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Everything posted by Limbo

  1. New MP Starscream prototype pics... The jet is looking better and better... can he go Gerwalk?
  2. The spider looks different... maybe the hope is not lost after all
  3. Robotchicken is AWESOME.
  4. Brazil got owned big time
  5. It look like they are using completelly original designs... I wonder what kind of toys will spawn from this movie...
  6. Can anybody point me to that concept image of Starscream on the movie? The big monster machine thing? I would search for but starscream's name shows on 30000000 posts
  7. So we went to mars and we found an angry Alien Car?
  8. Missing the point, dude... All I'm saying is there must be a better plan than microwave sewers or plant death rays on a major landmark to destroy humans. That's all.
  9. Actually, YES... I would love to see the bank robery sequence from Dark Knight Returns with batman smashing average thugs. The first spiderman had a deleted sequence of Spidey busting a robery and busting the getaway helicopter in this huge spider web in between the Trade Centers. It was just awesome. Actually now that I think, Spiderman movies are the only ones where the villains get lose to a accomplishable personal goal but are defeated by insanity instead of stupidity. I love villans, I just want some half decent plot that can actually work. And as far as I'm concerned, this new Superman movie is pretty much your superhero period drama...
  10. ^^^^ I hope the final paint job use a more discreet / darker tone of blue... This photoshop coloring is so... screaming blue
  11. The thing I hate about superhero movies is always the nonsensical plots... They claim to be making a realistic movie, but there is always a silly overcomplicated plot that doen't make any sense. Xmen - Let's locate and kidnap a mutant that can absorb powers then we put thias mutant inside a mutant-making machine hidden inside the statue of liberty and then we transform all the world leaders in mutants... that will do it.. Batman Begins - Let's exterminate a whole city not by using bombs or biological warfare, like poisoning the water... that would be too easy. Instead let's mix stuff on the water for months, then we steal a huge microwave from a cargo ship and then we strap it inside a monorail going around the city to vaporize the water and release the gas everywhere in the city... YES!!! That's it I've seen better plots from Pinky and the Brain. o___O
  12. He's a jet and a aircraft carrier at the same time... gotta love scale magic
  13. Trailer is up!
  14. In their frog-eating dreams. We still got a beef to settle back from that Brazil-France final on 1998. But we are the winners today
  15. I'm more concerned with the way the chest area is locking together... Is that me or there is a lot of GAP around the cockpit? Take a look on this picture, it looks like that tab is not even snapping together. I hope everything gets fixed and lock solid.
  16. Brazil all the way! Did you watch the last game? We did put a big "Return to Sender" sticker on Japan
  17. I know it is not part of his design but I like the changes... The only thing it would make it better IMO is head with a visor and faceplate
  18. I don't know if this counts, but I hang out with Aria Giovanni a few years ago
  19. Man, you took words out of my mouth. Couldn't agree more. Why is that evey single TF plane looks like a ship container with wings? They should change the line "Robots in Disguise" to something more appropriate like "Robots with folding parts"
  20. Yeah, I just verified that on the 7 minute preview... mea culpa.
  21. Nah, he had no gloves. On the church scene he makes flames on his hand to back off the spiked asian kid.
  22. Once thing that bugged me was Pyro’s powers... on X2 he CLEARLY states to Magneto that he cannot generate, but only control fire... that's why he carries that Zippo lighter of his. Now on X3 he generates fire at will from his hands at will... WTF?
  23. Make sure you reas the credits!!!! "UWE BOLL presents a PAUL ANDERSON production" Priceless...
  24. Wii are not amused.
  25. "Dear Tom Cruise, Your lack of belief in the existence of clinical depression tells me one thing: you didn’t spend $10. to see War Of The Worlds. If vitamins can possibly help me out of this spiraling funk, please let me know which ones. Dinos? Pebbles? Freds? Please, I’m crying out for help. Alton Brown" AB just plain rules.
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