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Everything posted by Deadeye_281

  1. Really looking forward to the new S. Do you guys think that this'll be another November pre-order? Been outta the Macross loop for a while now.
  2. Color preference aside, the new D looks really, really nice as far as the actual mold goes. I'm waiting out for the new S personally, but I think the new D will look great as a display piece regardless of the color hue. I just hope the fit and finish of the new Zero line is without issue... Fingers crossed for those who preordered this valk.
  3. All kinds of awesome. Shots like these really capture the graceful murder lines of the Tornado...compared to the freight-train of death armored 25.
  4. I'm in the open and display camp myself. I keep my boxes as pristine as I can in between military postings but I only keep them for moving purposes. I couldn't care less about collector value as I'm a strong believer of the 'you only go around once' principle of life and keeping my valks locked up in boxes just flies too much in the face of that. That said, if money were no object, I would certainly love to have a backup copy of some of the rarer valks in case one of them fell off the display shelf and thundered in on the rec room floor - I'm looking at you VF-4G. Unfortunately, money is a concern so I just say screw it and display my single copy valks. Like many of you have already said, to each their own.
  5. The 30th ann 29 is a beautiful valk for sure. Skull 'n bones on the tailfins should have been a tampo no-brainer however...then again, black skull 'n bones and black SMS 030 markings on a white fuselage should have been a tampo no-brainer as well.
  6. I have to agree. The Tornado parts on the 171 (minus the underslung cannons) look like a legitimate variant.
  7. Awesome pics as always Saburo. The blue on Michael's Tornado really pops.
  8. I think we need to see that 171 in fighter mode.
  9. Badass. Looks like a gunfighter for sure.
  10. Vf-2SS SAP Special. I think Arcadia could do an awesome job with this Valk.
  11. Wow...these are really cool 29 battroid pics. I really like the group effect.
  12. If you're right, there may be hope for Robotech somewhere down the line yet. To get there however, it's going to require new blood and new talent under a new and cohesive vision. If Frank really is a savvy business man, he's going to have to clean house over at HG and start from scratch. Either that, or sell the license and cut his losses. S%#t or get off the pot FCS already.
  13. I don't know man... I watched that horrible KS video for RT:A and I got the impression that Frank Agrama was barely interested in what he was trying to peddle to the masses. It's like those god awful infomercials hosted by some washed up celebrity peddling some POS gizmo for a pay check. This is what RT has come to? A senile old man begging his fandom to financially prop up his dying empire? Sad really. Maybe the reason ole Franky didn't fund the RT:A project himself is cuz he's f%#kin broke after all these years of helping to run the franchise into the ground. Then again... Maybe he's f%#kin swimming in cash and goes to bed at night with protoculture playmates laughing the whole way. Hmmmm... That would explain why he didn't appear to give a flying f%#k in that video.
  14. For those of you still in for one of these, I really hope everything works out but this is one helluva price gouge for something with no final photos of the product in question. Way to stay classy Masei, take a bow.
  15. I feel bad for Robotech fans with the death of this misguided and poorly managed KS. That said, I hope they finally realize Robotech for what it is: a show that was pretty cool in its day but a day that's long since passed. Maybe some of the die-hard RT fans will wake up and move on to support far better productions. Hell, maybe some of them will even find their way here so that they can continue to enjoy the Macross universe. Without drinking the kool-aid, Macross (the real variety) is a far better production that also has a much brighter future than whatever s%$tshow HG has been trying to peddle for nearly 30 years now. Just sayin' RT fans, come on over to MW...valkyries will continue to fly around here for some time to come.
  16. That's ironic, when Robotech was pulled from my local TV network way back in 1986, they replaced it's timeslot with Jem. As a kid, I was less than impressed by this genius move.
  17. Just finished reading the Pledge Levels for the Robotech Takeover KS... Man, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Totally worth the read. I can see this latest RT/KS fiasco ending up as a sidebar skit on 'Family Guy'.
  18. Kaneda, a thread like this over on RT.com would never last 2 pages before the Mods strangled it in its crib and banned half the forum for participating.
  19. You know, I loved Robotech for the Macross chapter back in the day. I didn't like the follow-on chapters so much but Macross was awesome. But man, 1986 was a long friggin time ago and Harmony Gold has essentially done nothing with the license since. Nothing effective or enduring that is. They launched The Sentinels, which tanked and was never finished. They launched The Shadow Chronicles years later which also tanked and was never finished. I appreciate Carl Macek's efforts to bring Anime to North America via Robotech and all that but that was a lifetime ago. I can't believe and or understand how anyone would want to back a Harmony Gold Kickstarter for yet another Robotech series that will more than likely just crash and burn, hard on the tarmac, flaps down in flames like its predecessors. Robotech died a long time ago. It's creators simply haven't come to terms with that quite yet. Judging from the poor KS results however, the Robotech "fandom" certainly has. Might be time to sum up and call it a career HG and let the Macross license go. Maybe then, just maybe, Big West could offer more to their Western fans.
  20. Hmmm, I have to agree with Macross Junkie, my Tornado is closer to the 'after' pic as well. The 25F I used was brand new outta the box so maybe that helps. Still, I might try Saburo's quick fix to get those engine nacelles 'right'.
  21. Got my Tornado parts...man this ends up being one big SOB in fighter. Everything was great and luckily the new 25F that I had waiting for these parts was the tightest Alto that I have out of 3. The Tornado parts clipped together way better than my Super part set and that's awesome cuz there ends up being a lot of weight added to this Valk. The Bandai stand adapter for fighter mode refused to clip into the valk's metal crossbar piece, so the valk's big ass ended up wanting to flip backwards the moment I let go of it. Soooooo, I ended up just moving the 1st pair of adapter tabs to the 2nd set of holes on the Valk (crossbar tab holes) and it worked fine. By doing this, the Valk moves forward on the stand to a more forward, horizontal and balanced position. I'll probably try it on a Flightpose stand later on, but for those stuck with just the Bandai stand - try the above quick fix if you're displaying in fighter and your stand refuses to co-op.
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