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Everything posted by Ido

  1. Great work, very good trailer. Who has done this is a Jenius.
  2. Argh, I forgot the compendium! Thanks
  3. I saw Macross Zero in his curriculum here, someone known what he has done in M0 exactly?
  4. I' was worry about the terrible FPs too. I'll put them on and never remove How much they weigh exatly? I saw about 1kg the entire box.
  5. Right, there are tons of errors in Macross there are scenes in wich you see Macross in cruise mode and when the scene change you see it in battle mode The laser cannons locate under the cockpit and near the intakes are they also an error, right?
  6. Anime friend error... ok after the three laser head VF-1A... but they did the same error in all the episodes from the 28th(not 29, I wronged)? Sure that is an error? Isn't possible that the UN have developed a new type of rifle in those 2 years? Just for be sure.
  7. Congratulation
  8. Just a curiosity I noticed that in SDF Macross from the episode 29 the gunpod is more like a laser rifle then a gatling gun(the fire and the sound are different), they use another type of gunpod? If it is correct what is its name?
  9. Nice cover, but what is that gray VF-1A 1/48? a custom one?
  10. Pretty, if i'll buy the Miria's Q-rau i'll have to buy this too I think nothing for a toy, but it is a unique piece of plastic.
  11. Ido

    new to forums

    Welcome wolfy
  12. I want 1) 1/48 VT-1 2) 1/48 VF-1D with Hikaru and Minmay figures plus one extra Minmay to be hold in hand like in the Episode 02 3) 1/48 Max VF-1S 4) some accessories for the 1/48 series.
  13. In Italy we have already One piece butched and adapted for kids, this is the destiny of every anime buyed by Italia 1 ... They changed the name of Monkey D. Rufy in "Rubber" just for say something.
  14. I can't decide if are more orrible the toys, the pictures or the names... or that robbotech sign. Maybe they are good as vodoo dolls.
  15. From maporama latitude N 45.6641 / 45° 39' 50" longitude E 9.1907 / 9° 11' 26" Now is OK Metal? I didn't see the link you posted in the first page, sorry.
  16. Yes I Think is really nice too. The real problem is that i'm not good at all in painting
  17. the yamato stand can hold any sized valk but theres a few things to remember.... 1, kind of a rip off for a kit....read number 2. 2, you have to glue it together and paint it(according to HLJ website) 3, $40+ shipping...probably in a giant ass box for no reason other than to piss the US fans off. 4, the plain ol' tripod stands rock! What? I have to glue and paint the launch arm? 40$ for a kit??? NO WAY! I'll definetely buy a normal stand.
  18. Are you talking about the ARMD launch arm right? Or Yamato will release another stand? I'm very interested in the launch arm, but will it carry an 1/48 valk with Fast Packs?
  19. I don't see my dot in Italy, have u forgotten me or were my coordinates wrong? PS: I see "Malta" written on the Sicily...is an error or what?
  20. OMG, what is that thing?
  21. Ido

    Sega AM-2 Macross Ps2

    Sorry, i had the topic displayed from the last 30 days and i didn't see the old topics
  22. Sorry for the english but it isn't my mother language... I have played only six missions in the TV story for the moment however: Graphics Poor, some textures are ugly and the 3D models aren't so beauty, i don't like it. But I have to say that is really clean and the frame rate is costant. The valkyries are not so bad, the fighter is very good and have many animation like lights or the air brake, the gerwalk is OK but the battroid looks weird for the legs "stick" on the lower part of the nose(probably for not interfere with the wings) i don't like it. There is a full 3D real size Macross (wow) you can even land on it, this is just cool! The cannon turrets are animated. Musics Original scores from the TV series and DYRL, very good There are 21 scores in the option menu that I can listen, I don't know if they are all the scores in the game. Sounds Original sounds as above Gameplay: The gameplay is really well done, all works perfectly, there are not particular problems with moving, trasmorming, camera and shooting. You can fight as u wish but use correctely the trasformations is the best way to fight, the trasformation is really simple, just use the R2 and L2 buttons, cannot trasform directly from fighter to battroid and from battroid to fighter but this isn't a problem, just press twice R2 or L2. Fighter: The controls are just like a common fighter, you can do the typical movements, use the booster or brake. Is very ncie pilot it. Gerwalk: It has a wide range of possible movements, you can even invert thruster and go back. It is a little complicated to use, you must use the two analog sticks. Battroid: Well done, you can walk or use the booster for a short period, in this mode, you can lock-on the enemies and use the GU-11 or the laser/s to shoot them down. For close combat only. Japanese: The language is not really a problem if you know the macross story, the problem is actually understand some particular orders, there are three characters made for the games, the two pilots must be in your squadron if I had understand. Due to the japanese i cannot understand their role. The options menu are in English! Missions: All ispirated from Macross and DYRL, you can do the missions in the story mode with the walk they give you or reply them with the valk you wish, is possible select many different colors for each valks, for the moment I can choose between some standard color scheme like Indago, purple, carmine, brown... no series or film scheme i have to unlock them. Is possible select the fastpacks or the gbp1-s before the mission but you can use them only in some mission. IMO is a great game, I love it. Maybe i'll post a review when i finish it.
  23. The captain showed the growth chamber in the peace event, i think is useless show Max become a giant, IMO is a great thing see him immediatley in the giant form pilot a QR, it's a big surprise.
  24. Here a couple of image from Dyrl http://utenti.lycos.it/makurosu/upload/max01.jpg http://utenti.lycos.it/makurosu/upload/max02.jpg
  25. Seregno, north of Milan (Italy) Approximately Latitude: 45,10 north Longitude: 9,10 East
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