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Everything posted by Limbo

  1. Ok.. here is the guy: I had one of those when I was nine but I was young and stupid and it got broken and lost over the ages. Now I'm older, but probably still stupid, because I just found this pic on the web and I can't get my mind of it. It would mean a lot to me if I could get my hands on another one. Any hint of where I could find one? Please?
  2. PLEASE tell me this is not Vinne Jones as Juggernaut. O__________O
  3. Hey folks… I want to give a Lightsaber to my young brother for xmas but I have no idea of what are the options of brands and models and stuff... basically I don't care for movie accuracy, but I would like the brightest blade one can get, with durability of the blade coming next. Any help would REALLY be appreciated!
  4. Wanna fly like Superman? Got $5000 to burn?
  5. It looks like my DVD Player remote control. Can I turn off the VCR with it too?
  6. Tell me about it... my psp torrent folder has like 7.78 GB and counting : Did you find any way to run Death Jr or Winning 11? backpic stays the same... don't really care about these little customization things.. so what's on your memory stick now?
  7. The sophistication on PSP piracy has reached levels only seen on the original Playstation... I'm playing Burnout Revenge and Sega Virtua Tennis on this very moment and those titles are not even released on the market yet
  8. The 1:18 hot wheels are out... I just snag one from e-hobbies for $23!!! Best price I could find and they have it in stock. Amazon / TRU had it for the same price but they are out of stock... it looks like those babies are selling fast. Hot Wheels 1/18 Batman Begins Batmobile There is also an awesome Camoflauge version coming out in NOVEMBER!
  9. And let's not forget the priceless priceline commercials... best. owned. face. evah.
  10. UPS in florida is notorious for damaging packages... I had a nice Rocketeer poster delivered to me once with half of the carboard box TEARED apart with lots of damage to the poster. I would say 70% of the boxes delivered by UPS on the last year had some kind of external damage to it. We even joke about the driver guy snapping and trowing boxes around (you know the begining of Ace Ventura when Jim Carey goes kicking a box all the way to the door? That kind of stuff)
  11. I just think it sucks because our kids will grow in a world completely, and by completely I mean COMPLETELY, different from ours. Even the stuff you see on Cartoon Network, most of them look like a flash animation to me. Hopefully we'll always have some old dinosaurs willing to keep up a small studio pushing traditional animation.
  12. Disney Erases Hand-Drawn Animation BY JOHN CANEMAKER Tuesday, August 9, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT In the 1960s, Walt Disney joked that one day he'd replace his elite corps of animators, known as the "Nine Old Men," and their slow, expensive way of making hand-drawn movies, with Audio-Animatronic figures. At the end of last month, Walt's joke came true. The studio bearing his name announced that, due to a "changing creative climate and economic environment," it will be shutting DisneyToon Studios Australia next year. The studio, which turned out sequels (such as "Tarzan II," "The Lion King II" and "Bambi II") was the company's last remaining facility creating hand-drawn (or 2-D) traditional animation. To compete in the 3-D computer-generated imagery (or CGI) arena, the house that a hand-drawn mouse built will become a pixels, rather than a paper-and-pencils, place. As the old animators often asked themselves, "What would Walt think?" The decision was not entirely unexpected. In the past few years, Disney 2-D facilities in Florida, France, Canada and Japan have been closed, and 3-D computers have replaced all the traditional animation drawing tables at the studio's home base in Burbank, Calif. Click here to read the full article --- Funny thing... I always though Anime studios would turn to 3D way before Disney. I guess they value tradition over shareholders.. :/ 3D Mickey anyone?
  13. The whole microwave plot was just plain silly. I times where everybody speaks of terrorism, they could have come with a much better plan of mass destruction / biologic warfare. How would you spread it? That particular toxin had to be inhaled… So I would probably try to contaminate Gothan’s fuel supply. Put it on diesel and gasoline and let it be spread from all the vehicle’s exhausts slowly over and over…
  14. I don't care for the handler or licenced... what is the brightest lightsaber thing you can get out there and what is the average price?
  15. can somebody please move this to the Lighting section?
  16. thats what bothers me... Anakin was too old to be trained, but Luke was at least double his dad's age when Yoda decided to train him. Ok, people will say the lack of options and desperation made him do it, but again, why not be a little more proactive and train the boy since a very young age instead of plain hide the kids? As far as I know, Obi Wan was just chilling in his cave when Luke came looking for him.
  17. I would say Electro... so spidey can finish both him and the Sandman with water
  18. Do you guys think they should make Batman's eyes white like in the comic books? They have this discussion about white eyes on SHH boards, so I made this quick photoshop to illustrate the issue...
  19. Awesome... I can't wait till Umbrella Corporation start researching the samples!
  20. Nice Photoshop work, but the reflection on the power button does not match with the rest of the light on the unit. The XBOX360 written on the CD tray was added too (you can see the white underline to create the relief effect).
  21. Is more like they underclock the PSP so the reviews of battery juice during launch would be better. I expect games that use heavy streaming, like Grand Theft Auto, where the whole world is being streamed all the time to last 3 hours at it best
  22. And since we are fixing things, lets add some red to it...
  23. I don't like it.
  24. Oh yeah? Well he sure did (that was indeed awesome Limbo) but I'm about to make it a whole lot worse! "COME AND GET ME YOU PINKO COMMIE BASTARD!" Man... I though I was bored... Nice work man
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