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Everything posted by fansubs2000

  1. WOOHOO!!!! Nice job, keep it up let's seem more!!
  2. Yeah unlike MP-2 Ultra Magnus.
  3. Here's a question for you....... Honestly, have you EVER seen the Animeigo subtitled Macross DVD's (The original Macross series, NOT Robocrap) ?? Just wondering.
  4. Thanks for sharing the pics! I always wanted to go to a wizard con, maybe one day........
  5. Maybe Shawn should be the person to collect and award the prize? It's part his site, and he does pay the bills here. I think it should be $5 a ticket, and it should be assumed the winner will pay EXACT shipping cost to his/her location. (That way more money can be donated to the site, rather then have shipping included in the prize)
  6. What if the only way to get involved in the lottery would be to pay using PayPal? Would you still be down?
  7. I'd still do her j/c
  8. The shirts are only $10. Would anyone consider it? Just curious. I would for $5.
  9. Congrats! What was the price breakdown on each piece? How much did you get the m&m's for?
  10. I love fast packs on the Valks! Fighter plane mode, I think looks good either way with or without. I tell ya though, I think fastpacksmake the valkyries look toght as hell. Whenever I see a Valk without fastpacks, I think it looks skinny and naked. Need to put your armor on boy, before you catch a cold!
  11. GENIUS! What are we waiting for!?!? Someone put this together, I want to win a Stealth for $5! WOOOHOOO!! I say great idea, I'm in!
  12. Yeah I saw something about it on her webpage....... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> San Francisco kindly invited me to be a guest performer for their Cherry Blossom Festival in April. I'll do a concert on the 23rd. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cool!!!!
  13. I saw it in the theater TWICE!!! I loved it! The music was great and yes I teared up when Prime died. I was happy as hell when i heard "sh_t" in a cartoon movie! It blew me away at the time cause I tottally didn't expect it. That movie rocked back then and it still does today. It was way ahead of it's time, just like DYRL. As for paying tribute to other anime shows within a show.... What about our favorite tv series Macross? Anyone remember when Hikaru & Max were at the arcade and were playing a Lupin III video game? LOL, cool!
  14. I'm guesing the $50,000 homes must have been far away from the cities according to what he said. So far his friends wantd no part in buying them even at those cheap prices. Hard to believe anything was THAT cheap though. Who knows!?!?
  15. Thanks Graham for the scans! I'm late to the party here, I missed this thread last month. I'm glad there are nice scans though, now I don't have to hunt down the catalog myself. I hope they update it though, with the new line for 2006.
  16. I agree 100%, looks damn good though for a first timer! Improve on your weathering and you'll be set!
  17. Lord KungFu you really are a millionare from selling toys!?!? I thought you were just joking around Shirley! Congrats!
  18. Just beautiful man! I gots to go to Ikea!! Awesome Mospeda collection, you must have been collecting a long time. Damn, check those babies out! Thanks for sharing your awesome collection!
  19. So the Yamato Garland is for sale there huh? I can't believe it's only $99 at Robotech.com. You know if Yamato USA would only carry the 1/48 line, then imagine how cheap we could get our valks from Robotech.com!?!?!
  20. So what, will it be Cap vs Iron Man!?!? Hard to tell from the trailer. I think it looks like crap and I won't be buying it. I will say this though, I like it that they are making trailers to promote new comic stories. Pretty cool!
  21. What the hell!?!? $99!??! Who would have thought Robotech.com would actually have a deal? Twin Moons, will you price match!?!?!
  22. I've always prefered Batman to Superman, but i gotta say that clip was awesome! Damn! I pumped up to see this flick now!
  23. uh, I would have to disagree. My toy investing gave me enough captital to buy real estate wich led me to become a millionaire. There are people that are billionaires now because of investing in toys. Now when I say investing, I dont mean toy hording. I always see people on these boards saying that investing in toys is a bad idea, but I doubt that anybody in this forum is stacking greenbacks like me. 378622[/snapback] Shirley, you must be joking? (Airplane)
  24. Nice collection CHAVAKAISER! Are there any places/shops in Mexico where you can buy Macross toys? Or did you get your collection online? Looks like you also have an aweosme collection of Mazinger, WHOOOOO!!
  25. Thanks JNO, now I can't get it out of my head! AAARGHH!! ~^`~`^"Shao Pai Lon~^`~`^ AARGHH!!
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