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Everything posted by Limbo

  1. Is that a plymobil cannon???
  2. There’s also a scene of the VB6 being escorted by a couple of VF-1 on the intro movie of VX-2. The jets would keep the enemy busy while the monster lands for destruction. Like Blaine, I believe the fighter mode was intended to be used for tactical relocation of the biggest thing they got on the shelve. Something Like flying a whole bunch of M1A2 Abrams straight into the field. And the “fighter” is actually a bomber, so it is assumed that this thing has some cargo capabilities for bombs (or maybe they just drop the shells from the “monster cannons” straight over the enemy's head.
  3. question: does it have english subtitles for the non english dialogue? Or the english subtitles are there during the whole movie?
  4. The shipping cost is higher than they toy itself :/ $12 bucks to ship on their cheapest way... No thanks. And I hate websites who force you to register with them before buying. Usually I just don't buy from them in retaliation for trying to waste my time and put me on "promotional" mailing lists who will spam me for the rest of my life. And beware of this site... they "recomend" you to use the your ebay name and PASSWORD when creating and account with them...
  5. I was thinking in getting the yammie Escaflowne. What is so bad about it?
  6. Oh, is that a trailer? My bad... For me it was dragging a huge amount of plastic... They could at least put some big cannon, or the missile launchers... give the fricking thing a function, for pete's sake... At least put a label "trailer" on it, so we know what is supposed to be And I just realized they reverse the concept of the original Ultra Magnus... The new one transforms a plastic block into robot: While the old one goes From truck to plastic block:
  7. Rasputin says something about astrology taking him to the place... Probably that spot was under alignement with planets or something... who knows?
  8. It looks like some kind of Robocop How does the robot version looks like?
  9. Best. Toy. Ever.
  10. So I was in a local toystore looking for micropets for my girlfriend when this caught my eyes: Playmobil: Outbreak and just next to it was this other: Playmobil: Safe Crackers I was like WTF??? Since when playmobil become twisted like that? That's so sick and wrong on so many levels that I had to get them!
  11. I see that some of you guys are loaded, hun... Can I get the address of your collections? (checks for black mask, crowbar and u-haul rental card...) :ph34r: :ph34r:
  12. Sorry if bothers you, but if I don't like something I do complain about it. It is my right and business to do so. I'm criticizing the designs because I think they could be better. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm a designer myself, and like everybody else I got my work criticized, flamed, bashed and sometimes even trashed. There's nothing really wrong with that. Comes with the field and believe it or not it actually made me a better designer over the years. The point is: The toy should have a better design without a fricking head looking at you in plane mode. I just got Megatron because I couldn't see the that stupid head under the jet inside the box. I’m still trying to replace it with a better head to blend bomber on plane mode.
  13. Holly crap I had one of those things! It was burried on some twisted part of my brain, but I remember clearly the transformation after seing the pics Edit: Click on the link on the post above to actually see the commercial for the toy! very funny IMHO! It is amazing how they inflate the features of the toy... the battle-station mode is the robot upside down... face his arms foward and he is a tank, or a time machine, or a solar creature...
  14. Mmmm... I see where you are going and I like it. A lot! But I think the legs may end up too thin being only half of the seat and tank... When can we see a prototype?
  15. can you make some rough sketches showing how do you visualize the transformation? great job!
  16. That's what I don't get. The guy knows how to design the good stuff but does crap on purpose? C'mon, I know the timeframe is an issue, but certain things just doesn't make any sense. I'm not complaning about the color or even de unrealistic robot mode. I'm a graphic designer myself, and I just can't see how certain things can pass even for kids... Look at this fighter.... Are you telling me the guy who made the binaltech smokescreen was the same guy who left a fricking head under the place? Hard to belive... :/
  17. Actually, I wonder who is designing all those toys? Where can we find credits for the designs? (and flame the bastards to hell)... Are they made in US, Japan or a combination of both? I know the binaltech are 100% designed by takara, so is the masterpiece Prime... That's why I find hard to belive we are getting such infestation of cheap bad designed transforming toys from Japan for years. Who is resposible for Armada and Energon designs? Someone make me a black list
  18. Actually, the tank's body has some good 5" in lenght. Almost 7 If you add the barrel. My only beef with this toy is the fricking head looking at me in fighter mode.
  19. Hey, I guess is your lucky day... you can get one from Amazon / toysrus for $24.99! 18" Amazing Spider-Man Figure - buy from Amazon.com
  20. because they will probably milk it very soon as a galvatron repaint
  21. His legs collapse in a strange way (the feet become the intakes on the front) This is what I could get on:
  22. tank attached
  23. Why do they insist in making a "sword" out of everything?
  24. More robot
  25. Robot mode
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