my childhood and that's a rare event for me indeed given my chosen occupation and the things that I've seen and done.
  4. There haven't been any pics of the box released yet? Curious to see Arcadia's take on packaging and art selection.
  5. I'm hoping that they start with the V2 YF-19 redesign. Fingers so very crossed.
  6. I have a 2nd hand renewal VF-25F that's been boxed and shipped a few times as a result. It's also been transformed and had the armor package applied several times. After all that, I have yet to find any scratches or scuffs on the model etc. etc. I guess I lucked out on this one. It's my only Bandai valk - so far - and I'm fairly impressed with it.
  7. I'm not sure what I find more amazing, your skill at design and fabrication or how fast you can work. Truly amazing stuff!
  8. Awesome stuff.
  9. I'm enjoying Macross Frontier for the 1st time. Only 4 episodes to go and I'm not really sure how it's going to end. I like that aspect, which is something that I can't say for Hollywood as of late.
  10. I didn't know there was a 1/6 Capt Harlock. Very cool.
  11. It's just like the TV show...CF's exploding into fiery debris!
  12. It's all good man, you're not alone in not wanting this thing. I only buy the valks that I really want and that I'd be happy to display in my home and this bird doesn't fit that bill at all. I'm hoping that Arcadia has other cards up their sleeves because I will never own one of these. I also don't believe that in order to support Macross toys you need to go out and blindly purchase every awful edition that comes down the pipeline and that's what this is - to me at least - an awful edition. Hopefully round 2 is better - if there is a round 2.
  13. Judging by that translation, that's good news. I'm glad to see that they didn't skimp out on the extras.
  14. C) And possibly no gunpod? Anyone else notice that?
  15. Check the Flightpose blog tab on the bottom of their web page. It looks like end of June before the stands are even Stateside prior to shipping to buyers.
  16. Anyone tried saranwrap around the tip? Just trying to think outside the box for a cheap and effective fix. My first FP stands are on order but I'm already thinking about solutions to this problem.
  17. Well if he's already watched DYRL, anything violent in SDFM shouldn't bother him. DYRL has some pretty graphic - wonderfully so - scenes of violence. SDFM is kinda Care Bears rated in comparison.
  18. And here I thought Misa was hot before I saw this. Well done sir!
  19. Mean looking. Would rock even harder with an Ozma or maybe an Alto as the base.
  20. Jesus. I wish Arcadia would hire you to design their VF models. Sick.
  21. Oh I'd be willing to bet there are many Macross fans who started out with Robotech who have a problem with Reba West. There's always therapy at a later date...
  22. Guess I'm in the minority here for pushing Robotech - albeit only the Macross saga. Seeing as he's an 8 year old he'll probably eat it up and that's what you want to see. I don't remember any kid being able to follow subtitles when I was that age. I say let him be a kid and watch something that he's interested in. Hopefully in the end we'll get a 'real' Macross fan out of your efforts and his interest. I personally can't wait to show my Son Macross and yep, I'm going to use Robotech to start him out. LOL, only problem is, he's only 2 and a half. Lol, just how young is too young for giant battling robots and interstellar war again???
  23. I think the VF-14 (blackbird colors) has the potential to do very well if Arcadia was willing to take a gamble on it. I'm pretty sure that if they released it as a limited release item like the VF-4G, it wouldn't sit around on shelves for very long as opposed to the VA-3 - which is sinfully ugly IMO. Completists would want it for sure and valkyrie addicts of sleek aircraft would too. I only hope that Arcadia continues to push the boundaries of PT valk design and manufacture. Likewise I'm fearful that they're going to be gun-shy and just stick to paint variants of the tried and true VF-1 mold.
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