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Everything posted by Deadeye_281

  1. Well now that my VF-4G showed up, I've essentially completed my hit list of must have valks. In the last two months, I've assembled valks from literally the four corners of the Earth. For some reason, this recent shopping spree feels more like a 'Constructacons...form Devastator!!!' event more than anything. 1. One Yamato 1/60, DYRL Focker VF-1S (30th Ann version) from Hong Kong. Hobbylocus - decent pricing, fast shipping, not the greatest packaging however. 2. Two Yamato 1/60 VF-1 FPs (30th Ann)from the US. Past Generation Toys - decent pricing, fast shipping, good all around. 3. One Yamato 1/60, VF-1A Cavaliers (30th Ann) from Italy. Japanworld - decent pricing (that increased after I ordered mine), fast shipping, good all around. 4. One Bandai renewal VF-25F with super and armor packs from Canada. Ebay seller - a little overpriced but right in my back yard. 5. One Yamato 1/60 VF-4G from the UAE. Thanks to 'gwfalcon' for the find. By far my most expensive valk but also the one that I wouldn't live without. 6. One Yamato 1/60, VF-11B from Hong Kong. Hobbylocus again - decent pricing, fast shipping but extremely poor packaging. Now that this is sorted out, I plan on waiting out on what will come from Arcadia.
  2. My faves in order: 1. SDFM VF-1S Skull 001. The Macross icon. Love her design, history, character and mystique. 2. Focker's DYRL VF-1S Strike. They turned the icon into a flying tank. 3. Isamu's YF-19. A bird so far out on the cutting edge that it killed 2 test pilots and even pushed Isamu himself to his very limits. That says a lot as Isamu had no limits... 4. Ozma's armored VF-25S with Reflex weaponry. The Death Star of Valkyries. Nuff said. 5. VF-2SS SAP Special. Sleek, elegant and killy all in one. A natural evolution of the VF-1.
  3. If that's true, you'd have to be fairly talented to strip the grey off the stealth and avoid ruining the finish entirely. Looking at my Stealth, I don't know how you'd go about doing that effectively enough to fool anyone.
  4. Awesome. It doesn't even look like it's made out of Lego at first glance. I wonder how long it took to design and build?
  5. Wow, just...wow. You and Kye have some sick painting skills when it comes to the SDF-1. Awesome, makes me want a 1/3000 Macross that much more.
  6. SDFM for sure. You see the Rau in action for the first time. Roy gets smoked. Max kicks ass all around. My fave part is where Max shoots Milia in the back inside Mac City. Yeah...take that $&!?#.
  7. Wow, that's a little messed up. So HG can make cash sales off mecha that is quite clearly from the real 'Macross' but Big West can't cash in by releasing an English dub of DYRL into North America... Stupid license BS.
  8. I have three 1/48s: Focker, TV Hikaru and the Stealth all with FPs. A fully dressed 1/48 is really something to behold but there are elements of these models that really detract from the overall visual display impact. For me it's the crappy wing pylon mounts and the lack of commonly Tampo printed markings like we now have on the V2 1/60s. The fighter looks amazing all right, but the 1/60 V2s with all the improvements / lessons learned just have their larger counterparts beat hands down IMO.I don't think I'd buy a new 1/48 V2 Valk. Hell, I'm not even sure what to do with the ones I've got now. All my 1/48s are boxed as they're just too big to display for the space that I've got.
  9. Been on the lookout for a 1/3000 macross. Zenasas over on EBay has had 1 for a few weeks now at around $668 USD. Was hoping it would come down a bit. LOL, this weekend it shot up to $2500 USD!!! Seriously, WTF is up with that? Retarded I tells ya.
  10. Oh, I thought DYRL was off limits to HG.
  11. Lurking over on Dakka Dakka forums about this game and saw some info posted that they're intending on introducing VE-1s and Strike Valks to the mix and maybe other rip offs. When did HG acquire rights to DYRL based valks? I thought DYRL was hands off for HG... As for the game itself... I don't know, it looks like it might be fun at first but then it'll quickly slide into predictability and then boredom. For some reason, this game reminds me of any number of shooter video game where it's awesome for the first month or two but then it gets played out and traded in for something newer and shinier.
