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Everything posted by Deadeye_281

  1. Thx man! I did some paint work on the GU-11s, the FPs and added a black stripe on the head. Pretty happy how it turned out so far as I'm not done yet. BTW, the VE-1 in the pic is the one that you helped me track down so thx on that. Thx man. I'm going for an 'evolution of the valkyrie' kind of thing. I boxed my 19 due to the new one coming out.
  2. Well hopefully this doesn't mangle the forum too too bad... The majority of my collection that's on display right now. Enjoy. [/url] [/url] [/url] [/url] [/url] [/url]
  3. Does anyone have the current timeframe that the YF19 pre-order window will be open for? I think end of November was mentioned but is that accurate?
  4. Man, this thing is lookin goooood. With the exception of the VF-1, I normally only buy 1 Valkyrie of any particular model # to display in fighter. Looking at the images above however, I just might have to buy 2 of these to display in fighter and battroid.. Well done Arcadia. You certainly understand the wants 'n needs of your consumer base. Now if we can just get over that initial QC hurdle.....
  5. This is turning out to be something great. The 19 is my favorite Valk and it's looking like Arcadia's team of mad scientist designers have/will knock this outta the park. I can't wait for this to hit the shelves. I'd love to see what these guys could do with the VF-25.
  6. Yup. It's always the posts that you miss that turn out to be most important.
  7. I think weezil hits it on the head. I know when I ordered this, Renato hadn't posted his first hand review as yet but if he had I would have given the new boxset a pass. I also knew that there were sub issues with the movie edition but that didn't bother me as I prefer the OAVs anyway. I'd still like to know what happened to the old Manga dub for episode 4. It's too bad really as the Mac+ BD looks absolutely gorgeous in HD. Oh well, lesson learned I guess. Glad I kept the old DVDs.
  8. Wasn't looking for complaint credit friend. I was however looking to potentially save someone a few bucks if they were looking for a BD version of the old Manga dub is all. What was I thinking?
  9. VF2SS SAP for the win.
  10. Watched the OAVs last night...and I had but one response for Episode 4. FUBAR. Seriously what happened to the original Manga dub for Ep 4??? Considering the cost of the box set and shipping and import fees I'm not very happy with this purchase. The movie version is okay even if some of the English subs are retarded but IMHO I wanted this set for the OAVs so if you're lookin for the same - buyer beware kids.
  11. LOL. Good analogy.
  12. This is looking really, really good and hopefully that 0D means a Zero line reboot as well.
  13. VF-2SS SAP Special. This valk deserves the 1/60 treatment. Barring that - and like Benson said - enough pre-orders to go around. Bandai's pre-order nonsense makes zero sense. Customers shouldn't have to jump through hoops to buy a company's product.
  14. Yeah no kidding. Hear I thought Harley stuff was expensive. Ppffttttt!
  15. Waiting out on the arrival of my flexi-stands and the completion of my in-progress Focker SOCOM Special (at least that's what I've nicknamed it thusfar, catchy eh?)
  16. I second that notion. Is there an existing pre-order for this as yet?
  17. LOL, What's with all the hate for forward swept wings? Forward swept wings give an aircraft unparalleled manoueverability and turning radius (The NASA X-29 and Sukhoi SU-47 Berkut have proven this). These wings are totally fitting for the YF-19 which was purely a raw performance machine in stark comparison to the 21's techy-jedi-mind-control-thing-a-ma-jig system. I would personally love to have an option for the 19 to have it's high speed mode too, but that won't deter me from buying this thing.
  18. Looks great...just needs some paintball splatters on the chestplate. JK.
  19. This is great news! I'm really liking the fact that Arcadia has released this little info bit even if it's a year out. Looking at the CAD images in the background I'd say that there's a really good chance that the fighter image is the actual CAD design as well. Look at that gorgeous neckline - this has to be a new mold. Explains why they're releasing the info a year out as it'll take time to finalize the design and manufacture it.
  20. Great looking CAD image. Looking forward to how this turns out. Now you'll have to do the 1st Ghost fighter too.
  21. Roy. Max was good an all, but only Roy had the balls to suit up and fly drunk. It can't be Hikaru, cuz if it wasn't for Hikaru...Roy would still be alive...and more than likely still drunk. Again, Roy...you know you want to.
  22. Yeah, that sounds rickety alright.
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