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Everything posted by Limbo

  1. There is this new sci-fi show on USA network called “The 4400”. I wonder if anybody here is following… The premise is that a whole bunch of people have been abducted for the last 50 years and suddenly they all got brought back from a ball of light from space. The haven’t age a single day and they don’t remember anything after the moment of their disappearance. Some of them are manifesting “X-men-like” powers like healing / draining live energy, mind controlling, telekinesis and premonition… I'm enjoying the show so far. If anybody is interested, they will re-run all the 6 parts again on August 8. Set that TIVO on!!!
  2. Hey Radd, where do you buy gear that cheap? If I can build a decent system that cheap... it looks liek it will be upgrade time!
  3. I'll have to pass on this one ... I would have to upgrade pretty much my whole system to play. Sorry, but those are some unrealistic specs for a game. What's next? I need a Silicon Graphics cluster to play Doom 4????
  4. The sick part is... I can kind of picture him as Guy Gardner
  5. funny stuff...
  6. can it go gerwalk?
  7. I know the chances are slim, but I would love to have the VB6 in a gray-blue low-viz king of colors... I can't wait to see the customs! U-haul monster, anyone?
  8. Well, they have to restock at some point... it looks like this sale goes till the 11th. In store only.
  9. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too much clothes. Can we have some flesh on that outfit? I don't think Garner has the body to play the part. They should get a pornstar or something... Aria Giovanny anyone? ))
  10. Best. 4th. Ever. Spyhunter 2 Freaky Flyers Futurama Devil May Cry 2 Frequency Star Wars Clone Wars Roadkill Red Faction 2 Tetris World --------------- Subtotal: $ 44.91 Sales Tax: $2.70 TOTAL: 47.61
  11. Just came back from Circuit City, they are having a $4.99 special on ALL SYSTEMS. Here is the full list: ATTENTION: The games are NOT marked. The sticker may say $29.99 but they ring up as $4.99! DO A PRICE CHECK BEFORE BUYING!!!! --------------------------------------------- GBA ==== Boktai Breath Of Fire 2? Chu Chu Rocket DBZ Goku Disney's Party Final Fight 1 Fire Pro Wrestling F-Zero Jet Grind Radio Konami Collector Series Arcade Lunar Legend Max Payne Mega Man & Bass Mega Man Battle Network 2 Megaman Battle 3 Metal Of Honor Underground Mortal Kombat Phantasy Star Collection Robotech: Macross Saga Shining Soul Shrek Kart - Never heard of this one Sim City 2000 Smashing Drive Space Channel 5 Spy Kids 3D Stuntman Super Duper Sumos Super Monkey Ball Jr. Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival Sword of Mana Tactics Ogre ZOE: The fist of mars Zoo Cube GC 2002 FIFA World Cup 4x4 EVO 2 Aggressive Inline All Star Baseball 2003 Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance Beach Spikers Bloodrayne Bomberman Generation Def Jam Vendetta Defender Die Hard Vendetta Disney's Party Dragon's Lair 3D Evolution Worlds F1 2002 Freekstyle Gauntlet Dark Legacy Home Run King Hot Wheels Velocity X Hot Wheels World Race Ikaruga Jedi Outcast Jeremy McGrath Supercross World Jimmy Neutron Jet Fusion Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer Knockout Kings 2003 Lost Kingdoms Madden 2002 Madden 2003 Mario Party 4 Medal of Honor Frontline Megaman Network Transmission MLB Slugfest 2003 MOH: Frontline Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Nascar Dirt to Daytona NBA Courtside NBA Street NFL QB Club 2002 NHL 2003 NHL Hitz 2002 