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Everything posted by Deadeye_281

  1. Amen.
  2. True dat, but I was leaning more toward seeing some close-ups of the pilot/cockpit interior, box art etc etc... the crap we haven't seen yet.
  3. If we're looking at an early release, then I'd love to see some final production pics from Mr. K as there must be some.
  4. LOL, yeah I guess it really does fix everything.
  5. What's the easiest way to fix the YF-29 outer engine pods from drooping under the weight of the super parts? I'm dealing with a Focker scheme 29, but I guess this question applies to any 29 scheme. Pics would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I think that's the million dollar question that we're all wondering. I have 1 on pre-order so hopefully it'll be a solid release. Following Mr. K's updates since the beginning, I think that Arcadia has tried to identify and address any/all design concerns with due diligence. The final product in our hands however, will be the determining factor whether this valk design is a hit or a miss.
  7. Hose it with reaction missiles. Change attack angles often, stay in close and nuke it into oblivion. Worked well enough for me.
  8. Good news indeed.
  9. I had forgotten all about this show until now. Ahh memory lane...
  10. Thanks Banshee!
  11. I only have 3 Bandai valks (2 Alto renewals and 1 Focker 29). I don't transform my valks as I'm a fighter mode guy but even handling them in fighter and attaching the various super/armored parts, I really find them to be toylike in comparison to a Yamato which are more model like IMO. That said, once you've got those Tamashi parts on... well then you've really got something killer to display. My super and especially my armored Alto generate a lot of interest from friends and guests who visit the ol' mancave. I'm happy to have them as part of my collection but I will probably limit my Bandai intake to what I have now. I'd consider a 27 if only to add another link in my valk evolution display chain. We'll see. Like anything in life, it all comes down to what you like, what you want and what you're willing to pay to acquire.
  12. Can someone tell me what the function is with regard to Ozma's YF-29, sub-weapon 3? When you trigger it, the valk glows like a sun. WTF is the effect? LOL
  13. If you're right, I hope it gets an array of fast packs like the 25 series. Kawamori has his work cut out for him to top the Messiah FP variants IMO.
  14. You're not alone Matt. I'm hoping for a new 0S Focker too. Although a stealth colored D with a full Ghost and wing load out could be interesting...
  15. I'm with this logic. Neutral colors tend to wash out behind objects that you want prominently displayed, IE: your valks. Darker colors have their place too, but they tend to overpower display items a bit... unless you have a whole feng-shui thing goin' on. If that's the case, you probably don't need design advice from MW'ers LOL. For what it's worth, my mancave is a light tan and it seems to pull everything together. Your Flightpose stands will also wash out against a neutral background color if you use any of those - which I think you do.
  16. I hope this will be available later on, but looking at the rampant scalping that's already going on on Evilbay for this particular Ozma I'm not so sure that's going to be the case. Bandai is a strange company, you'd think that of all the YF-29 paint schemes (and VF-25 paint schemes for that matter) the Ozma variants would be mass produced because they have proven to be highly coveted valks. How much cash do you think Bandai is losing on aftermarket sales shenanigans for their Ozma variants alone? It must be quite a bit. Meh, bloody Ozma re-release delayed, pre-ordering nonsensical, scalping BS. It shouldn't be this hard to buy a $#%^ing toy plane! LOL, I've had easier gunfights in Kandahar FFS. Rant ends. For you guys that were lucky enough to snag one of these preorders, good on ya!
  17. Hey Loute, I'm actively playing the game myself (just about to finish the game on the 1st run through) and the biggest piece of advice that I can give you is to get intimately familiar with that translation/working aide. Pick 'n choose your valks of preference as you go and upgrade them as you go - you won't have TP room for everything so use the translation guide to pick the capabilities that you want that particular valk to do at the end of the day, IE: fast and manouverable with an upgraded gunpod and maybe missile type 2 is a great combo. Rinse 'n repeat as you unlock the valks that you want - don't bother with the ones that you're not interested in. I also suggest Control Type B. When you unlock fast packs and the like for whatever valk, ensure that you also select them for your wingman whenever possible as you'll level up those fast packs twice as fast (sometimes 3 times as fast in some cases depending on how you kit your guys out). Don't forget to start upgrading your wingman early on as well - I let that aspect slide for almost 2 chapters. After a while (with the translation guide in hand) the gameplay becomes 2nd nature and you can focus on the missile spamming killy goodness that is Macross. Food for thought.
  18. This should be a sub-banner on the MW front page.
  19. Thanks Kanedas for the confirmation. I'm hoping for a renewal Tornado release as well.
  20. Did Bandai ever make Tornado parts for the renewal 25s? I thought they were only for the V1 25s. If that's the case, has there been any news on another Tornado set recently?
  21. I wish Harley made fast packs for V-rods.

  22. At least the Isamu 29 turned out to be fairly prolific. I'm not so sure that the Ozma 29 will be.
  23. I think your logic is sound but I think if this were the case, Bandai would have had truck loads of Ozma 29s to sell to the kiddies. That way, they could max their profit and then re-release the Ozma 25 and get their 2nd windfall. Win/Win. Ozma is a real cash cow and I'm really surprised that it's not readily available at any given moment.
  24. Friggin' Bandai games. I think a lot of us struck out last night/morning in trying to get this thing nailed down. I'm pretty disappointed about it too as I have yet to get a YF-29. That said, I'll keep an eye out for one in the coming days/weeks. In the interim, I pulled the trigger on the Focker schemed 29 with super parts to tide me over.
  25. LoL
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