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Everything posted by Limbo

  1. That thing looks like Batman's Tumbler
  2. Everything looks good... except the cast. The movie is supposed to be in an older timeline where Superman went away and everybody moved on with their lives, however Lois and Clark look younger than their Smallville version. And all the fancy CGI in the world doesnt change the fact that Brandon still SUCK as Superman. I was liking Spacey until that "I have advanced alien technology!" thing with the big goofy looking crystal... kind of bummed me out.
  3. Does Megatron comes bundled with Time Crisis?
  4. I've heard that. I'd like to know how it's encoded on the disk. Varying depths of the pits or what? 388574[/snapback] The pits and lands are created using frequency modulation of an analog signal, with the frequency carrier encoded using pulse-width modulation. Audio could be stored in either analog or digital format and in a variety of surround sound formats, including 6.1 channel Dolby Digital EX Surround.
  5. I was checking the history of LDs on wikipedia... did you know LD technology existed since 1961 and the first public demonstration with the introduction of home players were back on 1978 in Atlanta... they were invented by a dude named David Paul Gregg, who worked for MCA, who owned the patent before being merged with Universal. There are about 1 million players in home use in the US (compared to 85 million VCRs) and more than 4 million in Japan (10% of the households). Some videophilies actually prefer LD over DVD because Laserdisc is actually an analog format. An advantage to the Laserdisc format over DVD is that video is not digitally-encoded and compressed, and therefore does not experience problems such as artifacting or color banding that can be caused by the MPEG-2 encoding process as video is prepared for DVD. Early DVD demo discs often had compression or encoding problems, giving LD proponents fuel for the fire. However, "LD-perfection" is rarely achieved in practice. Only the absolute best LDs, few and far between, exhibit such superior quality in comparison to the newer DVDs, and even then it requires expensive equipment to realize the benefits. Pretty cool read
  6. Alan Moore gotta chill out. It wasn't that bad. Sure, it I was deluted and watered down like any book adaptation, but the material is dated and I think it kept the original idea pretty good. I've seen much worst adaptations.
  7. I know the whole story pal. I read the post and it is clear what happened. People are having problems with this thing since Dec 3 and on the last couple of days all hell break loose and people start losing their patience and decided to make it public. I know you want to defend your friend but the whole martyr speech does not change the fact that people paid money for something they didn't get. It is a seller-buyer transaction that was never fulfilled, and they were left wondering with no explanation or refunds given. However you are right on one thing: besides my personal interest on the kit, It is not my money at stake and I have no business talking about it. I will say no more.
  8. What should not be taken lightly is the misapropriation of other people's money and trust. And regarding the demand for the kit, many users would still love to get one... Myself included. But after reading all the posts of prople who paid for something they didn't get, I doubt anybody would trust sending any more money before this mess get cleaned up.
  9. You sickos belong to a cult. Yamato toys are like scientology. Expensive and for the privileged only. Welcome to the elite of transforming toys. Sorry if you can't afford. ps - And yeah, I do own 3 of them.
  10. The latest incarnation of Arcee was pretty decent. Now if they only would make a Binaltech version of it... dreams..
  11. Well, according to the site, this Bruce Willis picture looks 70% like Bruce Willis 69% like Gerard Ford 68% like Ayrton Senna 65% like John Travolta you got the idea...
  12. Hi and welcome to the board. You are new and stuff, but in the future, try to do a search for what you are looking for. Some people get really worked up when there are existing topics a few pages back... There is a post covering the new voltron righ here Kevin still runs the site but the store is closed... He posts here under the nick VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM ... if you still need to talk to him send a private message or something.
  13. Quick update... I just snagged one of those suckers on ebay! Thank you for all the help you guys gave me and all the privates with tips and all the seeds of where to track my new baby.
  14. China to build world`s first "artificial sun" experimental device Scientists believe that deuterium can be extracted from the sea and an enormous amount of energy can be obtained from a deuterium-tritium fusion reaction under huge temperatures of 100 million degrees Celsius. After nuclear fusion, the deuterium extracted from one liter of sea water will produce energy equivalent to 300 liters of gasoline.
  15. Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs Scientists in Taiwan say they have bred three pigs that glow in the dark. They claim that while other researchers have bred partly fluorescent pigs, theirs are the only pigs in the world which are green through and through. Green eggs and ham anyone?
  16. Dude... thats awesome. How fragile it is? Can I place an order?
  17. Robot Demonstrates Self Awareness We are all going to die again!
  18. Lightwave rules. I hope it turns out good!
  19. I'm proudly working on the script for Bruce Lee versus The Convent of Lesbians Assassin Nuns IV.
  20. Just because is for you... In order of apperance: Storm, Professor X, Magneto, Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Gray Psylocke, Archangel, Colossus and Juggernaut
  21. They should hire this guy to handle the character designs!!! Check out his website here. There are some amazing designs from games and anime... I love the Streetfighter Ryu & Sagat set
  22. Awesome find, but that one is the ST Chogokin... I don't even think it transforms. I've found one at Yahoo Japan mint for like 48000 Yen... O__O I would love to snag one, but for $500 I'll have to keep living with the trauma for a little while
  23. Can we let Hulk out of the bickering? It was a different movie, the cgi was questionable, the ending was far away from perfect, but stands far better than 90% of the comic book movies out there. I liked better that the first Spiderman.
  24. Been there already... I was holping for one of those Used-but-good-Japansese-toys-store where everything cost a lot kind of place ...
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