Outlaw Golf P.N.03 Pac-Man Fever Piglet's Big Game Rayman 3 Red Faction II Resident Evil Code Veronica X Rocket Power Beach Bandits Rugrats Royal Ransom Scorpion King Rise of the Akadian Sega Soccer Slam Shrek Extra Large Simpsons Skateboarding Skies Of Arcadia Smugglers Run Warzones SpyHunter Tarzan Untamed Tetris Worlds The Sims Timesplitters 2 Top Gun Combat Zones Ty the Tasmanian Tiger UFC Throwdown Universal Studios Theme Adventure Vexx Viewtiful Joe X2: Wolverines Revenge X-Men Next Dimension Zoocube PS1 === ATV Mania Beyblade Dragon Warrior VII Harry Potter COS Scooby Doo Cyber Chase Skydiving Extreme TA Compilation Tekken 3 Threads Of Fate PS2 ==== Aliens vs Predator Ape Escape 2 Armored Core 2 ATV Quad Power Reacing 2 Barbarian Black & Bruised Bloodrayne Bloody Roar 4 BOF:DQ Britney's Dance Beat Capcom vs SNK 2 Celebrity Death Match Chaos Legion Clock Tower 3 Dark Cloud 2 Dark Summit DDR Defender Deus Ex Devil May Cry Dino Stalker Disaster Report Disgaea DMC 2 Driving Emotion Type-S Dynasty Warriors 4 Ephermal Fantasia ESPN NHL Hockey ESPN NHL Hockey 2k4 ESPN Winter X Games Snowboarding Extermination Fairly Odd Parents Breakin Da Rules Fantavision Forever Kingdom Freaky Flyers Freestyle Metal X Frequency Futurama Galerians GGX GGX2 Grandia Xtreme Gundam:Federation vs. Zeon Gungrave Gungriffin Blaze Haunted Mansion ICO Indiana Jones Jade Cocoon 2 Jet X2O Jungle Book: Rythm n' Blues Legaia 2 Legends of Wrestling 2 Marvel vs Capcom 2 Maximo - NOT GH version Mega Man x7 Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Metropolismania MGS2: Substance MIB 2: Alien Escape Minority Report Monsters Inc. MSG: Encounters in Space Mystic Heroes Ninja Assault w/Guncon Okage:Shadow King Onimusha 2 PaRappa the Rapper 2 Pryzm Chapter One R.A.D. RE: Dead Aim Red Faction 2 Resident Evil Code Veronica REZ Ring Of Red Roadkill Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown Robotech: Battlecry RRV Rumble Racing Rygar Secret Weapons over Normandy Sega Bass Fishing Duel Sega Sports SF EX3 Shadow Hearts Shrek Super Party Silpheed Simpsons: Skateboarding Smash Court Tennis: Pro Tournament Soccer Mania Speed Kings Spy Hunter 2 Street Fighter EX 3 Stretch Panic Suikoden 3 Super Trucks Racing Tenchu 3 Terminator: Dawn of Fate The Bouncer Timesplitters 2 Vexx Wallace & Grommet: Project Zoo Wallace & Grommit War of the Monsters Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune Wild Arms 3 Wipeout Fusion WRC World Rally Championship WWE Crush Hour X Squad ZOE: 2nd Runner XBox ==== Aggressive Inline Aliens vs Predator Aquaman Baldurs Gate- Dark Alliance 1 Blood Omen 2 Blood Rayne Buffy the vampire slayer Burnout 2 Celebbrity Death Match Crazy Taxi 3 Crimson Sea Dead or Alive 3 Dead To Rights Dino Crisis 3 Disaster Report DOA Beach Volleyball Dragon's Lair Enclave ESPN NHL Hockey 2k4 Evil Dead Fatal Frame Ford Racing 2 Futurama Gladius Grabbed by the Ghoulies Gun Metal Gun Valkyrie Haunted Mansion Kung Fu Chaos Legends of Wrestling 2 Marvel vs Capcom 2 Metal Gear Solid: Substance Mojo Monopoly Party Morrowind (GOTY Edition) Motor Trend: Lotus Challenge New Legends NFL 2K3 NFL Blitz Pro NHL 2K3 NHL Hitz Pro Panzer Dragoon Orta Pirates Of The Carribean Pro Race Driver Roadkill Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown Run Like Hell Secret weapons over Normandy Smashing Drive Spy Hunter 2 Stake Fortune Fighters Star Wars: Clone Wars Star Wars: Obi Wan State of Emergency SWAT SX Superstar Syberia - Conflicting Reports Tetris Worlds Online Toejam and Earl 3 Vexx Voodoo Vince Wakeboarding Unleashed Whacked!
