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Fokkers Fate

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. This is my first Destroid. I will eventually do more. I have done two transformable Valkyries as well. The VF-1S and VF-1J. You can email me at kevblee@hotmail.com if you are interested in purchasing a set. Cost is $12.76 if you live in the lower 48 US states. Response has been very postive so far.....very COOL! Yes, they do look professional as the time I take to do them is enormous! The idea of people being able to build what I created is really gratifying. I have just really started to unlock the CAD software and its potential on building Lego Instructions. So far, I have 2 manuals for sale. A classic Battlestar Galactica VIPER and the Macross Destroid. The viper takes 300+ parts to build....the Destroid is 663. I am not sure how much buying all the individual pieces would run......I have a lot of Lego Star Wars sets....and a lot of my parts come from those sets. The cool thing with Bricklink.com is ...you can buy as much or as little as you feel like at the time....especially is cost is a consideration. It took me several weeks to design and build the destroid from scratch......and to obtain the parts I needed to do so. This is really the 2nd version that made the cut for the manual. I am currently designing the Queen's Royal Starship from Star Wars Episode 1 in CAD......Big sucker! I have also recently completed a large Train Station....and am now beginning to build the instruction manual for that. Thanks again for the great response guys!
  2. Thanks for the kind words...anyone interested in purchasing a CD with the 60 page PDF, parts list, and photo stills can email me at kevblee@hotmail.com thanks again!
  3. Thanks for the great feedback....yes, it takes quite a few TAN slope bricks to build....and Bricklink.com is the place to get them! The shoulder torso missle bays both open....and it has "missile" bricks in each side. Cockpit opens, with removable chair for pilot....rear hatch to access. Legs have multiple hinges in the knees and feet, and ball sockets to attach to the center torso for leg rotation.......I tried to capture all the freatures on this mech that make it a TOMAHAWK.
  4. Hey guys, Just letting everyone know after 4 weeks of work,and God knows how many hours using CAD software and photoshop..... my CUSTOM Lego Tomahawk instructions are completed, and now available. The instruction manual is a 60 page long PDF, has over 100 steps, and the model contains 663 pieces. Finished model stands about 12" tall. Here is the cover page for the manual. Here is page 1 of the instructions. Here is my ad on brickshelf. Sorry if I should have posted this elsewhere...but Lego is a toy I guess.
  5. Well, it's heavy. They used a lot of metal on this one. However, it's smaller than I thought it would be. My GAKKEN one looks huge next to this. I think that this new one is more accuarate though. The paint on mine is about 95% ok. A couple areas look spotty, oversprayed with too much paint....which seems to be something these guys do a lot of. A nice touch is the section which opens for the mini cyclone to go into. Parts are delicate, and need attention when transforming. I'm at work now, so if anybody is interested, I'll shoot and post some pics maybe later on.
  6. and another angle....
  7. I've gotten more of these built and painted, just thought I'd post them...the scale works well I think with the 1/60 Yammies.
  8. My VF's are loosely based on the Foundry models, as I do have those instructions. But , I've made improvements on these. Their cockpits are too small, don't fit a complete figure, and don't have some of the details on the exterior that mine have. Also, my minifigs are all original piece-meal with custom made stickers. I have stickers for figures I haven't even made yet. I also have built the super armor as well in Lego, ... off I go to shoot more photos!
  9. Hey, like you'll get any help with that kind of language! Actually, I wish I had the software to make instructions for this stuff. I have no idea how to do that. Also, I'm on a MAC, ...does it even exist for a MAC.......by the way, here's another pic.
  10. Here's a couple of shelf shots of the Lego VF's and the destroid.
  11. Yeah, it's a Bigfoot, or Battlemaster, or whichever name you want...I'm sure it has 3 or 4 depending on which scenario it's used in. It's actually a 1/72 scaled kit I built, but it works great in the scale with these guys.
  12. A wide shot of my shelf...still a work in progress...
  13. Whoops, Geez, sorry....let's try that again.
  14. Here's the latest in my workings with trying to adapt some kits to use as Valk ground crew.... I think with original Yammie sets , the pilots are actually out of scale to the Valks, and these look better with the fighters. These kits are 1/72, but work way better than anything else, ... unless of course you have 1/48 Valks with 1/48 crew, which look AWESOME....however, the kits don't have these vehicles in that scale!
  15. Fokkers Fate

    1/60 Gbp

    Picked up my "armor only" package today as well for $40.00. Not bad. My legs and crotch piece have not fallen off. The problem I see is that with all the armor on , the figure is not "animation posable" as it is without. You can't pivit the legs with the armor on, so it looks kind of stiff. This is because the leg swivel joint is buried in the armor, with no way to turn as the armor is a tight fit. If you try the legs will pop off! Odly enough, if a MPC version of this armor is made, you will be able to turn the leg. Those swivel joints are high, and above the armored area.....HMMMMMMM. I think overall I'm happy I didn't pay the extra 60 bucks just to get a different figure. The armor fits fine on the Super Vf-1J I already own. And with all that armor, you can't see the darn figure anyway!!! Decals look good, but I still wish Yammies came with real decals, and not stickers. I always trim mine down, as I hate all the extra flash that is seen around the sticker. Just my 2 cents.
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