  12. I first saw Robotech in 86 on TV. I remember my older brother raving about it before I finally saw it myself. I was instantly hooked and have been ever since. Even to this day, when that charred filmstrip starts rolling and the main theme kicks in - it brings a smile of nostalgia to my face. Nothing else even came close back then. The main characters developed and people died enmasse. I was practically devastated when Roy died and Skull 001 was assigned to Rick. I never got into the other 2 series of Robotech as I always felt that they were inferior in everyway. Roleplaying game for the series followed soon after and after 1 year on TV, the series vanished. Clash of the Bionoids was next and despite the horrifying English dub, the animation was without peer. This was Macross -the real Macross - in all it's glory. I sorta drifted from Macross after that. Joined the army and was really busy for a while - still am. Eventually, I watched Macross 2 and liked it for the most part but it wasn't until I saw Macross Plus that I was once again hooked. Isamu Dyson has got to be one of the best Mac characters of all time and his ride, the 19, is my absolute fave Valk of all time. That bird lead me to Yamato's old 1/72 YF-19 and then their 1/60 V1 Super VF-1J. I had the TF Jetfire as a kid, but that V1 VF-1 was amazing to me at the time. I still to this day refuse to watch Mac 7 as something about a guy playing guitar in his Valk strikes me as absurd. Mac Zero was a feast for the eyes and it's only now that I'm watching Mac F. I like the new series, at least from what I've seen so far. Hopefully someday, the license shenanigans between Big West and HG get resolved so that we can get complete English dubs of all the Mac series. Eventually I moved over to the 1/48 line -and the new 1/60 V2 line and I've been broke ever since.
  13. YF-19 in HD. Oh I've been waiting for you...my pretty girl. Stoked for this.
  14. Just finished Mac F episode 14. Man, the fight scenes in this series look amazing. Armored 25 for the win.
  15. 1/60 all the way. If it ain't broke, don't try to $%^# with it. Seriously though, I find that all the fiddly bits of toys/models at the 1/72 scale to be too fragile and the nuances of detailing start to bleed off completely. Just think about small things like head lasers, gun barrels, vents, panel lines, detailing behind eye visors etc etc. All these things were the building blocks of the 1/48 line and what set it apart from all its peers. The entire 1/48 representation and all the design lessons learned were masterfully translated to the 1/60 line.
  16. Well like I said, I'm going to remain positive that Arcadia comes through and keeps the 1/60 line going in its post Yamato state - which is pretty awesome all things considered. That said however, I for one at least will not be paying for any valk that carries a paint job as hideous as the one presented in that photo. IMHO, if Arcadia wants to retain the Yamato fanbase - which is significantly large and dedicated - then they need to come out guns a blazin' with a valk design / paint job that fans would be willing to fight over in essence that they couldn't live without it and will likewise purchase it. Unfortunately, that 30th Ann valk is pretty gawd awful. There are alternatives: Alaska base, stealth, 1/48 inspired grey low vis, sukhoi terminator cam, digital cam take your pick. I want Arcadia to survive and I'm willing / want to support their transition, but I won't be paying for ugly ass valks just cause they're there. I don't think I'm entirely alone on this one right? Bueller? Bueller?
  17. Lol. Here here good man!
  18. Jem and the Holograms discover variable fighter technology. Gawddddd...who buys these things???
  19. I really hope Arcadia comes through in the end. Picture Yamato with - perhaps - a better business plan. This is what I keep telling myself at least. I received my first Bandai valk yesterday - renewal VF-25F with the armor and super packs. It's really nice but... I don't know, it just doesn't feel like a Yamato does in my hands. Anyone else feel that way?
  20. I'm going to stay positive. I mean at the end of the day, there is certainly still lots of money to be made in the Macross market - now and in the future to come. I believe Yamato is/was the best manufacturer of scale Valkyries. They clearly understood the Macross community and catered to it. That said, I also believe that they may have just tried to make too much in too small of a timeframe to net a sustainable profit. I'm hoping that it's just a matter of Arcadia clearing the legality hurdles of holding the license and then developing a smart business plan for the long haul. Hopefully someone here can provide a full translation of this article... Hope abounds.
  21. That #$%@ing rocks man! You sir, have some serious airbrushing skills. I absolutely love the simulated panelling detail that you've applied to the hull. It really looks like the hull was constructed of individual plates. How many colors did you use for the hull to create that effect and how did you control the overspray with details so small? Absolutely wild.
  22. That's a really nice looking weathering job. Very subtle and realistic.
  23. Anyone have a high res shot of Roy Focker's Skull crest from Mac Zero? Looking for a suitable template for airbrushing. I should have mentioned that I'm looking for his helmet crest with lightning bolt.
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