  12. Well, Tobey may be back: "I don't anticipate doing a fourth movie, you know. Look, I think that three's probably enough for me, but you never know. If they sent me a script that was better than any other script I've ever read and offered me a piece of Sony Corporation ... (he smiles, knowing he has already taken in a reported $20 million for his re-negotiated salary for Spider-Man 2 and stands to make even more next time) ... Never say never, you know. Sony's a big corporation." In other words: "I'm not doing for money. I'm doing for A LOT of money."
  13. Is just me or Kirsten Dunst is not as cute as she used to be? I don't know... she looked kind of sick on SH2... and on some closup scenes it looked like she needed some makeup, because her skin looked odd. Maybe she was just too skinny for my taste. At one point, my wife asked me why her boobs were sagging near her belly button (on the cafe scene) And I'm not sure about her as a redhead either... Keira Knightley wouldve been the best choice, IMHO.
  14. Like Shaka. Are those things for sale already? Where can I buy one? :
  15. EXO, did you made this? Sorry, but I want one now... It does look awesome
  16. I never had the chance to finish reading The Cult... Arkham is awesome. I still have mine somewhere. Among my favorites I can also list Gothic (a romance), Shaman, Sword of Azrael and Faces (the last one one is really messed up).
  17. I can’t wait to see it in motion. I wanna see how it sounds, how fast it goes, what gimmicks it has and how noisy and scary it will be in a dark alley. Although I’m not crazy about how it looks, But I think it is the most serious and believable Batmobile out there and it beats the hell of all the other sleekly-hi-glossy-with-purple-neons-and-lets-not-forget-the-shark-fins-and-silly-turbines from all the previous movies. And I can see where it took some inspiration from: This is Frank Miller's version of the Batmobile, that only appeared on the graohic novel Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, arguebly the best batman story ever told. This is the largest Batmobile ever, easily straddling a three lane highway. Batman mentions how he "modified her during some nasty riots" 15 years prior, and that the only things that can damage it "isn't from this planet." It easily shrugs off gunfire, grenades, and rocket launcher attacks, and offers its own array of heavy weaponry. In addition to its offensive capabilities, this Batmobile is equipped with an extensive medical bay. now That's the kind of 'car' I want if I'm going to f**k with criminals at night:
  18. Movie details and trailer, if anyone is interested...
  19. All your base are belong to us or something like that
  20. And knowing is half of the battle! [[ Add Transformers or GiJoe theme ]]
  21. Sweet... Now imagine a Venon suite made of that stuff!!
  22. I think it would make a nice decepticon... I can cope with the idea of the decepticons being licenced cars, I just don't like being a repaint of the actual models we already have. I could see a red corvete becoming a nice Startscream... or should we call it Roadscream?
  23. A litte enhance on the white and dark levels... you can actually see the detail of the bat on the chest...
  24. Actually, my current machine is named "Jehuty" The previous incarnation was Skynet
  25. It would provide a more mobile combat mode. Based on the game, the "gerwalk" / monster mode is very bulky and slow to walk aroung, Working better as a stationary cannon than actually going on the battlefield. I see the battroid mode as a better form to advance field and hang around on the ground. Plus it would be a way to carry and interact with stuff around, since the monster has no arms… and finally it would be the biggest robot in town, being intimidating as and taking the lunch of Gundams. “Give me your sandwich. I SAID GIVE ME YOU DAMN SANDWICH.” Wayne Brady, Chappelle's Show
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