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Everything posted by Limbo

  1. Why bother to make it transformable if you have to swap half of the parts off? Defeats the point of being transformable, IMO... And even with the swappable parts the toy is still far from accurate. This is not transformable. It is combinable at it best. I rather have 3 superposeables on each mode than this half-@ss "transformation".
  2. We are still cleaning the Francis mess over here :/ See what is supposed to be a window on the middle of the picure, right on the second floor? That's my bedroom.
  3. I don't know what some people do with their ps2... I have mine since launch in vertical position and I NEVER had a single problem with it. Too bad the new one has no hd support... my HDLoader is indeed loaded
  4. The movie uses some kind of ambience filter (probably to blend the cgi with the actors altogether) that got a little blurry sometimes, like the picture is slightly out of focus that really bother me on the beginning... after that my eyes got used to. Pretty cool movie though.
  5. They are not going to charge you $100 for that... they have a much better plan: Voltron Materpiece Edition I: Black Lion Voltron Materpiece Edition II: Red Lion & Blue Lion Voltron Materpiece Edition III: Yellow Lion & Blue Lion Break the toy in 3, put in that nice bookbox that nobody cares about and sell the darn thing for 3x what is worth!
  6. http://www.tomy.co.jp/micro-pets/campaign/index.htm Can anybody translate this for me or just tell me what the deal is about? I'm trying to obtain the metallic ones... ---- Ok, here is the deal... My wife collects Micropets. Those are some mini robots that walk around singing and they make noises and answer to voice commands. Through the last 2 years I've been feeding those things to my wife every now and then so she can't say a word about MY toys Anyways, I was looking around and I find this add on Tomy's website. Unfortunately I can't read Japanese and could not translate using a program cause the ad it is all image. All I know is that those metallic micro pets are not for sale on stores... I think it is some kind of mail in promotional campaign in JP only. I wonder if anybody can give me any information on how or where to get those... And if you are in Japan, can you help me getting a hand on one of those? Thanks guys
  7. All I know is I'm sooooooooooo bored confined in this place for 3 days :/ I think I gonna go outside with no shirt on, walk to the center of the street, open my arms up and shout "SHOW ME YOUR POWER!" as loud as I can... brb
  8. In Delray Beach everything is 'calm'. We got power all day, cable went down for some minutes, and nothing is flying alway yet... some heavy winds and the tree on the backyard looks like is going to OZ anytime though... It looks like the heavy stuff will kick on the middle of the night. I hope goes a little faster cause I'm getting bored and running kind of low on milk, what sucks. At least I have y'all to make me company
  9. Frances from Space...
  10. I live in Delray Beach just where they eye of the hurricane is supposed to hit. You are in front of the ocean, so I don't suppose you have to worry that much about debris... but with 150mph winds you really shoud take some kind of precaution. Most of those buildings should have hurricane shutters, if you don't maybe you could seal the windows from the inside with plywood. Tape windows is a waste of time and tape, since it can't really offer any extra strenght to the window. Not trying to freak you out, but, you are in the front line man... Your building will be taking all the heat before anything else and if you look at Homestead as a model, your building could not be there after the storm... Where does your uncle lives anyway? Is it an wood structure house?
  11. Is it out already? I'm looking for a recomended seller...
  12. Meh... you guys are too picky. The movie is being commercialized in the US as an action flick, something like a mix of CTHD and The Matrix... It is Sunday and I had to find something to trap my ADD for a couple of hours... I really enjoyed some scenes. Perhaps mby absolute ignorance of Chinese culture precludes me of being as critical as you guys... or maybe I'm just easily entertained... "Big Trouble in Little China" and Ninja 3 - Domination" both deserve best movie academy awards at 3:30 in the morning...
  13. Does anybody knows the dimentions of that thing? 2 kg converts to about 4lb right?... more than my cat weights... even if one pound is only box and packaging, 3lb of plastic is still a lot of plastic
  14. The tank is $7 bucks at Wal-Mart. I've seen it in stock today
  15. I wish I could find the VF-1 type at walmart... I think there's an ebayer scavenger in my area cause everything is always gone :/ There's a new GD around inspired on the Armada Megatron. It's has a significantly remolded head and torso and some nice features have been added including a handle on the tank barrel, an extra gun that can connect to the back of tank mode and a shield that creates a filler for the front of the tank mode making it look more like a real tank and hiding the head. The desert camu colors also looks much better. here's the beast:
  16. My first beef with this move started when they decided to put predators in the artic. WTF??? It was more than stressed in both movies that Predators only hunt on earth on very warm years, because the temperature gets closer to their natural habitat. I think it is stupid how they plot this movie on present time. I don’t love the setup on earth either. Screw the artic. At least set it in a hell-hot place like Mexico or something. I would rather have the ‘match’ in a mars colony or something more inspiring than a Mayan pyramid in the artic… Limbo’s concept for a better AVP movie: - Mars colony, miners and other crappy low-live metal extraction workers - Random murders occurring - Miner ignites random event that ignites alien infestation. Dies with his crew. - Alien infestation blamed for murders - Predators are the ones killing humans. Happen to be hunting the same human an alien is about to eat… alien gets impaled. - Humans keep getting killed by aliens AND predators. Lots of them. - Aliens mutation multiply faster than they get killed. Epidemic infestation. - Twisted alliance with predator when hero-chick saves predator from alien - Random deaths from ALL sides. - Mad human guy makes a desperate move. - Chain reaction imminent. Hero-Chick runs for her life. - Mars explodes. Eight planets left. - Everybody dies, except hero-chick who escaped in a ship or pod. - Credits. - Stunning revelation of an alien egg on ship. - Screen goes black. Chic screams. Sounds of agony and death. - The end. Wait for milking sequel next summer.
  17. Limbo

