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Everything posted by Ido

  1. You can read the review of Bandai and Yamato here For the "masterpieces" check this in MW http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/gunsight/gs1julaug02.pdf Now, "mpc" veritechs are robotech american merchandise and they aren't considered Macross toy(so use the topic in other anime and sci-fi),keep in mind that being robotech toys you will not find DYRL variations (so, dyrl color schemes, strike cannon, new fastpacks color and design, new cockpit, dyrl pilot, dyrl hand, UUM-7, new vf-1a head) but only the SDF Macross design that were ripped for robotech.
  2. The Critic, I think. Yeah, from the episode "every doris has her day", Jay talk about a director's cut version of JFK with 2hrs of new footage ( 2 more hours of back and to the left!)
  3. There are people who make new topics for newbie questions even if there is a pinned topic and there is people who open topic about MPC even if there is a pinned topic etc..., correct me if I'm wrong. What i mean is strongly suggest to a the new users who join the community to check the differences between M & r before posting in the forum. But I dubt this will ever happen.
  4. You should make that who join the community know what Macross and robbotech are, near nobody read the FAQ or rules when join a forum... 0.02$ Edit:now is better.
  5. I love the M0 sounds, but the DYRL GU-11 sound wasn't bad at all anyway.
  6. No one did some comparison shot? like this
  7. variable fighters war vf-1 ( 195 000 results) vf-4 ( 137 000 results) yf-19 ( 6 800 results) vf-19 ( 9 620 results) vf-11 ( 20 800 results) vf-5000 ( 2 260 results) vf-17 ( 12 000 results) vf-3000 (727 results) vf-0 ( 43 000 results) sv-51 ( 7 490 results) yf-21 ( 6 350 results) vf-22 ( 8 950 results) Winner is Vf-1 ----------------------------- VF-1 challenge vf-1s ( 19 300 results) vf-1j ( 15 500 results vf-1a vf-1a ( 14 600 results) vf-1d ( 4 470 results) winner is vf-1s -------------------------------------------- macross ( 920 000 results) versus dragonball (5 220 000 results) versus pokemon (4 040 000 results)
  8. Ido


    What is this D'stance YF-21, a variable model? scale? any pics? Try the Search function, it works! Surely a nice kit.
  9. Ido


    What is this D'stance YF-21, a variable model? scale? any pics?
  10. Of course. But only in one mission if I remember well.
  11. Kensei, you must be rich a live in a very big house, right?
  12. More pics http://honowo7.hp.infoseek.co.jp/km03.html
  13. 0.02 I like the changes in the Hasegawa kits, I think they improve a lot the look and the realism, the only thing I dislike are the UUM-7 pod, they are worse and too big. Some one has good pics of the Club-M Vf-1 anyways?
  14. They want to sell something at 94.50 $ and there isn't even a pic. http://www.greatmodels.com/cgi/display.cgi?item_num=elfc131
  15. To add more fun to this confusion, isn't that child supposed to be Dana? Well, atleast that's what I could gather from the Sentinels movie (and IIRC, from Robotech as well!) What's the point? Dana is how is called the max and Milia doughter in robotech, but they didn't translate the title in Viva Dana, probably they got confused (idots...) and thought it was Miria or they just thinked it was better. M&M doughter is Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius, and that episode is named after her. THinking about it, probably Keith is right but "Millia" is how it was spelled in the original SDF Macross show. ps About Miria on the Yamato Product, didn't they misplelled Guld before too?
  16. Awesome visual
  17. Buon capodanno!
  18. Ido

    YF-21FP issue

    Have you ever tried instead of put nail poilish on the ball joint, put a thin piece of paper tissue? This work like a charm with the 1/48 RMS-1, I glued them with white glue, then I leave them fully cure. whe the glue has cured you can put them on or off at your pleasure and they will not fall so easely as before.
  19. I think if we download the pics just for our record, this don't bother you Nanashi, right? I have not intention of use it for my site. hehe
  20. Ido


    291.23 bucks
  21. Ido


    30.000? *faint* Don't want one anymore
  22. I dubt I can find those products in Italy, eh eh. I don't use enamel paints anymore but just Acrylics for the base coat, tamiya paints are so easy to strip with windex. I must buy a lot of stuff yet. €€€
  23. In the hasegawa moedels is spelled Millia, I saw Millia writed on her Vf-1J in some episode too, so I Think its the more correct.
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