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  1. Wow! I don't normally hang out in this neck of the woods, but I'm sure glad I stumbled onto this thread! Amazing Hikaru, awesome work so far! Keep it up bro!
  2. Another one taken recently...
  3. It's been a while since I added something to this thread, so here...
  4. Jenius I am always amazed by your pics. The poses you get your Valks in are perfect! Not just these, but all the pics I have seen in your collection. Nice job dude!
  5. Yeah I agree that is weird. My nose cone does fall off though I can take a pic later if you guys want to check it out. The only evidence I can provide is really Neova's comments in the links I provided above. I figure he knows more then I cause he sells the stuff. On his "for Sale" post it says, "These are the last issues (2nd series), not a new 3rd issue and MIB from Yamato." Plus his web site and the title of the selling thread here at MW states 2nd issue. I just assume he would know as he orders & sells the stuff. Does anyone know for sure? Anyone else with some input?
  6. Well I'm pretty sure. I bought the Max 1A when it first came out, and that one DOES HAVE the nose cone problem like all the other early 1st issues (Hikaru, Roy). Then back in January 2005, Neova had the 2nd issues for sale here at $90 a pop! I bought the 2nd issue from him and when I recieved it, it did not have the nose cone problem. The grooves were there to hold the nose cone in place just like the other 2nd reissues (Hikaru & Roy). He lists the VF-1A Max as a reissue at his store here (although it is stated as "sold out) http://www.geocities.com/valken_exs/toys_yamato.htm The link where Neova was selling those Max 1A's for $90 is here........... "Yamato 1/48 Max VF-1A Valkyries, 2nd Issue Blow out!" http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=12884&hl=vf-1a
  7. They reissued it once already, and so far no official word if they will reissue it a 3rd time. Never say never though, it could happen.
  8. As many toys that I have, and as much as I like them all, I don't think I would be thinking about ANY of my toys in that kind of situation. My wife and my 1 year old son would be all that matters to me in that situation. The toys can be replaced eventually.
  9. Nice job Excillon! Wow this has been your week. First a 1/48 Roy, and now a YF-19! Sweet deal dude, congrats! What a way to start a collection!
  10. Wow Roy that was amazing! Damn that was better then an actual Lucas Star Wars duel, LOL! Somone put it up at YouTube, pretty amazing fan work!
  11. This is great news! This Optimus in my opinion is the greatest Transformer EVER made. It truly is a Masterpiece. I have a Hasbro, and also (2) Takara's. The Takara's I picked up at BotCon 2004 in Pasadena for only $80 each at the con! I got Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus) to sign on of them. Later on the price just starting going up, up, up! I don't need anymore, but I am glad they are reissuing it for those that don't have it. Like I said, once you transform this heavy die-cast TF you will then know how awesome it actually is.
  12. Yes it is, and thanks for the pics. I'm glad that I didn't pre-order this one. You know if this was a dry Macross toy period, I know I would have pre-ordered it. During those dry spells, you just want a new Valk. Even something like this would satisfy my fix for a new & different Macross Valk. It's a good think they are releasing this one the same time as the VF-0S & the Super Steath. Now I can get my fix without having to purchase this Camo one. Any other time, I probably would have pre-ordered this one.
  13. Those 2!?! I'd take Misato over them anyday!
  14. I wouldn't doubt it that they will re-release eventually. The Hikaru is getting a third release, why not Max?
  15. Hirohawa I never get tired of checking out your customs. Amazing brah! That blows away anything that has ever been released IMO.
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