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Everything posted by Ido

  1. Yeah mee too, in the vf-1 kits they are bad casted too in my opinion
  2. Hi guys! Its a long time I don't come to this nice forum but I never stopped to make model kits even if I am very slow... I wanted to show you what i recently finished, let me know if u like it. Album Next I'll build up the unfamous wave 1/100 VF-11D
  3. Ido

    Vf-4 From Hobbyfan

    I received the replacement part today, I wished for a more visible frame but its okay, there aren't bumps and it can be used without troubles. Thanks to Hobbyfan for the quick replacement.
  4. Ido


    Nope they don't privately own their valks, they are supllied by the army to them, and they aren't rich at all for the most of series However in an episode its shown that some City7 citizens privately own some space war 1 valks and destroyers (even a monster!), some of them are retired soldiers. Looks some sort of antiques weapons collections, likely someone who collect WW2 stuff.
  5. Ido

    Vf-4 From Hobbyfan

    Well.. mine is clear too, it's not that the problem.... It's the surface ok on your? Bumps, bubbles, scratch? do you clearly see the canopy frame?
  6. Ido

    Vf-4 From Hobbyfan

    wow, they recognized the problem and will send me another canopy today.
  7. Ido


    Nice work, but the fuselage in fighter mode its just wrong, it should be more clean with realistic aerodinamical look just like the others VF, It also have a forced Vf-1 look alike feel in the front part. Overall a little too squared and rough, it can use more curvy doby. IMO
  8. In the TV story you are in the Purple squadron in Dyrl the Apollo squadron. I think they are all in the same squadron, no idea about the names.
  9. Ido

    Vf-4 From Hobbyfan

    Let me know! I had the idea of painting the canopy with some tamiya flat gray so I could take the pics, you should see the bumps on the sides, you don't see the canopy frame just cause there isn't one. It looks more like a clear lump of something then a canopy, I really hope is a sole misfortune. The resin parts looks ok, I can olways fix a resin part with mori mori and sandpaper work but How the hell do I fix something like THIS?(Its a lot worse that what it looks in the pics)
  10. Ido

    Vf-4 From Hobbyfan

    thanks for your reply. Before contacting them I would like to be sure what I received it's not normal, If the Club-M canopy actually sucks both in the original kit and in the recasts as well It's useless to lose time asking for a replacement.
  11. Hello, I got yesterday a Club-M Vf-4 from hobbyfan the resin parts looks ok but the vacu-formed canopy its ugly, I have others canopies from original garage kits and the canopy frame is visible and the plastic don't have faults even in 1/144 scale. In the one I got from hobbyfan, as said its ugly, the plastic its thick and looks like it didn't conformed to details as results: 1-there are bubbles 2- it's not really clear 3- The frame is almost invisible on one side, thick and round upside and on one side there isn't frame at all. It's so ugly I think I will not be able to use it I would like to know from who got Club-M recasts from HF if the quality of the canopy is better as I wish to write to hobbyfan to get a replacement one. I will also check the resin parts closely but I have no time right now. Please share your opinion.
  12. Ido

    Another Vf-0s

    It should be out in June.
  13. Ido

    Another Vf-0s

    Nice kit, too bad it doesn't have clear parts, 1900 yen, so its surely plastic. I think i'll get one besides the hase kit that is awesome.
  14. Saw the movie, great job man with that SV-51, very impressive. A VF-0D would be fantastic.
  15. The battle beetwen the Spec 2 and theEnd was just too weird.
  16. That's right, In the subbed episode I saw when Tsugumi fall down a Daeva logo its showed without reason instead of her back, didn't noticed that, a reason to watch the italian version. English fansubbers should download the ripped italian dubbed version and use part of the video footage to show what was censured. ps cmq il doppiaggio italiano fà davvero cagare, Fudo me lo hanno completamente rovinato, la traduzione invece non è malaccio, mi aspettavo di peggio sinceramente. Bruttissima la scritta "aquarion" che mostrano al posto del logo. koncentrazione... fusione... go aKuarion!
  17. Cool, must have it, especially for macross zero artworks and Aquarion (mass production type). Will HLJ have it?
  18. Flyng mechs in eureka world use the trapar to fly cause it's a fuel-less, easy and non-polluting way of flyng, but they have vernier trusters as well, so it's not like if they fall from the board they are dead. Also the trapar isn't always present so they must have an alternative way to fly/land.
  19. I don't believe it's fuel, Renton says in the first episode that to make a LFO move its necessary to have a compac drive that mediate between the pilot and the machine, so he was SHocked when Eureka said she doesn't need one. Apparently the CD it's an advanced control unit that transmit the will of the pilot to the machines but as you said it must be explained yet, it must be a big mistery, just think about the name "Eureka" appearing in it or the diseas it may causes. Charles was the kind of unusual guy that use unsual stuff, just remember the ref boards in his ship scene, so I suppose the ref skirts are a very unusual thing on LFOs, apparently the spearheads neither have a vehicle mode. Even if I don't like so much the ref boards i admit they add something original in the mech design and battles so its okay for me, he had a good idea that was put in action greatly, there are a lot animes that have good ideas put in action orrendly. BTW I was surprised when Talho talked about his sister "disappearing" and Renton didn't ask her to tell him more, just don't make sense for me.
  20. You are forgetting about the compac drive, in the nirvash prototype they were just using standard controls, Eureka was able to pilot perfectly the nirvash cause she doesn't need a compac drive to mediate with the machines, in the first episode she say there wasn't any compact drive slot originally, probably it was added later to use the Amita drive. Also renton was searching for the original compac drive in the nirvash so I presume the CD were produced after the nirvash. Probably with the compac drive tonnes of programming to the OS aren't necessary.
  21. I'm specially impressed with the last frame of the opening, the characters are... plain ugly. I hope we'll see a lot of good mecha action after the Nirvash upgrade its finish.
  22. There is a metallizer line made by GSI calle mr. super metallic, they came in 15ml bottle and you must thin them, they are probably the closest japanese product to alclad metallizer. http://www.hlj.com/product/MNE02568 Fine grit sponge files are a cool item to smooth out the surface, they do miracles with mr.color. http://www.hlj.com/product/GNZGT37 I bought recently mr. precision swab, cool item, regular cotton swabs are too big sometime, so they are handy. http://www.hlj.com/product/WRK00036 This is going to become my favorite putty, it's a lot better then tamiya's, it's useful when you have to fill big gaps, missing plastic on the corners or reshaping. http://www.hlj.com/product/AIZ00014 It's like tamiya tape but its so thin(apply with tweezers) that it bend very easely, it make masking on curvy pieces a lot easier, reccomend for canopy masking.
  23. Asskicking art as always
  24. I mostly use non-toxic cement(microweld) and welding glues (mr.cement S and Tenax 7R), I do modeling in my bedroom and I wear the respirator only when I handle toxic paints and its thinner. The smells of welding glues don't bother me much, I just try to don't keep the bottle under my nose.
  25. Do you mean for a licensed release? I haven't sene any mention of it on the news sites since it started airing, 365522[/snapback] It's funny when they waste half series in useless episodes then rush the things at the end. Also when you look at the last episodes looks almost a different series, I don't like very much shows where they put togheter really stupid things and really serious things without any harmony. In the end I think Aquarion wasted a lot of good stuff to for crappy stuff, I'll keep the vids just for the assault type aquarion.
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