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Everything posted by fansubs2000

  1. Same girl, different day.
  2. These chicks were all over the place. I think i bumped int them every hour, every day!
  3. Last one with her........
  4. Again with some friends.......
  5. This girl looked sweet. She was there helping out with Pr-Registration on Thursday night.
  6. What can i say, she has a nice stomach! You can amost see her........ahem!
  7. Here are a few more........
  8. Yeah sometimes i can't respond right away when i'm at work, cause........ well i'm at work. I have more time off during the week M-F, so i'm quicker to respond then. I'll send you pictures soon.
  9. OK you guys, you can stop now cause i feel like a total idiot here. I guess i have no idea what the market for these things are. My trading buddy is a regular here at MW of whom you all probably know well. I guess he was making me a great deal, but i have no clue as to what i am doing obviously. Thanks guy for your honest opinions, they are much appreciated. I've never felt this stupid in a looooong time...
  10. Quick question here. I have a new 1/48 fast pack set and am considering a trade with another MW member for a loose Jefire. He feels it's a fair trade and i feel differently. Personally i love Jetfire, but i feel the FP set is harder to come by and worth more then a loose Jetfire. He feels it's a pretty fair trade, so we thought we would take the question to the forums and ask you guys. You know, see what all you experts think! Is this a pretty fair trade for both parties? Enquiring minds want to know Pictures....
  11. Are you making all different sizes? Or will it be one size for everyone? I wear a XL if that helps any. And like i stated above, depending on the price i may get two (sixe XL) Great job guys!
  12. Damn, put me down for at least one. Depending on the final price, i may get two! Nice job Solscud007! I wish I could go to the con this year and join all you guys.
  13. Prices were the usual (expensive) this year. If you want deals, ya gotta look around though. I picked up a Yamato 1/48 fast packs set on Saturday for only $30! Also picked up some of the old Macross 15th Anniversary Arii figures for only $3 each. Damn i remember years ago those going for at least $15 each, $3 is a steal! Also picked up the trailor for 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime. Oh yeah, a 1/72 Hasegawa VF-1A Super for $10. Plus I am the one that got the Macross Plus VF-11b, MPC Rick, & Original Bandai Macross 7 Blazer Valks (Blue & Red) from the Swap Meat. He was as asking $35 each, but worked out a deal for em all. He is going to meet me later on this week to give me the boxes for all of them since he didn't bring them to the con. A swell guy! So over all, i came away with a good stash. I was the most happy getting 1/48 Super/Strike parts for only $30 and it was brand new. If he had more, i would have wiped him out.
  14. Thanks Toonz. I picked up a book from HLJ whe it was on preorder. Awesome book! I was just considering actually buying one more because the book is just that sweet! I only wish it were hardcover. Still though, the book is a MUST HAVE to those of you who don't have it yet.
  15. Hey Toons which kinokuniya did you find it at? Did you special order it though them, or did they have a bunch in stock. How much are they asking for the book?
  16. OMG! AWESOME!!!!!!! Imagine if something was available on the market, EVERYONE would have one!
  17. Hi guys! How many pages, and what are the dimensions of the book. Is it all full color? Is it like a coffee table book? Tell me more about this thing, it's looks amazing!
  18. Is it worth it? I guess it depends what you can get it at. I've seen it sell for like $140-$200 om e-bay. At that price, no it is probably not worth it. You can get a 1/48 easily for that price with super/strike parts. It is a cool piece to have though. At a cheaper price, it's worth to just hold in your hand as i love the design of it. Probaly one of my favorite Valks out of all of them. So if you have a money tree in your back yard, then go for it. It's a real nice valk to have, it just isn't the same as a 1/48 though. And it seems to go for the same price as a 1/48.
  19. Hey twitch, i just pm'ed you with info about the Macross Zero DVD. It is $5 shipped in the U.S.
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