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Cannon Fodder

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  1. I appreciate the input, and Sketchley your work is invaluable! Since the books aren't apparently canon though, should I even bother translating them? I'm sure I'll have my coworker take one home and see what his wife can do (he can read *some* as well, as is ex-military, so may be able to help a lot). Hopefully they find it easy, but if not I'll have to stick with Sketchley's work. Still though, not like I was ripped off, those books look wonderful. Wish they made them for the destroids too though, which in many ways to me are cooler designs.
  2. So was that angels book thing just a predecessor to the later VF books and thus completely pointless to bother translating if I do the latter ones? I know *nothing* about japanese, but does each symbol have a context or something? I mean, even just typing the characters into word or something would at least allow *some* translation using google translate, no?
  3. I just purchased the 2 VF-1 variable fighter books (plus the 0/25 ones) in the hopes that I could get them translated. I know of nobody that has done it so far, hopefully I'm wrong and one of you can point me to some text file to overlay or something. BUT, if there is no full translation of these products, like I'm suspecting there isn't, I have an employee at work who's wife is full Japanese and surely could do the translations. However, it is some work, so I'm sure some money would have to be involved. I don't think she has a job and her husband doesn't make a lot, so this could help them out AND us fans who don't quite love the game enough to learn japanese. Question is, if I took donations for this would folks be interested in contributing? I'm not 100% sure that is legal (I'll create text only translations, so you'll have to have the original pictures/drawings) so please tell me if it isn't. I also found this book, which seemed great, but I couldn't find it for sale: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/mat_vf1f.jpg Anybody know where I could get a copy for a reasonable price? These just look like really great books, with great detail, but I can't just copy the text into google translate like I could with Polish or Russian (I don't have that key on my keyboard!) Thanks, Bad_Syntax
  4. Well I was digging through my stuff today, as its something I gotta do when I am a digital hoarder. I was looking at old Robotech mods to see if I could use any of those models and get them 3D printed as is (I had to download 13 year old software just to view them!). Anyway, I came across all my HW1/HW2 mods. I have a *LOT* of them. I probably have every Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, and Robotech type mod out there, in addition to many more. Well over 1GB of stuff, closer to 2 if I count the HW/HWC/HW2 files all compressed (and 8GB for that whole folder) so i don't have to reinstall every time I wanna play again. If anybody needs *any* of these, its a trivial amount of work for me to make them available.
  5. Ummm... can we order these now somewhere?
  6. Awesome! However, with the great success of the Robotech Kickstarter, and basically ALL of the macross stuff coming out in 1/285, is there any chance for a 1/285 version? Also, any way to have a straight top down render of the model? There isn't a top down view of the cyclops anywhere on the web
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