    Macross PS2 Game

    Does anybody knows if the game works with the HDLoader?
  18. yeah, it was on the same isle you find transformers. It was kind of burried at the bottom shelf behind other galaxy defenders...
  19. There is a similar thread going on the Macross toys board, however this board may be a better place for it... There is this galaxy defender toy who supposely borrows a lot from the Bandai VF-17. I find the toy at Wal-Mart today. I was surprised to find out that the galaxy defender is a completely different toy than the VF-17. Even as if borrows the transformation sequence and the basic stealth concept, the parts used are absolutely different and the toy even dares to innovate in some parts. I posted a whole bunch of pictures and some comments, including a side-by-side comparison with the VF-17. Click here to see the pictures / review.
  20. I find the toy at Wal-Mart today. It is better than it looks in the box pictures (the color scheme is camouflage gray, not blue). The toy comes with a gun pod, shield, sticker sheet and manual, The stickers are ugly and make it look more colorful than it should be. I posted a whole bunch of pictures and some comments, including a side-by-side comparison with the VF-17. I was surprised to find out that the galaxy defender is a completely different toy. Even as if borrows the transformation sequence and the basic stealth concept, the parts used are absolutely different and the toy even dares to innovate in some parts. Check it out here: http://www.limbo.com.br/galaxy/
  21. Best Buy sells used gear as new. I had problems with virtually every piece of equipment purchased there. And don't get me started on CompUSA....
  22. Yeah, good call! I just got one on ebay! Let me get the disk and if anybody else wants it, I can hook you up with mp3s and stuff..
  23. I wonder if someone here have a Neo-Geo CD with a Fatal Fury Special disk... I need a big big favor! I'm looking for the audio track from Tung Fu Rue stage... I heard this track like 7 years ago and I could never find the Neo-CD version of this music again!
  24. Am I the only one who dislikes the suit? :| It looks like a mix of robocop and Kamen Rider. And the shape of the head and ears is looking very very weird. I would go for a more amateur look. Screw this armor thing. I can't figure anybody making acrobatic moves and jumping buildings on that thing. The suit they use on the fanmovie "Dead End" looks much more Batman IMHO.
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