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Everything posted by Ido

  1. Macross plus battroids came first Argh, see the vf-1 battroid and think to Yf-19 and 21, drooooll...
  2. Ido


    The best thing about this kit is that very differently form the Yamato One it has NICE legs, they are the right size, pretty in each mode and looks more posable too, at least in gerwalk. I think that we can agree that the Yamato legs are ugly. There is sometyhing weird with the shield and head in fighter and with the torso area in battorid mode but so far is one of the most beauty variable yf-19 I ever saw. Now, if this design could be upscaled in 1:72, improved and became the new Yamato YF-19 FP...
  3. Uhm the Hase backpack is surely tough, if I do the same thing with my 1/48 yammie, i can say goodbye to the backpack hinge. How much would be the price for this marvel?
  4. I've heard that this YF-19 will be sold as a "completed resin model". I assume this means it will be finished like the kits SHE currently sells. Even better for those artistically challenged. Carl not to get us off topic again but where can one order one of these babies when they do go up for sale? Cause I really want one! Me too Who attends at the next wonderfest?
  5. One thing that I don't understand of this kit is why the hell Hasegawa didn't include a VFX-2 pilot. I'll be gratefull if you may focus on paint and weathering techs when you are at that point.
  6. Ido

    What's on deck?

    second that! Every die-cast metal part of my 1/48 has chipped paint Hope i'll be able to repaint and customize it soon. Hope to see a decent yf-19 FP from Yamato in 2005.
  7. Second that, I see a vf-19a in the way too
  8. It was an Harmony Gold conspiracy
  9. Had to play episode II yet, so I don't know how is its quality, a friend of mine tried it so I know it has a lot of gameplay problems and a bad OST for the game. But all I need form xeno are good story and cool mechs in the end. Hope the next episode will get better aniways.
  10. It's interesting aniways and is publicity for the games too, they need a lot of marketing nowdays. Xenosaga the animation should be a TV series. http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/tv/xenosaga/index.html
  11. Thanks for sharing, is interesting see how a newbie can approach a model differently from a master like WM Cheng. Keep up!
  12. I don't like KOs-MOs in Episode II too, in the CG movie isn't bad but in the in-game graphic is Awful, in the anime she have such an odd face, maybe is just the angle of view... Why she can't have the cute face of episode 1?
  13. What problem did u have in dowload it? Please let me now. ed2k://|file|Xenosaga._The_Animation_-_S1_-_Xenosaga_Anime_15_Seconds_Trailer_1_-_(RAW)[AniDB].wmv|4146154|0BE0F4D792B82A6A206C5521CF5A8923|/ I have it in realese If you can, try to dowload it with getright or similar programs, it should works. Sorry
  14. Hope it will be good. I don't like the visual too much right now, KOS-MOS looks orrible IMO http://utenti.lycos.it/makurosu/upload/Xen...e_Animation.wmv 4049k Wait to see the mechs
  15. HLJ closes from 12/25 to 1/3, if the Koenig is due to the 12/28 it will be shipped in january Probably you'll hear something from them in that period or just before xmas. Wonder how much costs the EMS shipment for such big toy...
  16. One of the obscure convention resin kit that rarely someone build I assume I didn't see it listed in the models page of WM this site really need some updates. If only the Yamato will do a Yf-19 that nice in 1/72 or 1/60, damm. The Koenig is surely a beast.
  17. That's right, we haven't see macross, SC or mospeada but a thing called Robotech in thew 80's, and maybe we'll see MACROSS stuff OUTSIDE Japan NOW if wasn't for him and his crappy RT. 0,02$
  18. IS the real thing? it looks sweet. http://homepage3.nifty.com/rs-labo/vb6s.html
  19. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10782 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10055
  20. My workplace is really close, so I'll walk there with an armored vf-1.
  21. Ido

    Latest custom 1/48

  22. Maybe you got confused by the robotech storyline in wich, the war was before the ASS-1 crash, in Macross zero there is the overtechnology so we can safely presume that they examined the ship and know that the aliens are giants. So we have the VF/SV.
  23. I suggest: give him a Banpresto valk, and buy another yammie for yourself
  24. So they can custumize it as human size regult?
  25. Just received my new Iwata Revolution, I choosed the syphon feed one. Tried it today, thus i used a normal old oiless noisy compressor w/o filters I Guessed the paint /alchol ratios and air pressure, I achieved a perfect smooth surface, this airbrush is beautiful, and isn't too expensive, try it! http://s96920072.onlinehome.us/tnt1/001-10...lder/tnt098.htm ps Humbrol Enamel paints: f*** u!!!!
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