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Everything posted by Limbo

  1. Is that better? (or worst? )
  2. My artistic contribution
  3. on the words of Paris Hilton, "That's hot!"
  4. Am I a graphic designer, so it is really easy to me to spot this kind of thing... A single pixel on a piece of advertising may end up looking like a pimple on a hot model's face My wife can't see it... my friend only spot it after a couple of minutes and I had to pretty much point the exact location to him. It is not that big of a problem, I just with I stop obsessing so much about it.
  5. So I turn on my PSP today and I got a single stuck white pixel on the top of the screen. It happened overnight. It is almost unnoticeable, but I gotta say... I can't NOT look at it every time a black screen comes. In a moment of weakness I start rubbing it with a q-tip and even turn PSP upside down for a while. I'm trying to "suck it up" and deal with it... it is not dead, it may come back... and I read about dozes of people here who got like 5 pixels dead/stuck and could care less... Am I shallow enough to return it for a single stuck pixel? Probably not... I'm actually afraid of getting another one with more dead/stuck pixels on it! I know it is stupid, but I can't stop thinking about that fricking stuck pixel. :////////////////
  6. I don't know. I wish they would cast an older guy to play the part. Someone on his late 30's or even 40's... After all those years Superman should look experienced. This guy looks too young. It looks like he is coming back from some superhero college or something. Ross's designs capture the essence of how Superman should look:
  7. Plug shape, mainly. HDMI also has audio and video on the same connector, while DVI doesn't, as I understand it. Short version: jus tmake sure the stuff you buy uses the connector you have. And swear at TV manufacturers for not settling this BEFORE the last minute. DVI and HDMI transfer video data in an identical manner, in a digital format. The only difference is that HDMI also transfers audio through the same cable. Component cables transfer data in an analog format. Below is the heirachy in order of quality best to worst: 1. DVI or HDMI 2. Component 3. S-Video 4. Composite (thru RCA connections)
  8. After trying about 15 times with frustation, I finally got the protective film to stay perfectly aligned without any dust, air bubbles or fingerprints. First, take you PSP to the bathroom and wipe the screen with the very soft cloth that came with it and make sure you take every single spark of dust. . Wash the film on the sink very well, rubbing it with your fingers if you need. Remove, and shake the film in a safe direction away from your PSP like a Polaroid to get most of the water drops out for about 30 seconds, and quickly apply the film on the PSP. Don't worry about air bobbles or little water drops; you will deal with them later. The important thing is not getting any dust under the film. Give it about 5 minutes, get the soft cloth and GENTLY push the water drops and air outside the film. You can use you thumb as well, since you can always clean the film later. If you are having problems pushing the air out try t buff in a circular motion to break the bobbles in smaller parts and make it move it around a little bit. This method works the best for a perfect dust free film. I find the bathroom to be the best place to perform the “operation” because it is a carpet free environment and the humidity there makes the dust particles wet and heavy, so there is less dust flying around.
  9. What are you guys using for screen protector? I got the Hori one but it is impossible to get into place without air bubbles or dust underneath it. I ordered some expensive protectors from Boxwave that got really good reviews... I wonder if anybody here got those. I freak out every time somebody asks to "see" my new psp. The screen was supposed to have some super resistant adamantium-like coating but my co-worker scratchet his just by buffing dust off. I freak out every time somebody asks to "see" my new psp. :/
  10. The Mythbusters show on the Discovery channel covered this throwing card thing. They created a machine to whip the cards around at great speeds. They concluded it was unlikely you could kill someone this way...
  11. All I have to say about coming back from Amsterdam: Customs officer: "did you bring anything back?" me: "oh God, I hope not!" ...
  12. God forbid anybody makes a post outsite the appropriate forum heh? I'm glad we have those good samaritan to put posters and posts into our place.. tsc tsc... -- Hey man, If you like them, you have the shelf space, and you can afford, go for it.
  13. I saw the pictures of Vector Prime on Remy's site and I must say I'm disappointed :/ First, I though it would be a much bigger robot, Unicron / Omega Supreme size. And the fist pictures of the ship mode looked really good, almost like a starship... like an Empire Destroyer or something... Then I saw the close-up pictures and realized how much less detailed the toy actually is. The mecha is kind of cool with the gold details, but looking for different angles the ship mode is really fugly. I will out the new Starscream when it comes out, but I'm definitely skipping this Vector Shame. //Limbo
  14. I made a scene like that when studing 3D years ago...1998 to be exact.
  15. Just do what I do and start giving yourself stuff since november... So far, I got me: Axim X50v, 624MHz, 128MB ROM 64MB SDRAM, 16MB video VGA, 802.11b, BlueTooth included... 40GB Ipod Ipod Mini (pink) for the wife Samsung 46" DLP TV HL-P4663W
  16. The transformers Armada game is actually pretty good. It doen't have the G1 charm, but I had a lot of fun playing it. Worth a rental or maybe more!
  17. SO how many companies out there are trying to show their goods so that they can try and pick up some of the CG shots for the Transformers movie? I think this is a good example. I don't think it will work, bot is too skinny This is a major rip-off of smokescreen's transformation and robot design. I wonder if they did not get in trouble with copyrighted over there... You could smell the lawsuits from miles away if this was a US commercial...
  18. The thing that bothers me more on SA is the bad framerate. I don't care for graphics, and I would rather have models with half polygons and texture over SA choppy framerate.. specially when you are driving around, the poor ps2 just can't handle.
  19. I got like 6 yards of fabric (3 red, 3 black, nice fabric with some oriental / indian textured patterns), white makeup and a long black hair wig and fake black nails... here a sketch of what I gonna try to pull:
  20. I was trying to get away from being the standard devil / vampire... I'll probably get some texture black fabric on the rag shop, assemble on some kind of tunica with a hood and voila... goth dude from darkness
  21. Ok, so I'm going to this Halloween party in a night club on Saturday... My gf is going as a queen of darkness, or whatever is that supposed to mean. I don't have a clue of what to wear so far... all I see on stores look stupid, overpriced and uncomfortable. I don't like masks, I can't go crazy on props because of the limited space... and nothing ridiculous or anime related because I can't look like a geek THAT night Any help would be appreciated.
  22. Just consider the alternatives for a name based on walking birds... Super Chicken? No. Super Duck? No Super Swan? NO! Super Pacock? I don't think so... Super Turkey? F*** off! Meh... just call it Super Ostrich.
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