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Everything posted by Ido

  1. The vf-0 maybe vaporwave but I really doubt this will be vaporwave...
  2. Ido

    Bandai 1/144 VF-11c

    Nice work.
  3. The funny thing is that the most obvious similarity about the yamato and SHE kit are the SHE wrong nosecone, canopy and these too big and completely wrong intakes/legs. They changed what was great and kept what was ugly...
  4. COOL, Getter robot + Escaflowne + Evangelion. Awesome visuals
  5. Yeah, yeah, bastard, disturbing but you all watch
  6. I think there is no way to know if Sabrina its a guy or a gal, I think /he/she want to keep it has a mistery, IMO is a girl. You can check other girls(that you know that are girl) kigurumi and compare them to sabrina. Anyways the costumes are nice, there are some photos that I really like, I don't get what its so disturbing in that site, are you americans? More disturbing then, and this is american (read the interview) http://reika.mooshuu.com/index.php ps New MW project: produce a Millia costume for your girlfriend.
  7. It looks just a computer monitor reflected on the TV, probably the shot was taken with a digital camera.
  8. Isn't it just the old yellow sub storm attacker?
  9. Aren't tamiya acrylic paints too weak for mecha modeling? The chip like nothing
  10. Well is hard make a sleek fighter tranform in a fat battroid.... SHE found some good compromises, I think the She kit with a resculped canopy and intakes will be at the same level with the 1/48 vf-1 compromises. Anyways I like the LS Sleek battroid even if the torso and backpack are wrond it is accetable in a 1/100 toy, it has a very nice gunpod and head with clear visor too.
  11. YF-19 says: I'M FIT DAMN!!! ps I love the LS clear sensors
  12. August? Good, it will be my birthday gift.
  13. Now I tried to reconect with my nick and it says I'm temporally banned, what I have done Boinger?
  14. problem with the macross hub... I receive the followingmessage: *** Your nick was already taken, please change to something else! Naturally this isn't true, what I can do?
  15. The only show with the "un spacy" on the gunpod was Macross zero and the sign is sometimes right side up and sometimes upside down... In the ps2 macross game is always right side up both in battroid mode and fighter mode. If you are building a static model I will not care about, for my !/48 I prefer it right side up in fighter mode.
  16. Ok now who is going to say that it is Macross 7's fault?
  17. Go watch Macross Plus again, then go study the YF-19 lineart in detail and then compare the Yamato toy to both the anime and the lineart. If you still think the Yamato toy looks nice, may I respectfully suggest getting your eyesight tested LOL I readed it somewhere... I dont' remmber where, the "C" should stand for "Custom", but i guess you are right, you can change it in vf-19 kai with your admin's super-powers anyways
  18. I'll buy one for a max dyrl custom, I don't like the hikaru vf-1j
  19. Yeah its plastic was really tought so little long pieces were extremely fragile, the entire arm tend to fall during transformation, the head will not stay on in battroid mode and the nosecone actuator snapped off without apparent reason... I'm working on this kit to semi scracth built a vf-19 battroid, I plan to correct a lot of kit errors but it will tale a lot of time...
  20. The vf-11 eject the entire cockpit, I think they have some kind of transmitter to be retrieved by the mother ships, ejecting in the space hasn't be invented in M7, so even SDF macross was stupid cause they retrieved the beat up hikaru vf-1j after the battle with the Quel-Quallie, cause i don't think it returned to macross by himself. All sci-fi shows have this kind of stuff, but of course m7 sucks and every thing in it sucks, i'm wonder why you have to be so paranoic about M7 and don't go to watch anime that you like or to the gym.
  21. I watched the chinese sub of Aquarion 5 mins ago. I agree with Renato. It's the best damn anime on TV at the moment. From the quality of the animation, I think Bandai put a lot of money into this anime. And, Mr.Kawamori is doing a great job with it. Setting: Two very advanced ancient civilizations, "The Angels" and "The Fallen Angels", fought each other in a war long long time ago. At the end, The Fallen Angel lost the war... However, Fallen Angels reappear in the 21st century to conquer earth for something they want. Humans had no chance againist them because Fallen Angels can produce *some sort of music* to steal human bodies and souls as weapons. One day (not sure when), a scientist/achaeologist found Aquarion in a ancient ruined site. He found out that Aquarion is a giant robot that The Angel used to fought The Fallen Angels and the Angels are *reincarnated* into some of the humans... (reincarnated is not that right... it is more like having The Angel's DNA and memory in a human body. Ep01 didn't say too much about it.) and guess what... the main male character is the rebirth of the great Angel warrior, "The Wing of Sun" and the female character is the rebirth of the Angel's princess. Look foward to a english sub
  22. I love mecha build up, what paints do you use?
  23. The great macross 7 mecha battle chesiness is about the sound force valks, transformation, sound boosters etc... the other mechs like the vf-11, vf-17, vf-19, vf-14, vf-22 are shown in a much more serious way. Diamond force(vf-17) rocks, cool mechs and great characters IMHO. Emerald force (vf-19) is ok but not considered in the anime like the DF. Cannon fodders(vf-11) Well... you can't find "cannon fodders" more cannon fodder then the M7 white nameless vf-11, when a missile miss a vf-17 or vf-19 you can be sure that it will hit a poor vf-11. UN should have gone for the ghost X-9.... Sound Force, Ugly and silly mechs, overall nice characters IMO. I have too see Max and Milia kick ass in their Vf-22S yet If you can endure the sound force I suggest to give a try M7, its always better have self-made opinions.
  24. Ido

    Bandai 1/144 VF-11c

    You kitbashed it to do a vf-11 fighter with fastpack right? Nice, but the battroid legs are really oversize.
  25. It's not cool for shipping cost, remember the yammie Ve-1 an Vt-1
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