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Everything posted by Ido

  1. I buyed the same compressor with the tank, I'm not so satisfied, the pressure is constant, nothing to say but keep in mind that is a diaprham compressor, so is moderately noisy and will heat up easely, you could have some problems with costant pressure w/o tank. The trap and regulator works fine. Good for beginners, I'll think I'll buy a Italian Olimpo silent compressor asap I can. It doesn't come with instructions, you must download a pdf file from airbrushdebot.com
  2. The "A" head its a piece of cake to open, you must lift the two sides of the head(really easy) and unscrew it.
  3. Looks awesome so far, I think i'll buy one and I'll do a dyrl game max vf-1a gbp custom. The side covers for the battroid are really interesting.
  4. Nice kits, nobody noticed how they wrote macross plus anyways?
  5. Wait! is that ass canon?
  6. Ido

    1/48th scale hands

    Nice hands, but looks like they lacks some details in the under part I'm in for a set anyway, just wondering if you could refine alittle the sculpt for include some details, at least the two sensors under the hand.
  7. The closest thing was in Macross 7, the "PinPoint Barrier Punch!" yelled by Basara. Yeah, I was talking only about the first series. Although then, I thought about the "Daedalus Attack!!" by Misa.... Good god, that "Pinpoint Barrier Punch!" crap got on my nerves. Especially when you consider that Basara is the character who would be LEAST likely to say crap like that. Macross 7 did have its fair share of Super Robot Stupidity though, in other areas such as the "strike a pose", stock footage transformation sequences. Jesus. The first series seemed to have gone out of its way to avoid all of that rubbish back in 1982, so why the hell is it coming back? Seems like these days Kon Satoshi is the only person you can rely on to get cliche-free anime... IMO "Deadlus attack" is an order, just like "fold!" or "valkyrie scramble!" Btw I'm whatching macross 7 right now, I'm really impressed by the animation cheesiness, never thought of see such crap in Macross. Let's see at least some episodes of aquarion before judge it aniways.
  8. Did she see SDF Macross and DYRL or just DYRL? Maybe if she saw SDF Macross she will understand better.
  9. Don't forget the ugly rear landing gears and how bad the head sit in fighter mode. It give me the same impression of the 1/100 bandai vf-19, it looks like the front fuselage and the wings are in a bigger scale then the remains. Worst yf-19 fighter ever.
  10. Earlier vf-19S scheme in macross 7 episode 20.
  11. IMO they should do: Basic vf-1 a/s/j (tv version parts and decals), this include pilot, amm-1, uum-7 and photo etch details. Basic vf-1 a/s/j (movie version parts and decals), this include pilot, amm-1, uum-7 and photo etch details. Fastpack set(movie and tv), just like the yamato one, this include rms-1 and photo etch details for fp.
  12. Great! P.S. What's 409 solution? I dubt I'll find that in Italy.
  13. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG19 They didn't included color decal for max and kakizaki but if look better there are their markings. Already payed my pre-order, I look foward to receive this.
  14. That's right, the yf-19 fastpacks are really simple if you want to do them canon, there is no need to recast the un balance FPs every pro-modeler here in macrossworld could scracthbuilt them and sell here, maybe He could add some non canon detail to match the detailed hase yf-19.
  15. The first pic hands are the vf-19 ones Nice reference for the dyrl hands in the second
  16. Wondeful! Looks very good on the vf-19.
  17. It looks to have some problem stay toghter in fighter mode... anyways cool kit, too bad this wasn't 1/72, 1/144 is way too small for a vf-1.
  18. Thanks, thats very helpfull. Come on guys, more opinions. ps Tamiya sanding paper can be used wet?
  19. Is the pilot for the legendary yammie 1/72 yf-19fp?
  20. Well, I see Macross plus as something "extra" that don't add very much to the macross story, Macross zero is a prequel and macross 7 is the SDF macross sequel, I think this is the reson becuase a lot of people complain about M0 and M7, and pratically nobody complain about macross plus that basically is a short oav/film with a nice good stand alone story and very cool VFs. When you go further in a series story there will be always someone who isn't happy.
  21. I'm sure the yamato 1/55 disappoint you as they don't exist.
  22. They don't exactly lost it. Some of it will be simply bought or traded from the UN. Corporate world has its own rules: "enemy" can mean even "customer", as in "win-win competition". It may sound weird but if you really know history you see it happened a lot. Also banks have a role in this, but it's another story. We Italians have something like that. It is called "Villa Certosa". Built without any reguard for urbanistic plans, it is not accessible even by magistrates since it was invoked the secret of state on its construction. Rumored to have a dock for submarines. It is owned by our Prime Minister Berlusconi. No aliens whatsoever, in fact, but likely to have hosted mafia men. So banal I envy US alien stories (despite I think most of them are planted by Operation Mockingbird). FV Our prime minister is such a shame for our country....sigh We had SDF macross+ M-dyrl in the 80's, M+ and M7 in the 90's and i'm sure we'll have M0+ new tv series in the 2000/2010.
  23. Wondefest grey phalanx, my favorite so far.
  24. From a real-world standpoint, it's because unpiloted mechs are lame unless you're watching Transformers. From an anime-world standpoint... would YOU invest in more AI after the Sharon Apple incident? My question was just ajoke, i'm just impressed how much the avarage UN pilots sucks. Train them better.
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